Daybreak Town 5

The next morning, after you rested well, you decided to follow up on the master's advice and went to check on the other foretellers. Chirithy appeared beside you as you made your way to a secluded area you knew you would find Luxu. "Master (Y/n)! Good morning!" They chirped.

You smiled down through your mask at them. "Good morning. Oh, I wanted to ask you something…" You stopped to face it. It let out a startled yelp when you picked it up. "Why do you never appear whenever I travel to different worlds?" You liked your Chirithy, their company and advice were always welcomed. However, yours never appeared when you traveled.

"Oh! Um, well…" Their paws came together as they searched for the right words. "I mean, I'm always watching you. Its just so much goes on around you that I just keep myself hidden. You're always surrounded by other people, and you look happy, so…"

You smiled softly then hugged them to you. "Aw, Chirithy… you're my friend too. I know a lot has happened, but no matter what, you're always by my side on my journey. I want to hear your voice more, ok?"

"Yes, Master (Y/n)." A pink hue appeared on their cheeks, causing you to giggle and cuddle it further.

When you reached a cliff overlooking daybreak town, with a good view of the clock tower, you spotted Luxu sitting on the ground, staring at it. He looked behind him. By the way he shifted, you could tell he was surprised to see you there. "(Y/n)! It's been a while…"

"Yeah, apparently our roles have kept us apart." You sat beside him, staring at the clock tower. He followed your gaze and sat with you in silence. After admiring it for some time, you began small talk. "About your role, I guess I won't be seeing you around much, huh?" You faced him with a sad smile.

His hood lowered. "I guess so…"

You looked at the clock tower again. You haven't seen Luxu much since he's been assigned his role, as well as the others. You decided to cherish this moment. You let out a small sigh, when you heard Lux shift closer. You glanced at him.

"I'm… worried about the others. I think, they still need the master's guidance. But he's leaving…" Luxu muttered his uncertainties.

When Luxu said nothing more, you asked, "What will you do now?"

"I'll stay for a bit, and watch this world as I was told to do… No matter what." For a moment, you thought you heard a hint of sorrow in his voice. And you understood why. When the inevitable comes, it's all he could do, the same as you.

You leaned closer to Luxu, resting your head on his shoulder. After a moment, he laid his head on yours. There was a silent bond between you two, a bond regarding your positions as foretellers. As Luxu was supposed to disappear and hide with the box and No Name, you had a duty to live on in the future, with the help of your key blade. The point was, you each had to leave behind your friends here in Daybreak town. While their world falls apart, you both live on for the sake of the light.

"I don't want the master to leave." You said in a low whisper. "Nor do I want this world to fade along with him."

"Me neither." Luxu whispered when you closed your eyes.


After you left Luxu, you travelled back to the tower to find Ira. You found him in the foreteller's meeting room, looking over the book of prophecies. You almost shook your head. You called out his name as you entered the room, and he lifted his head. "(Y/n)…"

"Still looking over the book?" You smiled and sat at the round table, removing your hood. You've gotten used to doing so on your travels. You noticed the master wasn't around. "Is the master around?"

"I'm not sure." Ira replied, closing the book. You made a face. That was odd, you began to wonder where he would have gone. Ira returned his gaze to you, although he stood silent.

You faced him, tilting your head in confusion. "What's wrong?"

"Actually, I'd like to ask you that…" He began as he came around the table. You blinked when he brought a chair closer and sat beside you. "I heard you were crying yesterday. It worried me a little."

"Oh, I'm sorry." You cast your eyes downward, looking away. You had your hands folded on your lap. "About that, I'm fine now, really. I was just worried about something."

"I know, but…" He looked away as well. You tilt your head again, wondering why he was acting this way. He faced you again. "You were there for me when I was feeling down before. I just thought, you would come to me when you were feeling the same…"

Your eyes widened behind your mask as you stared at him. Your lips parted, unsure how to respond to that statement. You broke into a smile, feeling your heart swell with joy. Ira cared a lot more than you thought. "Thank you but, Invi was there when I came back, then Gula and Ava came along. I didn't want to worry you since you've been busy reading the book…"

Ira reached out and laid a hand on your head. You were a bit surprised at this, but you didn't flinch away. "I know, but I'm your friend too. I'm here for you, even when I'm reading the book." He stroked your head. "I'm glad you're ok though."

You smiled cheerfully. "Thank you, Ira. Honestly, you have no idea how happy this makes me feel."

"You're welcome." Ira smiled, patting your head before standing up. You did the same when he asked, "By the way, have you seen the master at all today?"

You frowned. "Not at all." This worried you a little. You hoped he wasn't leaving so soon. You decided to look for him after you make one last stop.


You were heading to the spot Chirithy showed you where you last visited Aced. Along the way, you enjoyed the scenery and sunlight along with it. How you loved this world, your home. You approached the warehouse when you heard something shocking. "I want us to form an Alliance."

'Whoa, what?!' Your heart almost stopped at those words. Alliances were forbidden by the master. You hid around the corner and listened to the conversation. You felt bad sneaking around, but it couldn't be helped. You couldn't believe your ears.

"Alliances are forbidden!" You heard Ava afterwards. Ava was there too? You heard another voice, which belonged to Gula. What was going on?