The World That Never Was 1

Your keyblade took you to a secluded round room where there seems to be nowhere out unless you had a keyblade to help you. The room was white, many tall chairs surrounded the place, except for one.

Your eyes widened at a figure sleeping on the lowest chair in the room. "Sora?" You ran towards him when an arm roughly pulled you back. "Ow!"

"Don't interfere, (Y/n)." Said a voice that made a shiver go through you again.

You turned around and blinked at Xehanort, the younger version of him though. The black clothes he wore reminded you of Roxas and the others. "Xehanort? You're with the organization?"

"So, you have at least heard of the organization…" He smiled to himself as he turned to you. "Yes, I am."

You narrowed your eyes in suspicion and took back your arm. "What are you up to?"

"Whatever I am up to, its not like you can interfere, correct?" He raised a brow.

You clenched your fists and turned back to Sora. You noticed he looked much younger than the one you met before. 'Am I in the past, or in the future?' you thought to yourself. You can never tell since the keyblade had a mind of its own, and you must go with the flow. To this day, though you have yet to ask, you had no idea why the keyblade chooses to bring you to different worlds at various times.

"What brings you here to where the nothing gathers?" Xehanort asked. "Or did the keyblade randomly brought you here to witness something?"

"Why is Sora sleeping?" You asked in response.

You heard a chuckle behind you. "Sora is currently in the deepest pit of slumber. Here, is where my future self will make him his vessel."

"What?!" You burst out and turned back to him. "His vessel? What are you talking about?"

Xehanort had a light smile on his face. "I have no reason to tell you, but I will say this: my future self has a task in which he needs Sora as his 13th vessel."

You shook your head in confusion and glanced back at Sora. He looked peaceful where he sat, though he was probably there against his will. "Xehanort, why are you doing this?"

Xehanort walked in front of you, blocking you from Sora. "Whatever the reason, you can not interfere. Unless you want to upset the balance…?"

You glared but couldn't help but frown at him. You hoped maybe, it wasn't really Xehanort doing this, but the cloaked figure from before. "Xehanort, what did the cloaked figure say to you? What did it do to you?"

"You mean, me? I did nothing that would change my fate." He chuckled. You nearly pouted at his words. "All that myself did was set me on my appointed path. At the time we met however, I had no idea I was talking to myself…" He closed his eyes and grabbed his chin in thought. "What do you call this? Déjà vu?"

Still confused at what he meant, you asked, "What do you mean you set yourself on your appointed path? And what do you mean 'your future self'? Does that mean-? Ah!" You gasped in realization.

"Correct. The cloaked figure, my heartless, is able to travel through time. As I said before, he only wedge in my heart the path I must follow. Or, to be more precise, the path I was going to eventually follow." He explained. "But don't worry, I can only travel back in time, where I've been before."

'Wha-? How…?' You thought in shock. From what you were taught from the master, you never heard of this happening before. You began to wonder if this new information could be found in the book of prophecies. You shook your head once again. "I don't know what you're getting out of this," You looked back at him with determined eyes. "But the light will prevail! You won't get away with this Xehanort."

Your keyblade flashed in your hand at that moment. Xehanort's eyes narrowed slightly as he took a stance to summon his own. "Are you really going to get in my way, (Y/n)? You should know its beyond your ability to repair your mistakes if you upset the balance…"

You shook your head as your keyblade began to glow. "Somehow, you know a bit more about me than I know about myself. As you know already, I can not meddle with the paths everyone takes, or change anything that may affect the future. But know this Xehanort, even if you wield the darkness to its fullest, the light will always prevail, no matter what."

Xehanort chuckled at your answer. "Oh I hope so. I honestly hope our paths crosses again, (Y/n)."

You stared at him when you heard a voice call out to Sora. You blinked and glanced at a younger looking Riku running towards his friend. "Riku?" You said before the keyblade flashed you to another world.