The Future Untold

The pain had returned after the darker me revealed that small detail. Only it was more intense and unbearable, that eventually, after it felt like ages of agony, she really did return to my key blade. Surrounded in dark matter, and growling in annoyance at being pulled back in it's prison she called it, she returned to the blade, and it soon glowed brightly. I didn't have a moment to rest, before traveling elsewhere. 

Somewhere completely new. 

I landed hard on the ground, yelping at the impact. It really knocked the wind out of me. I blinked at the light, and heard footsteps coming my way. I blinked my eyes, hurriedly pulled on my mask, and tried sitting up. I'd have to think about what just happen later.

"Are you alright?" The boy in a white robe asked, reaching out to me. He looked familiar, but I couldn't help staring at the other right beside him. 

He wore a black robe instead, and was tanner and just as young. His features had me gaping at his sight. "Xehanort?!"

The boy in the white robe blinked at my outburst, as Xehanort, who looked so much younger, merely gave me an innocent look. However, I didn't miss the glint in his eyes, and the slight twitch in his lips when I blurted out his name. He knew who I was alright. "You know my name?"

I closed my lips, gulping back my embarrassment. I knew he knew. But the other was clearly confused. I reminded myself this was a different time. "Yes, um, you're Xehanort right? I heard about you from... the key blade master."

"Oh?" He raised a brow. 

'Just play it off, (Y/n). Hopefully I don't come off too suspicions... Or any more suspicious than I already am.' 

I nodded innocently, then turned to the other. I stepped closer, hopefully to pull him from his suspecting thoughts, hoping to kingdom hearts I had met him somewhere in my travels. Thankfully, I have. "Ma-I mean, Eraqus... Right?"

"Oh! You've heard of me too?" He rubbed his head sheepishly. "Yeah, that's me!"

I grinned. "That's right. You're both very promising key-blade wielders. They have high hopes for you! Keep up the good work!" I put a thumbs up.

They glanced at each other, before smiling at me. They were amused all of a sudden. "You're a time traveler, aren't you?" Eraqus asked.

My heart stopped, and dropped to the floor. "What?"

Xehanort chuckled to himself, and crossed his arms. "As you said, we're promising key-blade wielders. We've done our studies and learned quite a few things."

Eraqus giggled himself. "Yep! We sort of knew the moment the light appeared out of nowhere. No one that we know can do that." 

"However, I thought you'd be a bit different." Xehanort tilt his head at me. 

"Yeah, like a wiser, older person maybe." Eraqus tilt his head as well. Their eyes were filled with curiosity, it was almost cute.

I stared at them both, before pinching their cheeks. 



"This hurts!"

"Don't pull so hard!"

"Easy on the cheek!"

"Cut it out!"

"We're sorry!"


I pulled them towards the window, while assaulting their soft cheeks. I made sure to not disturb the chessboard, as I tossed them onto the window seats. They were definitely younger than me. So I took it upon myself to act superior. "If you knew, why did you act like you didn't?"

"We didn't!" Eraqus rubbed his cheek.

Xehanort did the same. "You just assumed!"

"I'll pinch ya again." I threatened. They closed their mouths, and I couldn't help smiling down at them. Still, despite everything, it was a surprise to see them at this age. How far in the past did I travel? They were cute! I cleared my throat, grateful my mask covered my blush.

I glanced at the chessboard once more. The set up caught my eye. I never heard, or seen, a game set up like this. As I inspected the pieces, it reminded me of something. The heads of the pieces matched a few of the masks the foretellers wore. The chess pieces were black, with a lone white, crowned piece facing them. I narrowed my brow, wondering what it meant. Or if it meant something at all.

"So...!" Eraqus smiled up at me. "Where did you come from?" He blinked, and quickly covered his mouth. "Never mind! Forget I asked that! I nearly forgot you aren't suppose to talk about your travels."

"Despite our curiosity." Xehanort nodded with his friend. 

I gave them a playful grin. "From far away."

"Of course." Xehanort seemed to hold back a roll of his eyes. How adorable.

"Is there anything you CAN tell us?" Eraqus asked. His eyes were pleading, his face full of light. 

I chuckled at him. "There is some ice cream I think you'd really like." I turned to Xehanort. "If you're good, I'll bring some next time."

Xehanort smiled. "Oh, I hope so."

'Those words...' I stared at him, wondering there were some things that stood with him in the future. He smiled kindly, gazing back into my eyes, when Eraqus grabbed my attention. 

"I'll be good! I mean, we both will!" Eraqus grinned and nudged his friend. He then began rearranging the pieces to how a chess game should be. "In the mean time, would you like to play a game with us?"

"I'd love that, thank you. Although, I wouldn't mind a refresher of the rules." I nodded.

Xehanort stood from his seat, and motioned to his spot. "I'll guide you through, you'll get the hang of it soon enough." 

I smiled gently. I liked this Xehanort. He wasn't tainted by darkness, and he seemed kinder than the one I've met before. I sat on his spot, and faced Eraqus as we began the game. Xehanort had leaned close to my shoulder, guiding me through the entire game from his point of view. Eraqus smiled in determination as we played, while Xehanort whispered strategies and pointers in my ear. I blushed every time his breath fanned my ear, and was happy he wasn't bothered to repeat things when I was distracted.

When Eraqus defeated me in the end, I pouted, then chuckled at Eraqus's bright grin. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and looked up at Xehanort, who had a sly, challenging smile on his face. "My turn."

I smirked in return. "Bring it."

When we started, Eraqus guided me through the game as well. He leaned over my shoulder, whispering his pointers and suggestions, while even predicting moves Xehanort would do. I actually concentrated this round. Because somewhere in my heart, I wanted to defeat Xehanort, even at a simple game of chest. Xehanort had noticed this, and occasionally smiled in amusement. 

This round, I had won. Xehanort sighed, being defeated once again, he mentioned, was a bummer. I jumped and high-fived Eraqus, who laughed along with me. "You did great! At this rate, you might defeat me one day." He laughed.

I smiled back at him. "Guess I gotta practice huh?"

"Whatever, have your victory party elsewhere." Xehanort waved us off, as he leaned against the window. 

I giggled and stepped closer to him. He blushed at my closeness, as I grinned in his face. "Want to go for another round of defeat, Xehanort? This time without Eraqus's help?"

"Hey!" I heard the said man in the background.

Xehanort blinked at my words, then smirked. "Sure, why not. Even fate can change sometimes."

"Yeah-?" I blinked when my key-blade suddenly appeared. It was already glowing, I didn't even have enough time to say good bye. I glanced at back at Xehanort, as Eraqus covered his eyes from the blinding light. Xehanort's eyes were wide in shock, and briefly, I had felt his fingers touch my cheek, before I traveled once again.