Daybreak Town 4

When you arrived back in daybreak town, and spotted Invi in the room you appeared in, you broke down. Invi gasped at your sudden flow of tears and ran to comfort you. After holding back while being with Namine, not wanting to worry her, you let everything out. Invi hugged and patted your back as you cried. She whispered comforting words and did her best to wipe your exposed face. "What's wrong, (Y/n)?"

"My friends! I don't want to lose them to the darkness!" You sobbed, wiping your face. Invi frowned behind her mask, rubbing your back affectionately. She led you to some chairs and sat both of you down. You cried a little longer, muttering words of despair when you finally ran out of tears. You sniffled, wiping your face one last time. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Are you okay now?" Invi asked softly. Her hand has yet to leave your back. She still rubbed your back to soothe you. You were glad of this, and you smiled in reassurance. Invi smiled in return. "Good. Now, I know you shouldn't reveal what you've seen in the future, so why don't we work on cheering you up?"

"Yeah, that's a good idea." You nodded in agreement. Invi offered her hand, which you gladly took and followed her out the room. The hallway of the clock tower made you feel at home. Your eyes were still swollen from your weeping which worried Gula and Ava when you spotted them down the passageway. "Hello Ava, Gula." You waved with a sheepish smile.

"(Y/n)! What happened?" Ava gasped and stood before you with Gula.

Invi glanced at you as you smiled sadly. You explained to them of your worry for your friends, and not wanting to lose them to the darkness. Gula listened and grabbed his chin in thought when you finished. "I see. I understand why you would be so depressed over this. You can't do anything while wielding the time travelling key blade. This is saddening indeed."

Ava held her hands before her, frowning with you. "Oh, I understand now. But (Y/n), you shouldn't give up on them. They're your friends. As long as they are of light, and have someone like you to guide them, although indirectly, they should be fine."

"I agree. Although it is sad, you shouldn't give up hope. You never know if something might change." Invi laid a hand on your shoulder.

Gula hummed again in thought. "But, if she changes something on her own accord, she might make things worse." You frowned at this, and Invi cleared her throat purposely at Gula. The young boy blinked behind his mask. He cleared his throat as well. "Well, losing hope is the same as losing to the darkness. Don't give up on it. Times nowadays are growing darker, but we still have hope, despite the inevitable. Light will always exist, no matter what. So, don't worry too much (Y/n)."

You smiled sadly with a hint of amusement. You had known Gula to be awkward in these situations. "Thanks, Gula." You hugged his small form to his surprise and prevented him from escaping him when he squirmed in your arms. You hugged him tighter. "I am feeling depressed, you WILL accept my hug!"

"B-But why me?! Why not Ava or Invi?" He stammered, hands on your hips to push you gently away.

The female foretellers giggled behind you. "No, this is more entertaining!" Ava laughed. "See Gula? You're making her feel better already!"

"Great job Gula." Invi chuckled as the boy sighed, giving up. You grinned in enjoyment when he awkwardly patted your back.


"I know (Y/n), your Chirithy told me." The master of masters said after you told him about your sadness from earlier. A slight frown was on your face when he closed the book in front of him. He stood from his chair, glancing at you from the side, then went to hug you. "Don't be so blue. Things will get better, I promise."

You hugged him back, with a full smile on your face. "Thank you master. I'm feeling better now though."

"Great! Because I know you have questions about your key blade!" He jumped away in his usual playful manner. "Lay them on me, I'll answer a few for you, my treat."

"Well…" You looked down at your hand, summoning your key blade. It appeared, glimmering in its own radiance. "Why does it take me everywhere without my permission?"

"It has a mind of its own, (Y/n)." You could hear the smile in your master's voice. He sat at his chair, casually crossing his legs. The movement made you snicker. "And because it has a mind, it somehow has feelings of its own too. It can also sense their wielder's feelings and acts upon it, transporting you elsewhere."

"Ok, but why does it take me to various times in the future?" You asked, a bit confused.

The master hummed, finding the right words. "Well, I suppose it feels like you need to see what's going on at various places. Even meet people at different locations. But know this (Y/n)…"

The master sat upright, his voice sounding serious. You held back a shiver at the seriousness of his words. "The key blade will not allow you to interfere with people's fates. You have a tendency of becoming quite emotional (Y/n). Which is why the key blade will teleport you elsewhere, to help remove those emotions. It will not allow you to help anyone, no matter what you feel or wish to do. As I said, it has a mind of its own, and a duty as a time travelling weapon. You may see events, but only watch them from afar. Being a part of people's lives as you explore other worlds is a gift of wielding it, but that's as far as it will allow you to do."

After hearing this, you had to admit, you didn't like how things have been turning for the worse for your friends. What's worse, all you can do is watch them as they suffer. You nearly frowned again when the master returned to his playful self. "I can't say why the key blade prefers sensitive people like you, but I surely like you (Y/n)! So, I definitely see why!"

"Thank you?" You smiled awkwardly. "Um, you mentioned the key blade has feelings…"

The master nodded, motioning to the blade. "That's right. So, if you try to ask or talk to it, it should respond in its own way. It won't always respond however, because most of the answers you're searching for, you already know. It's a special key blade. Though, that's for you to find out."

You hummed, gazing at it. You thought the key blade was unique indeed. When you smiled at it, the tip sparkled in response. You blinked in surprise, not expecting it to actually do something. "Wow."

"Any other questions~?" The master asked in a sing song voice.

You smiled, shaking your head. "No, nothing comes to mind. Thanks for answering them."

"No problem! Now, I'm sure you're tired from your journey… Why don't you relax while you're still around? Maybe visit Aced and Ira, or even Luxu. I'm sure they've been missing your company." The master patted your shoulder when he stood before you.

"I will." You smiled merrily.