Chain of Memories 2

Reader's POV


Before I could question him further, he placed a finger to my lips. The action made me swallow, which made him chuckle. "But, for both our sakes, we'll save that conversation for later."

"When is later exactly?" I raised a brow.

Marluxia hummed as he moved away. "Who knows. Now, what brings you here, little flower?"

"I was hoping to get some time alone and figure out how YOU guys can see me." I pouted. Marluxia couldn't help his amused smile. I sighed. "But, you're here."

"So it seems." Marluxia watched me expectantly. It made me wonder what he wanted from me. The bloom disappeared from his fingers. "If you have time for a chat, I would love for some colleague bonding time."

"A chat huh? What would you like to talk about?" I asked. Honestly, I didn't want to stay in this place for too long. The organization could clearly see and hear me, thanks to Xemnas. I couldn't keep a low profile any more. On top of that, even Sora was able to see me briefly. But I'm assuming he's a special case. I sighed. I'm going to pay Xemnas a visit later.

Marluxia smiled knowingly. "As you should already know, this is Castle Oblivion. To find is to lose, and to lose is to find." I made a face of confusion as he explained. "You might find things you've missed, and remember things you've forgotten." He leaned closer once again, with a grin. "Is there anything you wish to remember?" 

I frowned, looking away from his eyes. Marluxia moved away with a soft expression. "I suppose you should take your time here, find what you're missing." I gasped when he suddenly drifted through me. When I turned around, he twirled a card in his fingers, facing his back to me. He hummed as he looked over the card. "All of your hidden memories, your past, and everyone who may be lost to you, could be in this world of a card." 

"What?" I blinked, suddenly feeling a tug from the card. I have wondered a few times before about my past, how I came to be as a time travelling key blade master. I was curious about my upbringing, and mostly about the promise I've forgotten. However, my key blade had appeared, preventing me from stepping any further. It began to glow, shining it's light in warning. I frowned. 'Why won't it let me know?'

"Master! You mustn't take the card!" Chirithy appeared over my shoulder.

"You too Chirithy?" I blinked. "How come?"

Marluxia turned to me. "I suppose even fate doesn't want you to know the truth." His eyes watched me almost pitifully. I was taken aback by his gaze, wondering what he knew about my past. And what truth was he talking about? He pocketed the card, which I nearly reached out in longing. Chirithy held onto me tighter, preventing me from going after it. My blade shone brightly now, and Marluxia merely sent me off with a wave. 




I reappeared in a darker room, still within the castle's walls. Honestly, I wanted to get out of here. Something was definitely wrong here. Even figuring out that Xemnas is the reason the organization can see me, there was something else at play here. What's worse, my key blade and Chirithy were against me learning about my past. It bothered me a lot. I never expected Chirithy to be against it as well. What do they not want me to know?

"Are you done thinking to yourself?" I turned to face Zexion, who was standing in the middle of the dark room. He took a deep breath through his nose. "Your scent, is familiar. Your clothing as well..."

'This is weird. Only a few organization members remember me. Is it because of the castle? I've really got to get out of here.' I glanced around as he watched me, not finding anyone else here. I suppose I was glad I didn't find Xigbar here, maybe.

Zexion grabbed his chin, trying to place a memory. "Have we met before?"

'I ran you over.' I cleared my throat, before replying to him. "Yes, in the past. But that's all that is, the past." 

Zexion hummed, closing his eyes. "It smells, peaceful. But, I suppose you're right. However, what are you doing in a place like this? How did you get in here?"

"Trust me, at this point, I want to get out." I sighed. "Is there any way out?"

"Through the corridor of darkness, if you're a part of the organization." He gave me a suspicious look. "You also smell like one of us. Who are you exactly?"

"Zexion, for your sake, I can't answer that question." That was a lie. It was for my sake. I can't say any more when I'm still confused about a few things. I needed time to myself, and think things through. I summoned my key blade, to his surprise, and prepared to travel. I glanced at his hair, smiling a little. "You really need to fix your hair. You haven't changed at all."

My response surprised him further, as I disappeared in the light.




Once again, to my annoyance, I reappeared in a room within the castle. "Oh my gosh, why am I still here?" I muttered out loud. I double checked my surroundings, making sure I was alone, then decided to dwell in my thoughts. I suppose the emptiness here proved well for that. I wanted to be clear of everything, and learn a few things.

Ever since I came to the castle, the organization members have been able to see and hear me. I later learned, it was because of the sigil Chirithy spotted on my back. I had no doubt in my mind Xemnas had a part in that, so I'll be asking him some questions later. However, that other being, Ansem, is weirder. He doesn't wear the organization cloaks, yet he was able to see me. Who was he? He was made out of pure darkness, pretty much like a nobody, or a heartless more like. It's possible he may have an affiliation with Xemnas, most likely. I do recall seeing something on Ansem's chest, but I didn't make it out. 

Now, about the card Marluxia showed me. Supposedly, it would show me my past, and how I came to be. Everything that I've forgotten may also be in there. I did want to know more about myself, as well as the promise I've made. I wanted to keep my promises the best I could. But, the fact that the key blade, and even Chirithy was against it, nearly made me sad. I understand the key blade was more focused about the future of the key blade wielders, and saving the light. So maybe going into my past was a waste of time to them. But if I made a promise to them, why wouldn't it let me have a chance to find out what that promise was?

But Chirithy? My trusted companion was against me learning of my past. It made me wonder if he knows about me already, and hasn't told me anything. Then again, I never asked. Of course, maybe the card was just a lure, or something dangerous that Chirithy wanted me safe from. But, if that was the case, what would Marluxia gain from harming me? What would he be after?

"Master?" Chirithy appeared before me, gazing up at me with worried eyes. I frowned at them. I wanted to ask them, but I felt they won't answer my questions. They stepped closer. "Are you ok?"

I sighed, rubbing my head. I don't want to doubt my Chirithy. We've always been together, as far as I can remember. How far is that exactly? How much of my memories are hidden in my heart? We've been friends since the master gave them to me. That much I remember. But I wanted to remember more. The master even mentioned I was forgetting things. Were they protecting me from Marluxia, from getting the card? Marluxia has no reason to harm me right? What if that card was real, and contained what I'm missing from my memoires? Why wouldn't Chirithy let me see? What do they know? What are they hiding?

"Master! There's darkness surrounding your chest!" Chirithy hopped frantically as they pointed at the area. I gasped, swatting away at the darkness forming. My heart beat quickened, when the darkness seem to leap from my chest. The force knocked me to the ground, and Chirithy rushed to my side. "Master!"

"I'm alright, I'm-" I gawked at the figure standing before me.

It was ME.

However, a darker version of me. What bothered me further, was the silver streaks in my hair, and one of the eyes were like Xemnas's. The other was the same as mine. Their clothes were contrast to my light robes, and their weapon, was nothing I've ever seen before. Nothing like a key blade. I shivered at the darker me, who merely grinned. "Hey!"