Wonderland to Radiant Gardens part 1

"Can you not just drag me in here without giving me a moment to prepare myself?!" You cried out as the endless gloom around you seem to buffet your clothes.

Saix casually walked ahead of you, obviously used to his surroundings. "Don't fall behind." He said gruffly.

"Easy for you to say! I don't come here often!" You sighed in exasperation, running after him. The darkness seem to push you back, wanting you to be left alone and lost. You refused however, to let it consume your trembling heart. You had to admit, the darkness was suffocating to the point you feared of being trapped here forever. Even with the 'great' time traveling key-blade at your side. Or maybe, you felt this way because Saix was the type of person to leave you behind to fend for yourself.

Right before you could grab hold of his sleeve, a light shone before you, and soon you appeared in a rather dense forest. Something was different though. The leaves were large, the flowers were huge, and there was a really big mushroom nearby. You dead-panned. "Did we shrink?"

"It happens when we come here." Saix replied, looking about the area.

"Sooo, we DID shrink?" You glanced at him. You saw his shoulders tense up in annoyance, then heave out a sigh. "We're not getting squashed here right?"

"Focus." He turned to you. "There are heartless here. Your mission is to steal their hearts and prevent them from causing trouble. Should be easy for a key-blade wielder. I'll be assessing your battles skills while you're at it."

You gulped. You aren't suppose to get into battles, neither show off your powers. You had to stall him somehow. You were alone with him, so you thought you ask some questions that's been on your mind. "Uhm, mind if I ask why you dislike my company?"

Saix merely stared with his usual scowl, crossing his arms. "That's not important."

"Uh, yes it is, if we're going to be working together." You smiled a little at his reply.

He sighed after a moment, closing his eyes in thought. You waited patiently, hoping your adorable charm can squeeze a personal response out of him. "I have a few memories of my past, yet with you..." He turned to you. "You seem familiar, yet I can't picture you. When I try, you're blurry, and seem to fade into the light."

'Ok, wow...! And on the first try!' Your eyes widened a bit at his revelation. You guessed Saix wasn't all that bad. Maybe. "Well, I am a time traveling key-blade wielder. Maybe we have met?"

"Maybe." He sighed in annoyance. You guessed he didn't want to share that with you so soon?

"Can you tell me where we are?" You nearly flinched at the glare he gave you, but he reluctantly nodded.

"This is wonderland. Not much to know except everything, and everyone is an odd character here. You're only here to find heartless and get rid of them while I assess your fighting skills." You were about to say something when he gave you another glare. "Stop stalling."

'Geez... Ok, plan B...' You summoned your key-blade, who glittered beautifully in your hands. Almost like they were trying to impress the existing party. When you sneaked a peak at Saix, he may not have showed it through that scowl of his, but his eyes seem to shine in awe. You felt bad about this, but your duty as a time traveling key-blade wielder at this moment was top priority. You turned around and brought the key-blade closer to your lips. "Now is a really good time to travel-!" You whispered hastily.

"Travel where?" Saix asked behind you. You thought quickly as your key-blade began to glow, then dashed into the dense over-growth. "(Y/N)-X!!!" Saix called after you.

"Ahhh!" You squealed as you ran from the lunar diviner. You could hear him stomping, slashing and pushing aside the plants as he ran after you. "Oh my gosh hurry up!" You held up your key-blade, waiting for the light to engulf you. Saix was right behind you, when you glanced at him, your heart did a front flip for all you know. Saix was in berserker mode!

"(Y/N)-X! GET BACK HERE!" He roared, getting closer.

"Over kingdom hearts I will!" You yelled back. But you had to admit, he was too close to you now. Saix reached out to you, just as you were about to travel, grabbing hold of something you hadn't noticed falling out of your pocket. Your good luck charm. "NO!"


"Ugh!" You fell to the ground, knocking into something when you were still in mid-run. You groaned and clutched your stomach, using the key-blade as support. "Oww! What did I-?" You gasped when you looked below you. "Oh my gosh!"

You quickly got off the small figure, who was dreadfully unconscious, and checked to see if they were still breathing. "Oh my-! Are you ok?! Hey! Wake up!" You shook them gently. Getting a better look at them, you blanched at the small trail of blood going down his forehead. "Oh my gosh I tackled Zexion!"

