Daybreak Town 6

You found Ava sitting by the fountain, looking gloomy. You frowned at her, then walked towards her. "Ava."

You heard her gasp before she turned around. She must have been deep in thought about everything. "(Y/n), have you... Have you heard?"

"I... I heard, I was there listening." You sat beside her, briefly glancing at the water behind you. "I'm glad you decided to keep the master's teachings."

"Yeah." Ava sighed, looking down at her lap.

You looked down at your lap as well. The conversation still bothered you. Aced formed alliances with Gula, and supposedly Invi is reporting everything to Ira, causing suspicions. Honestly, you didn't know how to go about everything. And from what you heard, the master was gone. You frowned deeply, your hands folded tighter on your lap.

Ava noticed this, and laid a hand on yours. "(Y/n)?"

"I... I don't like how the others are becoming suspicious of each other. I don't know how to help without changing anything..." You sighed again.

"I know. But, what did you think about Aced? I don't think it's a good idea to form alliances, it was strictly forbidden." Ava shook her head. "Even if the master isn't here-"

"His teachings still stand." You nodded with her. "I agree. Forming alliances, in a way, is an imbalance of power. But, I don't think Aced is tainted by darkness. What he said... It's just what he believes. I don't know, maybe there something we don't know."

You both sighed at the same time, which caused you both to giggle. Ava smiled at you. "What will you do now? Things seems to be getting hectic around here..."

"I guess I'll check on everyone else before time traveling again. I want to see my other friends, see how they're doing." You replied with a faint smile.

Ava smiled happily for you. "I'm glad you made more friends. Also, thanks for being here with me. Another key blade wielder was here earlier to cheer me up. You're both very kind."

"Ephemier right? Isn't he one of the chosen dandelions?" When she nodded, you looked towards the sky. The sun was setting. "I see. I hope your dandelions turn out to be the hope this world needs."

"I don't know if it's for this world, but for others." Ava whispered. You thought of your other friends, hoping they'll be around for a long time. But the friends you had here... When you glanced at Ava, she gave you a bright smile. "Don't worry about us. We'll always be here for you, I'm sure."

"Thank you." You smiled with her, holding hands in promise to be there for each other.


You went to visit Ira next, finding him in the master's office. It was late and he was going through the book, as expected. You smiled, entering the room. "Hello Ira."

Ira looked up, sending you a small smile. "(Y/n), you stood around?"

"Yeah, I want to see how everyone's doing before going out on an adventure again. How are you holding up?" You sat at the table, watching him close the book and straighten his back. "Are you Ok?"

"I'm fine. But, I take it you heard what happened..?"

"Depends on what you mean. I've been hearing a few things lately, and they weren't good so far." You frowned behind your mask.

Ira took a deep breath, then explained what happened during a meeting they had. You listened closely, though it bothered you. A traitor among them, maybe among their unions, and the nightmare snooping around...? This was concerning. When he finished, you let out another sigh. Things were getting hectic.

Ira sat at the table with you, watching you carefully. "What do you think?"


He looked away. "I didn't expect it to go that way, the meeting. But this incident, I never found it in my book."

"Oh. I wouldn't know, since I don't have the book. Master never gave me one. But, I now understand where Aced got his idea from. So, this nightmare... May I see it?"

Ira held out his hand, and the nightmare appeared, rubbing his eyes. You moved closer, curiously looking over its form. It was different colored, and didn't share the same cheerful personality like the other chirithies. You poked him. The nightmare swatted you away and crossed his arms. He wasn't friendly.

The action you made had Ira smiling at your innocence. "(Y/n), what do you think?"

"He isn't friendly." You pouted, poking the nightmare again. The nightmare swatted you away, even shook his arm in annoyance.

Ira's chuckle made you look at him. "(Y/n), what will you do now? There isn't much you can do, given your position as a time traveler."

"I know, don't remind me..." You mumbled sadly, standing up to pace around.

Ira stood up with you, the nightmare vanished from his palm. "What's wrong?"

You hugged yourself, frowning at your thoughts. Was the darkness coming sooner? Was the inevitable around the corner? How did the nightmare come to be, and whose is it? Why wasn't the master around at such a crucial time? What will happen to your friends? You sighed. "I want to help, but I can't."

Ira watched you sulk, then smiled sadly. He patted your head. It reminded you of the master. "Don't sulk, it's not like you."

"I can't help it. Everyone seems to be turning on each other. Aced wants to form an alliance, Gula agreed... Invi and you are being suspected to be working together, and Ava... I'm worried the darkness will come when everyone has turned their backs on each other."

"That's not true. I wouldn't say everyone is against each other. We're just... More careful since we don't know who's tainted by darkness." Ira looked towards the book.

"But after what happened during the meeting, it looks like Aced is being targeted as the traitor. I don't think he's a traitor. He's just going about what he believes. I know it's against the master's teachings, but..." You followed his gaze.

Ira sighed. "I understand what you feel, (Y/n). I know I started the meeting wrong, and it caused them to doubt each other, I take responsibility for that." You blinked at him. "But, as I said before, this incident isn't in the book of prophecies. I'm still going through it, to see if I've missed anything. But I have yet to find anything related to this. Invi also hasn't found it in her book."

"Invi? You've spoken with her?" When he nodded, you made a mental note to visit her tomorrow. You wanted to see everyone individually before departing. "I see. So, you're saying, the one that has the incident recorded, may be the traitor?"

"I would guess so, but I'm not for certain." Ira glanced at the window. "It's late, let's get some rest."

You sulked a little, still wanting to talk a little more. Everything was still going through your head. Ira took your hand, causing heat to flare in your cheeks. "Come on, tomorrow is another day to ponder things. But tonight, we rest."

You smiled, tightening your hold on him. "Ok, thank you."

"I'm here for you (Y/n), we all are." He whispered. You smiled happily, nearly skipping beside him as you left the room together.