Dark introductions part 2

"A new member? Vexen raised a brow.

"Huh." You crossed your arms. Your gut feeling was right. Xemnas was recruiting you, without your permission, into the organization. Knowing full well you couldn't do anything such as revealing or mentioning whatever secrets he had, in his own way, he was torturing you with how helpless you are in your situation.

The large male noticed you. "Who is she?"

"Oh, possibly the new recruit. Lord Xemnas mentioned they were unique in appearance." Zexion came closer to inspect you. He gave you a light sniff to your surprise. His eyes widened in wonder. "Interesting, yet familiar..." He was lost in thought for a moment, before he grabbed his chin. "Have we met before?"

"Have we?" You tilt your head. You don't recall meeting him in your travels. You would have definitely remembered someone with his hairstyle.

Xigbar chuckled in the background. "Have you indeed~?"

The large male watched you silently, when another member had appeared. Locks tied up in a pointy tail, and a side burn going over his cheeks, the man grunted as he entered the scene. "Lord Xemnas hasn't arrived?"

"It doesn't seem so." Marluxia appeared next. He glanced your way with a smile. "We meet again, (Y/n)."

You smiled sheepishly, still wondering how he knew your name before now. "Nice to... meet you again, Marluxia."

Before the flower male can reply with a sly smile, Larxene had appeared annoyingly through a dark corridor. "Really? Right when I was about to shower."

"Back so soon, Larxene?" Vexen held back a chuckle. A few others did the same, including yourself.

The girl glared at him, when another appeared. You held back a scoff when spotting the blue haired male. What was his name? Saix?

You turned away before you could make eye contact. Apparently, a not so gentle hand laid on your shoulder, squeezing slightly. "You're still here?" Said the grumpy, scarred man.

You rolled your eyes, turning with a small smile after Roxas commented you were welcome here. "I am. Haven't you heard? I may be the new recruit."

"You?" His eyes narrowed.

You stared into his pale, amber eyes. You nearly wanted to ask if they were fading in color to become like Xemnas's. Or even, Xehanort. However, the scar on his face was a more interesting story at the moment. "Hey, how did you-?"

"Ah, I see everyone has arrived. I'll keep this brief then..."

The deep of the organization's leader made a shiver go down your spine. You slowly turned around, as others turned attentive to Xemnas, with his mysterious eyes watching you as he came closer. "Has everyone already made acquaintance with our new recruit?" He gestured to you.

All eyes were on you now.

"So you are the new recruit..." Zexion nodded, confirming his thoughts. The large male beside him stood quiet as he analyzed you. You felt his stare intensified in his own interest in you.

"I am not surprised. She is quite capable of being one of us..." Marluxia's shone as he gazed at you. The man with locks raised a brow at you, his eyes betraying his interest in you as well.

"What? Her?" Larxene raised a brow. "Where did you find this weirdo with odd clothes? I mean, is she going to wear the organization's coat or not?"

"Does it really matter where she comes from, Larxene? At least she comes from somewhere more exotic than whatever dump the lord found you..." Vexen rolled his eyes as he came to your defense. He then smiled excitedly your way. "I for one think she's fascinating and deserves to be one of us."

Axel, along with the lock haired man, stifled a laugh, as Demyx and Xigbar laughed to their 'hearts' content. Marluxia and Xemnas still held knowing, mysterious smiles towards you, ignoring the chaos brewing as Larxene summoned her weapons. "What was that?!"

"I am also curious, Lord Xemnas. Where did you find her?" Saix asked from right behind you. You looked over your shoulder, he was watching you.

Lord Xemnas chuckled lightly. To think Xemnas, rather Terra, could seem so shady, bothered you. "She found us."

That simple statement rose more questions. However, another chuckle sounded in the room, and you glanced at a blonde male who you have not noticed until now. Probably because the large male was blocking your view of him. The male twirled a card in his fingers, a playful smile on his lips. "Well, welcome to the organization. What is your name, little one?"

"When did Luxord get here?" Axel whispered to Saix.

You cleared your throat, when Xemnas spoke up. "(Y/n)-x."

Lord Xemnas smiled playfully when you faced him. Really now, how far is he going with this? You watched him carefully as he came to your side, your friends backing away slightly as he stood beside you. He then addressed the members, one by one, as he introduced them. "These are the members of the organization, (Y/n)-x..."

You looked around the room as he gestured to each member. "Xigbar, number 2, the free-shooter..." Xigbar grinned teasingly. You blushed, eyes widening in embarrassment as you faced the next member.

"...Xaldin, number 3, our whirlwind lancer..." Xaldin watched you with his arms crossed, his beautiful, amethyst eyes scanning you carefully, despite his scowl.

"...Vexen, number 4, the chilly academic..." Vexen rubbed his chin, grinning at whatever thought he had in mind.

"... Lexaeus, number 5, our taciturn stalwart..." The large man merely stared silently, his scowl wasn't as bad as Xaldin.

"...Zexion, number 6, the cloaked schemer..." When you glanced at the smaller male beside him, you couldn't help your heart straining an emotion you couldn't place. Did you really meet him before? He stared back in the same manner, trying to place a memory to mind.

"...Saix, number 7, luna diviner..." You gulped when you faced him. He scowled your way, although softly, then looking away to the side.

"...Axel, number 8, our assassin of dancing flames..." Xemnas whispered that last part in your ear, his breath tickling you and making you shiver at how close he was. You glanced at your taller friend. He smiled, giving you a playful wink. However, what Xemnas said worried you. How was Axel an assassin?

"...Demyx, number 9, our melodious nocturne..." You sweat-dropped at the male. You haven't noticed him on the couch, with his sitar in hand, messing with a few strings. He then glanced at you when he noticed you both watching him, then waved.

"...Luxord, number 10, the gambler of fate..." Luxord made a card disappear, sending a playful wink as well.

"...Marluxia, number 11, our graceful assassin..." Marluxia twirled a flower in his fingers, smiling gently as he nodded your way.

"...Larxene, number 12, the savage nymph..." The said girl glared daggers your way, literally. Her hand still held knives cackling with energy.

"...Roxas, number 13, our keyblade wielder..." Roxas smiled happily your way.

"...And Xion, number 14, our recent member who also can wield a keyblade..." Xion gave you a closed eye smile.


"...And lastly, number 15, (Y/n)-x..." Xemnas placed a hand on your back, causing you to look at him. He smiled down at you as if he found what he was searching for all his life. "Our time traveler..."

Before you could say something, he addressed the group. "That is all, you may return to your duties." He then glanced at Saix. "I leave the rest to you." With a final look your way, a smile still having you wonder what else he has in mind, he disappeared in a dark portal.

As other members disappeared in their own portals and return to their duties, Xigbar stood from his seat, the teasing grin still on his face. "Well! Glad to have you on board, (Y/n)-x. Hope to go on a mission together soon."

"Same here!" Roxas nodded along with Xion and Axel. However...

"I wouldn't be excited just yet..." Saix pulled you away form your friends, holding your arm. "You're going on your first mission with me. I will personally see to it you learn your place here, (Y/n)-x."

You shivered at his glare. Your friends exclaimed in the background as a dark portal surrounded you both.