Haunted Mansion 1

You were once again surrounded by white walls. Only this time, the room was smaller, with a table and large window on the side. You sniffled, wiping your face when your key blade disappeared. You had so many questions, with more reasons to worry about your friends. Terra… and maybe Sora too, have or may have become Xehanort's vessel. The thought brought more tears, making you sob.

"Are you lonely too?" Said a soft voice.

You blinked then looked around the room. A blonde girl was sitting on a chair, with a sketch book on her lap. She gazed at you with worried, solitary eyes. "Are you ok? Who are you?"

"Oh, um…" You wiped your face again, facing her with a forced smile. "I'm (Y/n), what's your name?"

"Namine." She replied. She eyed you curiously, her blue eyes seem familiar. You came closer, getting a better look at her. "Are you ok? You were crying…"

You smiled embarrassedly. "Oh that, I'm okay. I was just worried about something."

"Worried?" She tilted her head, repeating the word. You couldn't take your eyes off her as she looked away in thought. She was memorable in a way, especially her eyes. She glanced back at you. "What were you worried about?"

"About… my friends." You frowned, casting your eyes down. The thought of them made you sad again. How you wished you could help them, without making things worse.

Namine gave you a sad smile. "Friends huh? I wish I had friends…"

Her words startled you, causing you look at her in disbelief. "You don't have any friends?"

She shook her head, lifting up her sketchbook. "I'm all alone here."

You stared as she began to draw. You looked around the room, seeing pictures on the wall. You went to take a look, eyeing the pictures with a smile. The drawings were cute, especially the way they were drawn. Although, the drawings seemed recognizable as well. "I like your drawings."

"Thank you." She replied, not taking her eyes off the page. She placed it back on her lap, erasing something.

You peeked at her, wondering why she never decided to explore the world outside. You went to look out the window, when you realized something. The mansion was surrounded by forest, with a town just beyond it. The sky had a familiar setting sun in the distance. You were in Twilight Town!

"Where did you come from?" She asked suddenly.

You turned to her, staring back at her blue eyes. Where have you seen them before? "I came from a different world." You said, going to sit at a chair across the table. "Why are you by yourself?"

"I don't know." She shook her head. Namine didn't say anything more regarding the matter, when she changed the subject. "What is your world like?"

You smiled. "It's a nice world, filled with light and friends I care about…" you sighed after going through a memory. "I don't know for how long though."

She hummed in understanding, taking a moment to find the right words. "Cherish your friends, while you still can then."

You nodded, already knowing that. But that wasn't as important as now. You studied Namine one more time. She seemed so lonely, being here all the time, drawing pictures of possibly people she wishes to meet. But her eyes… You gasped.

"Kairi!" you blurted out.

Namine flinched in surprise at your outburst, holding the sketchbook close. "Who?"

"Oh, nothing, just…" You went to take a closer look at her eyes. She was surprised at how close you were when you studied her. "Yeah, and Xion too… Your eyes are so much the same." You murmured to yourself.

Namine frowned in confusion. "Oh, ok."

You giggled, moving away. "Sorry for startling you. You just remind me of some friends of mine."

"I see." She frowned again, looking back at her sketchbook. Seeing her frown again had you rubbing your head in thought. It didn't seem like she wanted to leave the mansion. How she ended up here was unknown to you. More importantly, why did she look like Xion and Kairi. You held out a hand, surprising her again. "What's wrong?"

"Let's be friends, Namine." You gave her a bright smile, hoping to make her feel better. "Can I draw some pictures with you?"

Her eyes sparkled before she took your hand. "Thank you! And sure!" Namine ripped a piece of paper and offered a crayon. You quickly went to pull the chair closer and sat by her. You decided to draw a picture of Terra, Ventus and Aqua, while Namine drew a picture of the both of you.

The key-blade suddenly appeared, causing a sigh from your mouth. "It's time for me to go." You stood up as Namine gazed at the weapon in wonder. "I'll definitely come visit you again. Will you wait for me here?"

"Sure, I don't mind. Come back soon, ok?" She smiled softly.

"You got it." You nodded, closing your eyes as you left the mansion.