Dark introductions part 1

Xigbar led you by the hand, through their empty white castle and talked about a few things that you expected he'd keep a secret. Since you weren't a nobody, or a part of their side, you'd think he keep some things confidential. But no, not with this guy. He doesn't care if you knew everyone's deepest, darkest secrets. It's amazing how much he knew about everyone.

With another trademark smirk, he concluded another secret behind Xaldin's anger issues and why he finds 'love' a nuisance. "There you have it! Don't tell him I told you."

You had an exasperated look. He had no idea what privacy meant. "Oh, well, it's... interesting how you all had interesting live-I mean, memories before becoming a nobody."

Xigbar nodded, failing to let go of you when you tried to. "That's right. Not much we can hold on to anymore. Not all of us can go back to the old days, you know?" He gave you a pointed look.

'What's that supposed to mean?' You thought with a scowl. You shook the thought away. "Anyways, where are the others?"

"I'm taking you to them. But first, Yo! Marluxia!" He waved towards a member who had just appeared in a flurry of petals. The way he appeared, made you wonder if he was the type to be full of himself.

With a blossom in hand, Marluxia faced you as you approached, flipping his hair with a show of his petals. "Xigbar, I'd imagine what you would want to speak with me about..." He glanced at you. "But by the looks of it, you've ensnared a beauty to your side."

You blushed at his words. He's a charmer as well. Xigbar couldn't help his grin, then pulled you closer to his side like you were the best of pals. "You're interested in her too, huh? Lord Xemnas find her interesting as well. I think he might want to recruit her too."

Marluxia smiled faintly, the blossom disappearing from his hand. "I'd be surprised. What's a flower like her doing in here anyways?"

"She's looking for her friends, Roxas, Axel and Xion." Xigbar explained.

Marluxia raised a brow, shifting his gaze back to you. "You've made 'friends' with those 3? Although, I've heard they've been around each other a lot." Marluxia closed his eyes in thought.

You wondered why he said it like that. Are the nobodies not allowed to have friends? "Have you seen them?" You asked.

"I have not. I'm sure Xigbar will show you the way though." Marluxia motioned to him.

You made a noise in the back of your throat, glancing at the male. You were impatient to see your friends. You were starting to wonder if he could just teleport you through the darkness if the way was quicker. Then again, you didn't want to go through that endless gloom again. The thought sent shivers down your spin. You sighed. "Ok, never mind, thanks. Come on, Xigbar."

"Alright, we're heading out. See ya!" Xigbar walked past him, dragging you along.

Before you could walk past the pink haired male, he laid a gentle limb over your shoulder. You stopped, along with Xigbar. Marluxia summoned a flower, then lowered it to your eye level. He had a small, teasing smile. A kind that indicates you wouldn't see the last of him. "Though our meeting was short, I look forward to seeing you again, (Y/n)."

You took the blossom, smiling and trying not to blush any further. You thought you heard Xigbar mutter something, before being pulled again. As you sniffed the flower, the scent making you smile, you wondered how Marluxia knew your name.


Xigbar led you into the lounge, where you found the guitar fellow again cowering before a blonde girl. By the looks of it, she was irritated with shocking knives in her hand. "Well?! Want to explain what you were doing in there?!"

"I didn't mean to barge in-! Hey! That girl!" The boy spotted you with wide eyes, then hurried to your side after the girl was distracted. His guitar disappeared before he clung to your arm. "Please save me!"

"What?" You blinked, glancing at the girl again. She was in no mood, yet she was curious in seeing you there.

Xigbar grinned at the two. "What's going on here?"

"She tried to kill me!" The boy whimpered. His eyes traveled to yours. "Hey, you've helped Xigbar before right? Mind helping me too?"

"Uh, well, he was injured-" You began.

"Please! I don't wanna get injured!" He whined.

You sweat-dropped. He wasn't like the other members. You could already tell he wasn't reliable in battle. "I can try."

"We'll see about that." The girl approached you. Xigbar moved away to better watch the scene. "Who are you anyways? You don't seem to be a member of the organization."

"No, I'm not. I'm actually looking for some friends of mine." You glanced at Xigbar, who smirked in response, then glanced at the boy behind you. "But, what's going with you and... uh, what's your name?" You asked the boy.

He blinked. "Huh? Oh! Name's Demyx!" He smiled.

