Chain of Memories 3

I gawked at the darker me, who merely smiled innocently. Chirithy shook his head in disbelief. "This is unbelievable! How is this possible! You can't have a dark side! You're one of the-!"

"Foretellers? I don't know about that~" She grinned down at me, before shoving a hand at my face. If I hadn't moved away, she would've hit me. "Want to get up?"

'Please don't kill me...' I thought cautiously, before taking her hand. She pulled me up, and stood before me with her hands and weapon behind her back. "T-thank you."

Mhm!" She nodded, watching me with wide, curious eyes. The yellow eye irked me, but the other was as warm as mine. She swayed on her feet as she waited for me to speak. 

Chirithy held onto my leg, watching us worriedly. I rubbed my head, still surprised at everything. "Um, you're-"

"You! Maybe! Maybe not! Depends on what you want to remember~!" She grinned, leaning close to whisper. She was obviously enjoying this. "What you can't remember, is me. What you remember, is you, understand?"

 "W-what?" I blinked. Did she know about my past? Wait, what she's saying, she is my past?

"Master! This is bizarre! We've got to get out of Castle Oblivion!" Chirithy hopped in a frenzy. "I think being here has brought out your dark side. But what's weirder, you're not suppose to have one!"

"Yet, here I am, Chirithy." She leaned down to smile pleasantly at them. However, her smile was chilling and wider than before. The way she said their name, was almost like she hated them. She then had a cold look on her face, before zipping her lips. "Now be a good boy, and zip it."

Chirithy was probably scared to the very tips of their fur, when they suddenly disappeared. I narrowed my brow at her, but I had a couple of questions. She smiled happily when I asked, "You are my past? Wait, first, will you answer some questions?"

She hummed, looking around the room. "Maybe I will, if that's what you really want. But I don't think that's what you want." She giggled and leaned closer. I sweat-dropped. She doesn't know personal space. "What do you want right now?"

Honestly, that's a good question. Definitely getting out of here was top of the list. "I want to leave this place."

"Got it!" She grabbed my hand, and forcibly pulled on the limb. I winced at the strength she used, when my sight suddenly darkened. I gasped and began to breath heavily, before my surroundings began to clear. I looked up at the castle before me. We were outside castle oblivion. She let go and dusted her hands off. I had no idea where her weapon went, but I placed away my key blade when she turned to me. "There! We're out of there! Now, go on! Thank me! Thank me!" 

I blinked as she bounced in front of me, getting closer. I pushed against her shoulders when she tried colliding with me. "Ok ok! Thank you!" She squealed happily and moved away, spinning merrily. I stared at her. What is with this darker me? She is so carefree, and a little too cherry for my taste. Honestly, I expected my darker me to be, well, darker. 

She stopped her spinning when I asked, "Can you explain to me what you meant earlier? About being my past or something?"

She hummed, placing a hand on her chin. She looked to the skies, thinking hard about it. Did she not remember or something? I flinched when she clapped her hands, the sound resonating around us. "Oh right! Yeah! I'd love to explain! However, I can't say anything without going back." She rubbed her head sheepishly. 

I blinked. "What do you mean, going back?"

She smiled slyly, then pointed to me. "Back to you."

I made a face. I guess I should've known that. She came from within me after all. But, supposedly I shouldn't have darkness within me. I never knew that until now. But since it's possible, why does she exist? I glanced at the castle. I never want to return here.

She jumped into my line of vision, startling me. "Hey! Let's do something! Let's have some ice cream! I want to travel!" 

"What? Wait, I have questions!" I hadn't expected myself to feel impatient about this. I was curious, and wanted to know so much. She knew something, I'm sure. But she keeps dodging me. I'm hoping she can say something to ease my worries.

She spun away from me, whining and sticking her tongue out. "Questions, shmuckions, Let's have some fun!" She grinned, holding out her arms. "We can do so much! We can do whatever we want! Just the two of us!"

"Why? What are you talking about? Can't you tell me anything?" I asked, frowning at her, almost pleadingly. 

She pouted, then crossed her arms. "Fine." She growled, her cheeriness out the window. "What you can't remember, I am. What you know and remember now, is who you are. Still don't get it?"

"Wait, but you mentioned you were my past-" I began, when she rolled her eyes. 

"You can't remember your past right? Well, that's what I am, your past. I am the you you once was, and the you you can not remember."

"I use to be dark?" I whispered. That didn't explain why I had Xemnas's eye, or his silver streaks. I gulped. "Then why do you have that eye? And your hair, there's silver streaks in there like Xemnas."

She gently touched near the eye, watching me quietly. She smirked. "Because Xehanort wants me."

I blushed. 'Say what? That doesn't answer my question!'

She chuckled at my face, then turned around. I now noticed the sigil on her back. Was that what was on my back before? Did I still have it? "This sigil brought me out. What Xehanort wants, is what you will have to find out on your own. I was only able to do so much back in my time. But you can do it, since you're the time traveler now."

She faced me, and I was still confused. "What do you mean-?" I felt a sudden pain in my chest, and she clutched her chest as well. "What is this? It hurts!" 

"I said too much..." She squirmed in pain, then panted when it subsided. She glared to the side. "I can say this: The more I reveal to you, the more the pain with become. It's pulling me back in..."

"What is?" I asked, breathing normally now. It felt like a knife was being pulled out of me, and pushed in at the same time. 

"Your key blade." She murmured in a dangerous tone.