Daybreak Town to The World that Never Was

The next day, you went to visit Aced at his usual spot at the warehouse. You decided to visit Invi after this, then travel to another world. As you would have expected, Aced was surprised to see you there. You smiled when he stood from a crate to greet you. "Morning Aced."

"Morning, (Y/n). What brings you here?" He asked.

"I'm not allowed to visit my friend?" You smiled innocently, jumping unto a crate.

He looked to the side, lips parted in thought. "Well..."

You tilt your head. You hadn't seen him since he declared for alliances. You wondered if he would dare to ask you. You watched him a moment longer, when he turned to you. By the looks of it, he was determined about something. "(Y/n), I'm sure you already know."

"Maybe, what about it?" You held your hands over your lap, watching him carefully.

He took a deep breath. "I won't ask you to join me, for I know where you stand in your situation. But I have to ask, would you have joined me?"

He stared back at your (f/c) (f/a) mask with hope twinkling in his eyes. Your fingers twitched, before you held your hands tighter. How could you answer that question? You didn't want to let him down, nor let him think he was on his own. Before you could answer, your keyblade flashed into your hands. You both stared at the blade in surprise, as it threatened in its own way to take you away. Did it sense your troubled thoughts and wanted to help somehow?

Aced nearly grunted, then clenched his fists. "I'm sorry for putting you on the spot, (Y/n). I forgot how sensitive your keyblade is. It truly has a mind of its own."

You frowned slightly, then stood off the crate. He watched you stand before him, then flinched when you gently took his hand. "(Y/n)...?"

"Aced, I don't think you're wrong, or tainted by darkness." You declared after a moment. "You just think differently, and have your own opinion. I would understand why you would form alliances."

"Then, you-"

You shook your head, stopping him. "But let me just say this: just because the master isn't here, doesn't mean his teachings have changed. He forbid us from forming alliances, because of an imbalance of power. However, I am wondering why you would form alliances, when everyone is already out to fight against the darkness. What makes you think we don't have a sort of alliance right now?"

Aced opened his mouth, but stopped mid-breath. You thought hopefully you got him thinking for a while, before he tries something else that may cause a misunderstanding. You squeezed his hand, pulling him out of his thoughts. "Aced, I'm glad you think we all need to come together to fight the darkness. That we should work as one instead of facing it alone. This shows you're not tainted by darkness."

He smiled a little, but said nothing else. You glanced towards the window, watching the sun shine brighter into the room. "Well, I'm going to travel again today. I'll see you later." You went to the entrance, when he called out to you.

"Wait, (Y/n)!" When he grabbed your attention, he gave you a full smile. "Thank you. I'm glad you were here today."

You smiled with a giggle. "Aw Aced! That's so sweet of you!"

"Huh? H-hey!" He gawked when you tackled his waist. "What are you doing?!"

"Giving you a bear hug silly!" You giggled again. He was fun to tease as well.

"I don't need hugs!" He grabbed your arms, gently trying to get you to let go of him.

You looked past his chest, peaking at his red cheeks behind his mask. He was looking everywhere else, but you. You smiled happily. "I'm glad I was here too, Aced. Let's talk more often, I like talking with you."

"S-sure." He grunted. You gave him another friendly squeeze, when you felt a large hand on your head. "I'll give you a bear pat instead."

"That's not a thing."

"I-its not?" Aced looked down at you with wide eyes. You couldn't help laughing at him.


You went to visit Invi, and found her walking over a bridge in the town. You ran towards her, waving an arm. "Invi! Good morning!"

"(Y/n), good morning." She smiled beneath her scarf. You hugged her waist, squeezing her playfully. She chuckled and gently patted your back. "You're more chipper than usual. Did something happen?"

"You can say that!" You jumped away with a big grin. You were really happy. From all your visits with the other foretellers, you felt you've grown closer to them. "What about you, Invi? Where are you off to?"

"I was about to visit Ira. Have you already visited him?" She asked.

"Yeah, yesterday. You're my last visit before I travel again." You glanced at the book in her hand. "Have you read the book already?"

"Not yet. I recall the master didn't give you book, correct?" When you nodded, she hummed. "I see. I wonder why. However, I do understand why he wouldn't do that. The book of prophecies reveals a few things that may be unsettling to you. With your power, you may have an urge to change things."

You pouted at her words. Honestly, you did wonder what was inside. But at the same time, you had the ability to go into the future and see things firsthand. Which, in a way, was more fun.

Invi patted your head. "(Y/n), why don't you go ahead and travel? I need to finish up some reports. I'm glad I got to see you before you left."

"Oh, ok. See you later, Invi." You gave her one last hug, before running off to a secluded area.


To your surprise, you were brought to the land that never was. Only this time, you appeared in a deserted hallway. You wondered if Roxas, Xion and Axel were around, and walked down a direction. You walked until you reached an open staircase, then looked over the railing to the floors below. You thought the castle's structure was interesting, with its white walls, unique shape and silent halls.

Your thoughts were interrupted when a hand clasped your shoulder. It caused you to flinch. "You're that girl who suddenly disappeared. What are you doing sneaking around?"

You turned to face the voice, staring back at the amber eyes of the blue haired male. He glared softly, clearly annoyed at your presence. You glared back. "I'm not sneaking around. Where did you come from anyway?"

"That is none of your concern. Again, what are you doing here?" He gripped you tighter, his glare turning harsher.

You swatted his hand away, putting some distance between you. As you glared back, you could already tell he wasn't the type to make friends easily. "THAT is none of your concern."

The man took a step forward, when you heard a familiar voice. "Haha! I see you guys are getting along well!"

"Xigbar! Is this where you've been all this time?" The man glared up at Xigbar who was in the ceiling. You blinked at how irritated he looked. He must seriously hate Xigbar.

"Whoa there, this isn't about me~" He jumped from the pipe he sat on, and landed behind you. You watched him reveal himself from his hood, and send a grin your way. You blushed, then quickly turn away in a huff. "This here is (Y/n). Lord Xemnas doesn't mind her walking around here at all."

"Is that so? And why is that?" The man raised a brow.

"You can say, she won't be getting in the way." Xigbar grinned his signature grin with a finger his lips. The man glared in suspicion, and Xigbar went to your side to pat your head. "Come on, Saix! I mean, look at her! You think an innocent girl like her would get in the way of anything?"

You held back a groan, giving Saix a shy grin. How Xigbar thinks he can pat your head freely bothered you. Saix sighed as he turned away. "If she does, I'll be the one to deal with her."

He left you both alone, and silence enveloped the staircase once again. Xigbar stood before you, leaning down to your level. He had a playful smile. "Hello (Y/n)."

"Braig." You muttered.

"What? I didn't hear that clearly, these old man ears are starting to get to me..." He cleaned out his ear with a pinky, then leaned his other ear towards you. "What was that kiddo?"

You pouted, then muttered, "Xigbar."

"Ah! That's what I thought!" He chuckled, standing to his full height. "So (Y/n), what brings you here? Looking for that trio of friends?"

"Trio of-You mean Roxas and the others? Yes I am!" You nodded.

"I'm sure they're still around. I can take you to them if you want...?" He held out his hand. He had a mysterious look on his face. With his smirk and glinting eyes, he was definitely up to something.

You stared at his hand, then looked at his face. No matter what, he couldn't harm you. But you couldn't be careless. Nonetheless, you took his hand, and he grinned as he gently held your limb.