The World That Never Was 3

Your friends followed you as Xigbar led you down a hall. You were quiet most of the time, thinking over your words carefully. Xion and Axel shared looks when Xigbar peeked at you from over his shoulder. He had a knowing smirk on his face before facing forward. Roxas couldn't take the silence however and grabbed your attention. "You know, I didn't think you could be this quiet. Are you nervous about meeting the superior?"

You smiled sheepishly over your shoulder. "No, I'm not nervous. I just don't want to leave a bad impression."

"What? What makes you think that? He isn't that scary, once you get used to him." Axel grinned.

Xion smiled a little when you giggled. "Alright, I'll keep that in mind."

Xigbar stopped to face the 4 of you. "Sorry guys, but lord Xemnas only wants to see the girl."

You weren't surprised by this, though Roxas was when he stepped forward. "Why can't we go in too? She's our friend."

"Just for a small chat. She'll be out before you know it." Xigbar reassured them.

You placed a hand on Roxas's shoulder. "I'll be alright. He isn't that scary, right?" You winked at Axel, who put a thumbs up.

Xigbar held out his hand when Roxas decided to give in. You smiled at him, he was rather sweet for someone on the dark side. Even though he probably doesn't know it. You took hold of his hand as a dark portal opened behind him. You shivered. "Is there no other way in?"

"Maybe, but we shouldn't keep the man waiting." Xigbar pulled you along, leading you through the dark corridor. Your friends looked on in worry, even if they didn't show it as you disappeared.

The darkness was suffocating to you. You never thought it was this bad since the others seem to travel here with no problem. You closed your eyes and tightened your hold on Xigbar's hand. The man, to your surprise, returned the gesture. "How much longer?"

"What, the darkness is too much for you, time traveler?" Xigbar snickered.

"I'm serious…" You mumbled, moving closer to him. You were honestly becoming afraid. You never been through this much darkness before. You stood close to him, afraid to be lost in this gloom.

"Not much longer." He replied, his gaze forward.

You walked further in silence, when you decided to ask, "What happened to you?" When he hummed in question, you sighed. "I thought I told you to stay away from Xehanort. Why is your eye yellow? Like his…" He no longer had brown eyes, but the eerie yellow of Xehanort's.

Xigbar chuckled, annoying you to the core. "Wouldn't you like to know." You sighed when he said nothing else.

You were glad when you finally saw light. The room that was revealed made your eyes widened. You been here before. The view made your grip loosen in Xigbar's hand. The man couldn't hold back his grin and pulled you along. The white room with 13 chairs sent a shiver through you. You looked around, thinking you might see Sora, when a deep voice grabbed your attention.

"Welcome, time traveler."

You looked up when Xigbar let go of you and jumped to his chair. You have yet to blink when you stared at the superior. He smiled down at you with amusement and fascination. His eyes flickered the same way, those unnerving yellow eyes. "Xehanort?"

"Xemnas, actually." He replied, his deep voice sending another shudder down your back. "However, I will let you on a little secret… This isn't my vessel of a body. It belongs to someone else."

You made a face of confusion. He had silver hair and yellow eyes, his original features. "What do you mean?"

"Use your head kiddo. I'm sure the old coot gave a hint or two before if you paid attention." Xigbar mentioned from his seat.

You crossed your arms, giving it some thought. Something about a vessel seem to sound familiar. Then you remembered the old Xehanort saying something like that before. Your heart beat quickened. "Wait, Xehanort said something about…" Your eyes widened once more. "Terra…?"

Xigbar grinned, snapping his fingers. "There you go! I was there too when the boy became Xehanort. Yellow eyes, silver hair… he didn't look like that Terra boy anymore!"

Xemnas floated down to your level when you fell to your knees. Tears trailed down your cheeks as you stared aimlessly in front of you. Terra, one of the first friends you made, became a vessel for Xehanort? You couldn't believe it. You looked up at Xemnas, who got down on one knee, taunting you with his smirk.

"What will you do? Change fate and save your friend?" He asked in a low whisper.

"Why?" Your voice breaking. "Why Terra? How is that possible? What did you do? Why? Why my friend-?!" He roughly covered your mouth, your hands grabbing his wrist at the pressure he used. "Mmph!"

"There is nothing you can do, except watch the future unfold, (Y/n)." He said calmly, as if explaining to a child why they couldn't get any candy as the others were given some.

You cried, staring at his face. Despite his eyes and hair, he did remind you of Terra. How, in the name of kingdom hearts, did he make Terra his vessel? You then remembered Sora, who was unconscious when you last saw him. Did he become a vessel too? You hoped not, as you let go of him.

You closed your eyes in defeat as he let go of your face. Instead, he grabbed your chin, facing you to him. You sniffled when he smiled softly. "You have a gift of traveling far into the future. Why don't you join me, (Y/n)?"

"Huh?" You blinked at his sudden offer when your key blade suddenly flashed into your hand, already preparing to teleport you.

Xemnas chuckled, moving away. "I'll give you some time to think it over."

You gawked at him, not believing what you heard. Xemnas and Xigbar watched with smirks as you vanished from the white room, while you hoped the key blade would take you to a happier place.