Daybreak Town 7

You couldn't sleep. You tossed and turned for most of the night, still not being able to find rest. So much was going through your mind. You sighed, giving up and deciding to take a walk. Chirithy appeared when you opened your door. "Where are you going master?"

"For a walk, want to come along?" You glanced at it, smiling.

"I'm always by your side, of course I'll go!" It jumped off the windowsill and ran after you.

You walked through the sleeping town, watching the sky and counting stars. Chirithy skipped after you, trying to keep up, when it pointed somewhere. You followed it's gaze, spotting Gula walking silently around a corner.

"Master, I believe that was Master Gula..." Chirithy hugged your robe as you stared where he last was. Why he was walking around this time of night worried you. It wasn't like him. Was he not able to sleep either?

"Indeed it was." A thought came to mind, then you picked up the pace. You caught up to him, right before he could leave the alley. You grinned, then tackled him to a wall.

"Ah! What-?! (Y/n)?!" Gula gasped and nearly summoned his keyblade. Chirithy squeaked and disappeared in a puff. His yelp must have startled it.

You laughed, caging him against the wall. "Sorry! I couldn't help it! I had to do it!"

"Seriously, you almost scared me half to death (Y/n)..." He sighed, trying to calm his heartbeat.

You hummed playfully. "If that's the case, you must have been up to something REALLY suspicious then..."

Gula gaped. "That's not true!"

"I'm only messing with you, Gula!" You playfully pinched his cheek, although gently. However, you still had him caged against the wall, causing him to blush. "So? What are you doing out here at this time of night?"

"I could ask the same for you, but it isn't my place..." He looked away.

You tilt your head, watching his profile. He was hiding something. "Gula?"

"Hm?" He glanced at you from the side, avoiding your eyes. It bothered you. You nearly frowned at his behavior. When you said nothing, he reached out and pulled the good luck charm you had around your waist. You gasped. "What's this?"

"My good luck charm! A friend of mine from a different world made it for me~" You smiled happily, gently taking it from his hands and holding it to the sky. "If you shine it to a light, it points the way where you need to go."

"Is it accurate?" Gula turned to better inspect it. He was interested in the little trinket, in which you allowed him to take it back. "It looks nice..."

"There is a bit of magic in there, I can sense it, but I haven't tried it out." You smiled sheepishly.

He hummed, turning it this way and that, before placing it back around your waist. "I see. That's good, (Y/n). Having connections are important."

You nodded, watching him carefully. He knew something, yet he wasn't willing to share it. It's not like you could change anything given your position, so there was no reason for him to be secretive. After a moment, Gula cleared his throat, looking elsewhere. "So um, could you...?"

You couldn't help smiling widely at his flustered state. He was adorable. You decided to tease him a bit more. "Could I what?"

"Well, um... Move away? You're awfully... Close..." Gula fidgeted, and did his best not to meet your gaze.

You smiled gently. "Come on, Gula. You can talk to me. What's got you walking, or sneaking, around at night?"

"I'm not sneaking around! Just, I couldn't sleep..." He blurted out, then caught himself.

You hummed in your playful suspicion, then grabbed his hand. "Me either! Let's take a walk together!"

"Hey, wait!" Gula yelped as you pulled him along.


"Isn't it pretty? The sky is always the same, no matter where I go. So beautiful and vast... No matter how much time has moved ahead, the sky always stay the same..." You told Gula as you both laid on a roof, watching the stars together.

Gula watched the twinkling lights. "People believe them to be stars, others believe them to be other worlds... What do you think?"

You giggled, despite you. "Is it possible to believe they're both?"

"That's... I don't understand what you mean. A star is one thing, but a world is another." He turned his head to look at you. His lips parted when he saw you stare at the sky with wonder in your gentle eyes. "(Y/n)?"

You stared a little longer, collecting your thoughts. "If you really think about it, they're kind of like both. Each star is a light not tainted by darkness. They may be worlds, because light is still strong and flowing through the hearts of people. No darkness has tainted them, so they shine beautifully and bright, fighting against the darkness. Like us foretellers. We share the teachings of light, to ensure the future has not lost to the darkness... Or maybe, each star is a heart lost in the darkness, if you want to look at it that way..." You turned to him. "Does that make a little sense? It sounded clearer in my head..."

Gula smiled gently, although in amusement at your thoughts. "I think I understand now."

"Good! I told you what was in my head, now it's your turn!" You moved on your side, propping your head.

Gula gawked. "Were you trying to make me spill what's in my mind this entire time?"

Your eyes softened. Whatever he's thinking about, has really got him worried and cautious. "Do you really think I'd do that?"

Gula sighed after a moment, looking away. "No, it's not like you." You waited a little longer, then he opened his mouth. "There's a page in the book of prophecies, that isn't in the other books, which the master gave me, to find out who the traitor is."

Your eyes widened slightly. What bothered you, is that you weren't surprised.

"It gives me one clue, but, I can't help but think it's-" you stopped him before he could say anymore.

"You don't think it's Aced do you?" You blurted out.

He sighed. "Like you said, it sounded clearer in my head."

"But, Aced hasn't fallen to darkness. He's just..." You frowned behind your mask, trying to find the right words.

Gula sighed and sat up, hugging his knees. You followed him. "That's why I couldn't sleep."

You frowned a little, watching his sulking figure. You scouted closer, your sides brushing ever slightly. Gula didn't flinch, nor moved away like usual. You went over your thoughts, as the silence between you seem to stretched. "You know, sometimes I wonder if this is all a big test to see if we trust each other."

Gula made a small noise. "If that's the case, I think we're barely getting a passing grade. Since the meeting, everyone has been looking over one's shoulder. Everyone has their own agendas, their own roles, their own beliefs. No matter what, it doesn't change the fact that the inevitable is coming. I can't trust no one, but myself at this point."

You sulked, a sad smile on your face. "Not even me, huh?" Gula whirled to face you, but you held up your hand to stop him. "It's fine, it's understandable. At this point, you can only trust yourself. That's just how it is now."

"(Y/n), that's not what I-" Gula began, when you suddenly kissed his cheek. By the way his lips parted, you could tell his eyes were as wide as saucers. "(Y/n)-"

"Gula, I only ask that you trust me when I say this: I'll always be here for you, no matter what." You had held his hand at one point, squeezing gently to prove your words.

Before he could say anything, your Chirithys appeared, startling both of you. "We're always here for you too, masters! Don't forget about us!"

"Of course not! There's no question about it!" You giggled, just before they disappeared in their puffs of smoke.

Gula cleared his throat. "Sometimes I forget they're constantly watching us..."

"Why is that?" You blinked at him. You never would have expected him to forget them.

Gula faced you, his hand squeezing back. "When I'm with you, nothing else matters. The world just... Disappears, and you and me, are the only ones left... Does that make sense?" He tilt his head. When you said nothing except grin happily, he cleared his throat, clearly flustered again. "I could try explaining it more, so that we both understand... Just give me a second to-"

"Gula! You're too cute! I understand it your logic perfectly!" You giggled.

"You didn't say anything! I thought you needed some more guidance in what I was trying to say-!" Gula blurted out as you continued to giggle and laugh. "Why are you still laughing? It wasn't even that funny! It isn't funny!"

"I'm sorry! It's just you're so flustered, I can't help wanting to tease you!" You giggled one last time, stifling your mouth to hold back.

"You're unpredictable and incorrigible sometimes, (Y/n)." Gula said with a sheepish smile.

Even as you continued to spend time with him, your hands refused to let go of one another.