Hollow Bastion 2

"Saix!" You called out to him, running full speed.

Saix stopped walking through the dark landscape, glancing over his shoulder. "So, you finally decide to show yourself. What a pleasant surprise..."

You stopped a few feet away, your key-blade at the ready. "You have something that belongs to me."

Saix hummed, then pulled out your charm. It glowed in the darkness, filling you with hope. "You mean this? I suppose it does belong to you. I'd never have something like this with me."

"Saix..." You stepped closer, imagining him breaking it right then and there. "I'd like it back please."

"You think I'd let you take back something precious to you, without working for it?" Saix turned around, fully facing you with a dangerous glint in his eye. "Do you really want it back? Exactly as you see it?" His fingers curled around it, threatening to crush it in his grasp.

"Please!" You wanted to reach out for it. However, you felt he will destroy it before you can take it back. "What do you want?"

Saix smirked in triumph. "Your help." You stared as he continued. "As I'm sure you know, Axel ran off somewhere. Find him, and let me know where he is."

"Saix, I..." You frowned, feeling like you'd be betraying your friend. "I can't just-"

"Do you want this little toy, or not?" Saix glared. You whimpered, failing to glare at him. When you said nothing else, Saix placed away your charm. "You're part of the organization, are you not? There will be times where you won't enjoy what you do. So, find him, and report back to me. When you accomplish that, I'll return your little charm."

You wanted to groan at his request, you didn't want to stalk your friend. "Fine, promise?"

Saix raised a brow, then held out his hand. You came close and took his hand. He pulled you close to whisper in your ear, causing you to blush. "You best do as your told, or it won't be your toy that breaks."

You shivered at his threat, as he disappeared from your sight. 'What is his problem?' You frowned, when your Chirithy appeared. "Master! Are you ok?"

You let out a sigh to calm yourself. "I will be. Though I don't like what I'm about to do..." You rubbed your head.

Chirithy nodded in sympathy. "You must really care about that charm, huh?"

"It's not just that. That charm was the first gift I've ever received from the first friends I've made when I traveled. It's special." You frowned again. "However, I don't want to do this to Axel."

"Maybe you can explain your situation to Axel? He's your friend after all! I'm sure he would understand!" Chirithy jumped onto your shoulder.

You smiled at it. "You're right." You sighed, holding out your key-blade. "Let's hope you're right though."


Your key-blade took you back to Hollow Bastian, where you suddenly felt an animosity in the air. "Whoa..."

"Master! I feel a bunch of heartless around!" Chirithy tightened it's hold on your shoulder. "Be careful!"

"Yeah, there's a lot of them..." You walked towards an edge nearby and looked below. Your eyes quickly spotted Xemnas, also looking over an edge. "Xemnas!"

"Oh dear!" Chirithy puffed away, leaving you alone.

You watched another figure approach him, soon after, Sora and his new friends. "Sora is here too?"

You listened to the conversation as best you could from where you stood, only catching a few bits and pieces. From what you can hear, Sora is looking for Kairi and Riku. You wondered if the organization had them, when you saw the figure jump after Xemnas into the void. You frowned when Sora fell to the ground, looking defeated. He must really miss his friends. You wanted to go down there and comfort him, even possibly meeting his new friends.

Your eyes widened when you spotted Axel behind the trio. "Ah! Axel is here too!"

"Well done, (Y/n)-x." You turned around to find Saix appearing from a void. "You did as told and found Axel." You made a face, wondering if he was following you, when he shook his head. "However, you failed to report to me where he was. Therefore, I can not give your little toy back."

"What?! I just got here! And he appeared just now! You can't just-!" You heard him chuckle to your embarrassment. "What's so funny?"

"It was a joke." With a small smirk, he held out your charm, then tossed it to you.

You caught it with a pout. "Very funny."

Saix went to your side, looking over the ledge. "Axel has been acting against the organization. He'll be punished for this."

"What? What are you going to do? Don't hurt Ax-!" He silenced you by grabbing your mouth. It reminded you of Xemnas, who did the same thing when you first met him. "Mmmph!"

Saix placed a finger to his lips in a shushing motion. "Whatever happens, you can't do anything, can you?"

You blinked. Did he know about your situation? Did he know Xehanort too?!

Saix let you go as he disappeared again, leaving you on your own. You rubbed your cheeks, going through your thoughts. 'I promised to stay away, but it's hard to do so when my friends are getting hurt... Is it because of me?' You thought sadly.

"Master?" Chirithy appeared by your side.

You glanced towards Sora, who was now speaking with Saix. You didn't see Axel anywhere, which you hoped he was safe. You sighed. "Come on Chirithy, let's go."

"O-ok." It nodded, hopping onto your shoulder and leaving to another world with you.