The Badlands 1

The next world didn't lighten your spirits as you gazed upon the badlands. The wind blew through your robe as you stared aimlessly across the landscape. You clenched the keyblade in your hand. 'Xehanort… what is his goal? Why Sora?' You thought before frowning at the thought of your friend. How badly you wanted to help, yet knowing any meddling on your part could make things worse.

You sighed when you heard footsteps behind you. The figure, wearing a black and red bodysuit, held a keyblade that made your eyes widened. 'That keyblade! It has the master's eyes, like 'No Name's!'

"You must be (Y/n). I've heard about you from master Xehanort…" Said the figure. "He seems interested in you for some reason, I don't see why though. You look like a wimpy girl that stays reading in a library.

You glared at him after eyeing his keyblade. "Says you, who are you anyways?"

"Doesn't matter who I am," He said as he pulled up a battle stance. "All that matters, is that Ventus won't be seeing you anymore after I'm through with you."

You summoned your keyblade, moving into a stance of your own. 'I shouldn't be getting into battles, but this guy seems serious in battling me…' You thought as you decided to remain on the defense.

The masked figure jumped towards you, his keyblade clashing against your own as you blocked him. "Let's see what you're made of!"

"Such arrogance, you're underestimating me…" You muttered and pushed him back with a force that caused him to land on his feet some distance away. "I will ask again, who are you? And who are you to Ventus?"

"That all you got?" The figure huffed before looking at his blade. "So, you at least know how to block… I'll give you that. You aren't a wimpy girl, but a coward…"

'Coward?!' You made a face.

He once again got close and attacked with greater force. You barely broke a sweat as you blocked him yet again. Over and over you blocked his quick attacks he began to throw as he tried backing you up. You gripped your keyblade and sent him flying back with more force than before.

He fell to the ground but quickly jumped back to his feet. "Not bad…" He said after standing straight. "That idiot is a pathetic version of me. He won't last long when it's time to come together."

"What do you mean?" You glared and readied your blade. "You better not plan on hurting Ventus!"

"Or what? You're going to break the rules to help your friend?" He chuckled. You clenched your keyblade as he placed his away. "Save it, there's nothing you can do time traveler. Mind your business."

"You-!" You began when the keyblade flashed in your hand. 'Why now?!' You frowned as the keyblade took you elsewhere.

You reappeared in Twilight Town and looked towards the market square from a road leading towards the clock tower. The keyblade disappeared and you clenched your fists. 'That keyblade... Who was that guy?! And Ventus… what's going to happen to him?' You thought sadly. You began to wonder if you did something to have his future become bad.

Before you can sink into your dark thoughts, a hand on your shoulder brought you back to the present. "Hey, if it isn't (Y/n)…" Axel grinned as he lowered his face to your level.

You blinked at his green eyes. "Axel!"

"Glad you got my name memorized. What are you doing around here spacing out?" He asked, putting his hands back at his sides.

You lowered your gaze. "I… was thinking about someone."

"Yeah? Who?" He asked.

You shook your head and smiled at him. "Just a friend of mine. What are you up to Axel?"

"Me and Roxas just came back from a mission. I'm getting us ice cream now. Care to join?"

You nodded happily. "Sure! I do want to try out that sea salt ice cream Roxas told me about."

Axel blinked as you both began walking towards the market. "You never tried it? Well today's your lucky day! I'll get one for you and Xion too."

"Thanks." You smiled brightly. You decided to enjoy your time with Axel and others and hope that Ventus was okay, wherever he was. You thought you should ask your friends here about the organization, but not until after you had your ice cream. Hopefully your keyblade will give you enough time for that.