You cried out in anguish when you hugged his child form. You held his limp body tight against your chest. "I'm so sorry Zexion! I didn't mean to! I didn't see you there! Wait-! What are you doing wearing a lab coat?" You asked his unconscious form. You noticed his hairstyle hasn't changed, and found his past self adorable. 'What a cute little boy playing dress up as a scientist!'

Despite holding the poor boy in your arms, your mind went back to that berserk Saix, clutching your good luck charm. You frowned deeply, carrying the boy in your arms. 'I'm sorry, Aqua.' You sighed, glancing at the boy. You thought it wrong even thinking about that now when there's a bleeding boy in your arms. "Let's get you some help first."


"Can someone help?! I ran over a kid!" You made a face. 'Yeah, that's something you yell out in the middle of a central square..' You mentally scowled yourself. You sighed and placed Zexion's form on the ground.

You knelt beside him, wondering how you have yet to find help here, and took out your key-blade. You mentally asked for forgiveness from your master, as you prepared to heal the boy. This art was forbidden to use outside of your time, and vastly draining, yet you wanted to help Zexion, after nearly killing him yourself. Not only was it forbidden, but you forgot why it wasn't allowed in the first place. Nonetheless, Zexion needed your help.

As the key-blade shone and rose over the boy, you closed your eyes, your form shining along with it, and placed your hands over his heart. A ray of light pierced through your hands to his heart, while you whispered a few words to help you concentrate. "...As your heart is your guiding key, let it also be your healing sanctuary..."

You opened your eyes and noticed him opening his as well. His form was glowing as the blood quickly disappeared. His one eye turned to you, widening in surprise. You weakly smiled, feeling the drain already. 'Aw man, this isn't good. This is way too exhausting. I need to train more when I get back to my time.' You took uneven deep breaths as the boy stood up before you. He barely past you in height. You smiled the best you could. "Sorry I ran into you. Are you ok?"

He nodded once, watching you silently. You nodded back, when you felt a shiver down your spine. You looked around you, noticing heartless, no, the unversed forming around you. 'Oh no, not now!'

"Get behind me!" You warned the boy, who quickly did as told. You tried your best to stand, using your key-blade as support. You gripped your blade tighter. 'Now I remember... they're attracted to my light...'

The unversed jumped and slashed at the air tauntingly towards you. You glared at them, doing your best to summon the key-blade's power. The key-blade however, was being stubborn and refusing to lend you it's power. You thought probably because you used too much of its power to heal Zexion, or maybe it knew you weren't supposed to use the forbidden technique and refuses to help you. Either way, now wasn't the time to act useless!

The boy suddenly moved in front of you, arms outstretched to protect you. Your eyes widened in surprise, yet when an unversed jumped towards you, he hugged your head, taking a deep breath.

"Get back!" A familiar voice sounded. You looked up and saw Ventus slash at the unversed, creating an opening. "Make a run for it, (Y/n)! I got this!"

"Ven! Thank you!" You smiled in relief and grunted to your feet. "Come on!" You said to Zexion. The boy pulled on your robes, pulling you to safety the best he could, as you stumbled after him.

After the battle was over, you met Ventus halfway into the square and hugged him tightly. He blushed in surprise. "I'm so glad you came Ven! I was worried for us! I couldn't do anything to protect us!"

Ventus patted your back, as the boy continued to watch you silently. "I-it's ok, (Y/n)! Don't worry about it."

You stood back, smiling happily despite your weakened state. "Right. But seriously, thank goodness you were here."

"It was nothing." Ventus blushed a bit more, scratching his head. "They were pretty easy to defeat! I'm surprised you couldn't take them on!"

"Ha, ha haha ha... Yeah, me too!" You laughed sheepishly. You spotted a figure walking towards you, and nearly gaped.

"Ienzo! There you are!" Said the figure. He wore a lab coat as well, long blonde hair and green eyes were his most noticeable features. 'Vexen!'

You stood back as Ven chatted with Vexen, and held your key-blade arm close to your side. It comforted you, as you started to feel light headed, almost wobbly in the knees. 'Side effects? This isn't good.' You hadn't noticed Ienzo jogging towards you then hugging waist. "Oh! Uh, bye Ienzo." You smiled sheepishly when he took another deep breath, then followed after the retreating scientist.

"Are you alright, (Y/n)? You don't look so good." Ventus frowned at you. "Did those unversed do something to you?"

You smiled the best you could. "No way! I'll be fine, really!"

He didn't seem convinced, but nodded anyways. "If you say so. Come on, I heard Terra might be this way!"

You followed after him, ignoring your fading focus.