Chain of Memories

You had traveled again. As usual, you would appear in an unfamiliar setting, indicating a moment in time in which your keyblade wants you to see. White walls again, when Chirithy mentioned they were in castle oblivion. Now, you had not expect to see a younger looking Riku, speaking to himself. Chirithy was on your shoulders, watching him as well, as you both were cloaked in an invisible spell. "Who is he-? Wait, I sense someone else here!"

"Yeah, me too." You looked around, sensing another entity in the room. Riku had already knew you assumed, as he continued to speak to whoever was here. That was when a dark portal had opened, causing you to stiffen. 'Wait, the organization is here?!'

Who appeared in the portal, was another person you've never met before. The darkness around them was thick and scary, you nearly shivered. Chirithy sensed your distress, and held onto you tighter. "That guy is bad news! He's made out of darkness!"

"No kidding..." I glanced at Riku, who stared at the man without fear. You assumed he had already crossed paths with this dark person, and already used to the darkness. Now that you think about it, there was darkness in Riku. You wondered what happened to him, as Ansem smirked at him. You watched the 2 converse, and you clenched your fists as Ansem tried luring Riku back into the darkness. From the looks of it, they were going to battle. You noticed a small light appear when Riku was thrown back from Ansem's shield, and you couldn't help wondering who it was, when Riku gasped, "Your majesty?!"

"Your majesty?" You wondered who he was referring to, when the mouse queen came to mind. 'Maybe the queen knows? Or maybe someone related to the queen?'

Chirithy was equally confused, as Riku stood from the ground. He readied his blade once more, preparing to face the darkness this Ansem person commands. "We should go Master! We shouldn't be drawn into battles!"

"Right." You nodded, and prepared your keyblade to travel. You looked at the 2 one last time, wishing luck to Riku. You were glad he wasn't alone to fight this darkness, and that the light has not given up on him, despite his affiliation with darkness. When you glanced at Ansem, you were taken aback when he had winked your way. 'Could he see you?!' 




You travelled again, right before you could wonder further of how Ansem was able to see you at the last minute. You didn't think Chirithy noticed, since they never mentioned it. You decided to think about it later. You looked around, noticing you were still within the castle. Then focused on the 3 figures in the room. You gasped. "Axel?!"

They all turned to you, and the blood drained from your face. They could all see and hear you, and you had no idea if he knew you or not in this time period. 'Did I travel into the past? Or future?' What bothered the most was how you had no idea why they could see or hear you in the first place.

From the looks of it, Axel didn't seem to recognize you at first, as he rubbed his chin in thought. "Who are-? How did you get in here?"

"Who is this?" Vexen raised a brow, when he smirked at your cloak. "I've never seen such robes before. How interesting!"

"You know this pipsqueak Axel?" Larxene placed her hands on her hips as she glanced at him. You nearly pouted at her. She was still a prick. You summoned your keyblade behind you, away from their sight, and prepared to travel again. You couldn't risk exposing any more of yourself, since clearly something was wrong. 

"Hey, who are you?" Axel asked. "You seem... almost familiar."

You smiled sheepishly. "I'm a friend and ally. No need to worry about me!"

"Oh really? I'd like to put that to the test." Vexen grinned, as another figure came into view. Your eyes widened at the 'Riku' who entered your line of view. Their body reminded you of that stranger from the badlands who wanted to hurt Ventus. This replica was darker than the Riku you've encountered before.

"What on earth?" You murmured, before the light blinded your vision.




You were still in castle oblivion, when Chirithy appeared. "Master! There's something definitely wrong!"

"Yeah, why are they able to see me?" You asked them, as you activated your invisible spell again. It seemed to be working just fine. So why...?

"Master, I've noticed something on your back just now. It looks like a sigil of some sort." Chirithy mentioned. They jumped off your shoulder, as you tried looking behind you. "There's no mirror here, so you can't exactly see it. But I've seen it before! It's the same thing that was on that Ansem's chest!"

Your heart beat quickened. A dark sigil was placed on your back? When did this happen? You tried thinking back of how it could have happened, when you stopped at a memory. You gasped. "Xemnas! He may have done something! When he introduced me to the other members of the organization!"

Chirithy hopped in surprise. "That's right! I remember he had a hand to your back!"

You clenched your key balde, pursing your lips in annoyance. 'That Xemnas! What did he do?!'

"Well well, what have we here?" Said a familiar voice. Chirithy had disappeared in a panic, as you turned to face the graceful assassin of the organization. Marluxia smiled slyly, as he watched you from across the room. "You seem to be lost little flower."

You blushed, stiffening in your spot. 'Oh my goodness, he is still a charmer!'

He smiled in amusement at your face, clearly enjoying your flustered state. "You seem to know me, judging by your looks. Have we met?"

Just the way he smiled made you wonder if he already knew who were, and was only playing along. You gulped, deciding to along with it, albeit indirectly. "A-and if we have?"

Marluxia began walking your way, eyeing you intensely. "Then I would love for you to enlighten me. There is no way I would ever forget a beauty such as yourself." He stood before you, summoning the same blossom you've received when you 'first' met him. He leaned forward to your level, holding out the flower. "Won't you tell me your name?"

"(Y/n)." You replied. You then blinked. You remembered he already knew your name when you first met him. Did telling your name now had him remember you in the future? If so, why didn't anyone recognize you before? Or was he playing coy? What was he hiding? As you thought this, you couldn't help looking into his eyes. He was close, close enough to study his features perfectly. You couldn't help blushing at how handsome he looked.

Marluxia chuckled at your face. "What's the matter?"

"You already know who I am, don't you?" You replied.

He merely grinned. "Yes, I do."