The World That Never Was 2

You were mid-step when the key-blade transported you and you landed on your hands and knees. Wincing but pulling yourself together, you got to your feet and inspected the world around you. You nearly shuddered at the darkness of this world. You felt disconnected, like there was no hidden pathway connecting this world from another. It felt secluded. "Where am I?"

"You're in the world that never was!" Said a familiar voice.

You looked for the voice when your heart dropped. The figure that appeared from a dark void pulled back their hood with a smirk. Their one eye gleamed in the same way Xehanort eyes you, with interest and pleasure. "Welcome kiddo, it's been a while! Or maybe a few minutes ago, depending where you were last~"

"B-Braig-?" Your eyes were wide, a single tear trailed down your cheek. 'What… happened to Braig… has he sided with the darkness? I thought I warned him to… Why? What has Xehanort done?' Dark, sad thoughts swirled your mind as the man you once known as Braig walked towards you. Your knees felt weak, and your mind wasn't able to take this.

"The name's Xigbar now, (Y/n)." His grin was the last thing you saw before you fell unconscious.

You later woke up when you heard worried voices around you. Xion and Roxas were in the room with you. You had no idea how to feel about this, after realizing that Braig, no, Xigbar was in the organization too. With that in mind, you could only assume that your friends were unaware of being on the dark side. "Xion? Roxas?"

"(Y/n)!" They turned to you with smiles and concerned eyes. "We were worried about you. What happened?" Xion asked, getting closer to your bedside.

You sat up, recollecting your thoughts. You didn't want to say so much, to not worry them mostly. On the other hand, you had questions. "I don't remember. What are you guys doing here?"

"We came back from our mission when we heard other members talking about a girl who passed out outside the castle." Roxas explained. "We came to check who it was when we found you. Are you sure you should be moving?" He asked as you stood off the bed.

You gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, really. It isn't a big deal. But, where are we exactly?" You looked out the window, seeing an eerie yellow heart in the dark sky. "It's so dark here."

"Well, us nobodies live here. I'd say it suits us." Said a familiar voice. You spotted Axel leaning against the door frame, a smirk on his lips. "I heard from Demyx you guys ran here to check on the visitor…" he eyed his friends before turning to you. "I never expected it to be you. How did you end up here?"

"My key-blade brought me here. I don't know if it was by accident or not." You replied. You smiled seeing your friends again, although the circumstances weren't providing a happy reunion. "By the way, who brought me here?"

"It was Xigbar, from what we heard." Roxas explained. "Everyone was surprised when they saw him carry you here… Even more surprised when he convinced Saix to let you stay."

"I see… I'd like to thank him, if that's ok?" You replied after a moment. You wanted to know more of what the organization was up to, especially since it involved your new friends.

"Sure, I think he's still around the lounge." Axel motioned you to follow him, leading you to the said place. You examined your surroundings as you followed the trio through the white halls. How did this world come to be? It felt empty, surrounded by darkness with only the dim light of the heart above.

When you reached the lounge, you spotted Xigbar reading a newspaper, and another member there relaxing with an instrument in his arms. You had your eyes on Xigbar the entire time, studying his features. He was definitely the Braig you know. His scar, his laid-back attitude from before, and embarrassingly his lips. His good eye looked up to see you enter the room. His lips curled in a smirk. "Woke up so soon?"

"Huh?" The other member looked behind you after messing up a string. "Oh! You're that girl from earlier!"

"Yeah, this here is (Y/n)." Axel introduced you to them, his hand on your shoulder securing you to his side. "She's a good girl, so be nice alright?"

"I brought her in, didn't I? I don't think I need to be told that." Xigbar raised a brow. "Besides, I wouldn't want to hurt the girl who help me in the past." He grinned, making heat flow through your cheeks. Honestly, if he could, he'd wink.

"In the past?" Roxas blinked at his words.

You walked closer, standing before him. He eyed you with amusement and, to your displeasure, with a yellow eye. "Thank you for carrying me earlier."

"I thought I return the favor." He shrugged carelessly.

"You knew him before this (Y/n)?" Axel asked.

You frowned a little, not wanting to reveal anything, when Xigbar suddenly stood up. You were surprised when he laid a hand on your head. "That's right! Me and her go way back, you know? She helped me out before I joined the organization. She's a good girl alright."

Xion looked at you. "Is this true, (Y/n)?"

"Y-Yeah, you can say that…" You smiled sheepishly when your eyes trailed to Xigbar. He returned your gaze. With the grin growing on his face, he knew exactly what you wanted: to meet Xehanort.