You smiled in return. "Nice to meet you Demyx."

The girl rolled her eyes. "It's none of your business. But if you really must know, Demyx was in the wrong bathroom."

You gawked, stepping away from Demyx to face him. "You went into the girl's bathroom?!"

"I didn't mean to-! Wait, who's side are you on?" Demyx frowned in exasperation.

"That's the 3rd time this week you've done it, idiot!" Crackles of electricity flowed through the girl's hair in anger. She had summon 3 more knives, ready to throw them at him.

Part of you wanted to move out the way and find your friends. But knowing you couldn't leave a damsel-You mean, a poor soul in need, was out of the question. You sighed and stood before him, shielding him from her. You heard him squeal in relief. "Leave him be. As you said, he's an idiot. He can't help his nature."

Xigbar chuckled, as Demyx made a noise in astonishment. The girl glared at you. "Who the heck are you and what are you doing here? You don't belong here girly. So beat it! I've got a peeping tom to deal with..."

"Peeping tom?!" Demyx gawked.

"Not one day can pass without you throwing a fit, Larxene. Honestly, can't you go anywhere else with that horrid attitude?" Another voice chimed in.

You all faced a long haired male with deep green eyes, as he entered the hall with an annoyed look. When the man looked at you, his eyes widened in curiosity and surprise. "My, who is this interesting specimen?"

"Who, me?" You pointed to yourself, even though it was obvious he was staring at you the entire time. Larxene made a comment about him leaving his underground lab/dungeon, as he walked briskly towards you.

"Indeed." He grinned when he stood before you. He lowered himself to better inspect you and your clothes. His eyes roamed over you like you were the only one of your kind. Well, according to this world, you technically were. "Where, dare I say, are you from?"

"A world far from here." You nearly chuckled at the way his eyes sparkled at the sight of you. Although it was a creepy in a sense. "Um, who are you?"

"Ah, forgive my eager curiosity. My name is Vexen, number 4 of the organization. A pleasure to meet you my dear." He introduced himself, taking your hand and kissing the back of it.

"Ah, nice to meet you too." You smiled, hiding your surprise at his gentlemanly gesture, albeit sweet. However...

"Whoa, what?!"


"What's going on here?!"

"Vexen knows how to be a gentlemen?"

"He left his lab?" Axel was the last to be heard from everyone's surprise.

You glanced at your trio of friends as they walked into the scene and smiled brightly. "Axel! Roxas! Xion!" You ran towards them, giving them big hugs.

Roxas laughed when he got his hug, and sheepishly rubbed his head. A pink hue appeared on his cheeks. "Hey (Y/n)! It's good to see you again!"

When you hugged Axel, you blushed when he held you a bit longer. He leaned close to whisper in your ear. "Want to claim your prize later on?"

It took a moment for you to remember, then you nodded against him. "Sure."

"We were worried about you. We're glad you're ok." Xion hugged you back with a kind smile.

When you moved away, you gave her a look. "Worried? Why for? I'm okay, see?" You spun around in your robe. You heard Vexen comment on the clothes, as Larxene left the place muttering how annoying it was to see everyone being 'chummy'.

Xion giggled softly. "I see that. It's just..." She had a worried look on her face. "When you left to see Xemnas, you were there for a while."

"She met Xemnas?" Demyx commented behind you. You wondered not why he was still behind you.

You stared at her as your mind wandered. How much time has past since you last been here? You glanced at Xigbar, who was sitting casually and comfortably on the couch with his arms outstretched over the pillows. He smirked faintly, watching everyone from behind the scenes.

"Yeah, we thought maybe he did something traumatizing." Roxas frowned with her.

You shook your head after Axel gave you a questioning look to spill the beans. "Don't worry. I just had a long talk with him. I think he wants me to join your team or something."

Roxas's and Xion's eyes widened in excitement. "Really?!"

You smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, it's nothing really."

"That's surprising, yet not surprising..." Axel muttered to himself.

Before you could comment on that, another member appeared with a large man beside him. Your eyes widened at how big he was. The smaller male however, nearly made you giggle at his hairstyle. You almost wanted to go over there and comb his hair out of his face. The small male spotted everyone and hummed. "Oh? Have you all already heard?"

"Heard what?" Roxas turned to him.

"Lord Xemnas called for everyone to a meeting. He says he wanted to introduce a new member." The small male explained.