Radiant Gardens 1

The next world was new to you. You checked your map and read the words that glowed over the top of the paper. "Radiant Gardens." You removed your masked hood and looked around. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. In the distance, you spotted someone running away while covering an eye. They seem in pain.

You squinted. 'Are they ok?' You followed them, hoping to be of assistance. You thought you might ask some questions if they have seen Ventus around.

When they stopped running, they collapsed on the floor, panting, and grunting in pain. Their good eye spotted you making your way towards them. "Who-? Who are you?"

"I'm (Y/n). Here, let me help." You got to your knees and reached out to him. He eyed you warily, then shifted his eye to your clothes. You handled his face with care as you inspected his scar. He winced when you touched the edge of it. "I'm sorry."

You pulled out some bandages and wrapped his injured eye and wound as best you could. After you finished, he smirked. "Thanks. Though I didn't ask for help."

"I wanted to, so there's no need for thanks." You replied as you stood up with him. You wondered how he came across those wounds. "What happened?"

"Just got into a fight with some kid. No biggie." He shrugged, shifting his gaze back to your clothes. He found them odd. "You're not from around here, am I right?"

"I'm not." You shook your head. "Just passing through. By the way, what's your name?"

"Braig." He replied. He grabbed his chin, studying you again. His penetrating gaze made you feel uncomfortable. You already stood out with your clothes, you didn't need to be reminded anymore. "You have a familiar vibe. Say, you don't happen to know a guy name Xehanort right?"

Your eyes widened, your heart beat quickening. "Xehanort…? You know him?"

He glared for a moment. "I got to give that old man a piece of my mind. Have you seen him anywhere?"

"He's around here? Where is he?" you asked him with an urgent look.

"I'm asking you!" He was taken aback when you grabbed his clothes. "What's with you all of a sudden?"

Your eyes flashed in forewarning. "Braig, I know we just met, and hopefully we can become friends, but I must warn you, stay away from Xehanort!" You didn't want any more people involve with him, despite you. "Tell me where you saw him last!"

"Down there…" He pointed to where he came from before. "Hey, do you know that kid-?"

"Thanks, Braig! Feel better!" You quickly ran before he could finish and hurried to find the old master. You ran into an underground water way and spotted the man looking over a railing. You narrowed your eyes and stomped towards him.

Xehanort looked over his shoulder and smiled in greeting. "Ah, we meet again time traveler. How have your adventures been so far?"

"Educational, but confusing." You replied, playing along for a bit. Hopefully you could get some answers out of him. "I'm sure you have been busy. What have you been up to?"

"Been doing some… recruiting you might say." His body turned to face you, his eyes ever gleaming in interest. "What brings you here? I doubt you find my company to your liking."

"I wish you were, except you chose a different path." Your reply brought a shameless smile on his face. "Someone was looking for you, that's all. I suspect you're the reason he's injured in the first place." You crossed your arms with a scowl. How many more lives was he going to ruin and intervene?

"I'm not so sure about that." He shook his head amusingly. You wondered if he enjoyed getting a reaction from you the way he taunted you. "He brought that injury upon himself. He was battling a key-blade wielder after all."

"You fought against-! Wait…" you stopped yourself. Braig mentioned a kid. The only key-blade wielders around that age range would be Ventus and the others. "You had Ventus fight him?"

"No, not Ventus. Terra." Xehanort corrected you. "I was testing the darkness within him. So far, I think he'll make a fine vessel."

Memories flooded through your mind as you remembered his younger self saying something similar. You pursed your lips, holding back tears. "Why are you manipulating my friends? What are you planning?"

Xehanort only smirked in response before turning away. You glared at his back, pondering what he possibly needed a vessel for. No matter the reason, he wasn't on the light's side.

"Xehanort, you may not remember me telling you this, but the light will prevail!" You shouted and ran off. You nearly collided with Braig when you reached the stairs. He was aiming guns at the master. Your eyes widened when your key-blade made itself appear, already blinding your face. "Wait-! Braig!"