Haunted Mansion 2

You appeared in a familiar setting, and smiled towards Namine by the window. Just this once, you wanted to speak to a friend, as your Chirithy disappeared from sight. "Hey!"

Namine turned with a start, then smiled brightly. "(Y/n)!"

"I hope I haven't been gone for too long." You walked closer.

She shook her head. "Not at all. I was merely giving my hand a break from drawing..." She flexed her fingers. "Oh! I drew a picture for you!" She quickly went to grab it from the table, and handed it to you. It was you and her holding hands in a field of flowers. "I had just finished, I hope you like it!"

"It's so cute! I love it so much!" You hugged it to your chest. The gift made you so happy you wanted to tear for some reason. "I'll keep this with me for ever."

Namine blushed and let out a giggle. "Thanks!"

You looked over the table, at the scattered papers, drawn and blank. "I'd like to draw you a present as well. If that's ok?"

"You don't have to..." Namine looked away shyly. "I merely drew that for you as thanks, for being my friend."

You smiled. "I want to though. Here..." You went and grabbed a few pieces of blank paper, after placing away your present in your cloak. "Sit with me as I draw, and I can tell you my adventures to the different worlds out there. But not too much though! I want it to be a surprise." You winked.

"Really? A surprise?" Her eyes shone so beautifully. "Ok! I'd love to hear about them!"

She sat with you at the table, close enough to see you draw out what you can of all the beautiful landscapes you've come across. As you drew out the oceanic scenery from Destiny islands, you described the salty air and breeze from the sea, as well as the sandy beach with the occasional sea shells you could collect for fun. Your drawing was mediocre and childish at best, but Namine cherished it and said it was wonderfully drawn. You blushed at how happy she was, and grabbed another paper. You drew wonderland next, describing the large greenery and flowers the best you can. She laughed when you mentioned you thought you shrunk when you visited the world, and you couldn't help laughing with her. You left the part about Saix out, since you thought he wasn't worth mentioning.

You drew out the garden of Disney castle, describing the shrubs that were formed in cute figures. You even described the mouse queen you saw and drew her in there as well. You explained she looked really cute, and was a rather kind, sweet queen. Namine smiled at the story, commenting how cute the pink dress you tried drawing was. You then drew the vast starry sky when you first arrived in the land of departure, and added the meteor shower as well. The blues and purples didn't mix as well as you wanted, but Namine thought it looked beautiful, as you did your best to draw the meteor showers.

For the next drawing, you drew the setting sun from twilight town, from the clock towers view. You did your best to mix yellow, orange and red just right to bring out the full beauty of the sky. You added yourself in there, eating a sea salt ice cream for fun. "Here in twilight town, I ate my first sea salt ice cream! It was salty and sweet, and really delicious! I'll get you one next time."

"Thank you, I'd love to try some!" She giggled as she received the pictures, then smiled fondly at them. "These are wonderful, thank you so much for sharing."

"I have more where that came from. But first, I want you to meet someone. Come out Chirithy." There was no rule about keeping chirithys hidden, so you didn't think it would be bad for Namine to meet them. When Chirithy appeared, it hid behind your shoulder, peaking out at Namine. "This here is Chirithy, I'd like you to be friends with them as well. Say hi Chirithy!"

"H-hello.." They said shyly, waving a small paw.

"Oh how cute!" Namine gasped at the small being. "Nice to meet you, Chirithy!"

"Nice to meet you too!" They blushed. I laughed and held them out to her. "Whoa!"

"Here, you can pet them. Their fur is really soft!" I grinned at Chirithy, as it looked between us.

"Oh really? Can I?" When I gave the ok, she petted Chirithy, feeling his soft fur. Chirithy seem to smile in delight, as Namine giggled happily. "You're right! They're really smooth!"

"Thank you." Chirithy blushed, rubbing his bashful face. You and Namine shared amused smiles, as it tried covering its red cheeks.

Before you had to go, you drew one more picture, with you, Chirithy and Namine in that order, eating sea salt ice cream and watching the setting sun of twilight town.