First Day School

[Night Stalker University | Lian] 

Standing outside the gates of his new school as Mason stood proudly beside him

The two boys gazed up to the campus in awe. It looked very different from what he had imagined it to be. While he had expected the architecture to be medieval and archaic, the university was modern, with sleek modern buildings in various shades of gray and white.

Lian turned to Mason, annoyed as he realized what was being wished of him. The school was set within a sprawling green field surrounded by trees, Mason stood proud at the bottom of the staircases with the rest of the students as they filed through the main entrance. 

"You need to socialize and make friends, Lian," Mason smiled. 

He was age thirteen and never met another human beyond those who were clients for learning to reap souls to make money. Lian didn't want to make any new friends, he already had Mason. It would be selfish of him to add another person into the mix, and then he would only be left hanging. No, thank you.

A group of students passed him and mason as they pile up the steps behind them in a tight bunch One student, who was in the middle, began to whisper among themselves and soon everyone's gazes fell on him as if he were some sort of exhibit. Mason turned and looked at Lian, surprised.

"What's wrong now?" Mason asked.

"I don't wanna go…" Lian grumbled. 

He slung his bag to the ground angrily. He wanted to go to school, but his mind kept screaming at him not to. Why was he scared of what was inside? It wasn't like it would do him any harm.

"Come on…" Mason grabbed his hand, "Don't give up just yet! Let's go inside first." He pulled Lian into the building.

As they went inside, they were immediately surrounded by whispers as students whispered to each other, gossiping about the handsome new transfer student.

Lian realized he wasn't alone today, As if on cue, someone appeared behind him and pushed Mason roughly aside, forcing him to fall against the wall. His hand brushed against the floor, causing something metallic to fall, The boy turned and saw what had happened.

"What the fuck was that?" Mason shouted. 

A boy with wild blonde hair turned to stare into Lian's eyes, baring his sharp teeth

"No one," He answered simply before walking past him.

Mason turned to glare at the retreating figure, "Asshole." He mumbled under his breath as he bent down and picked up the metal object.

A key?

The charcoal haired boy thought he was seeing things as he watched a translucent snake slither around the boy's body as he walked on the ground, his feet dragging behind. The snake moved slowly as if it didn't know exactly what it was doing as it slithered along the floor, Mason turned as he heard giggling. He turned around to see three girls watching them as they giggled 

and he frowned deeply. 

Mason scanned the hallway for a clock, but it seemed that no time had passed since he had arrived, it was as if no one else existed. The entire hallway was filled with students looking at Lian and whispering amongst themselves. A girl with long black hair and striking blue eyes approached him.

"Lian, I need to go, I am sorry!" Mason shouted. 

He ran down the hall in a hurry, all the while the girl continued to stare at Lian as if trying to find out where he came from, And then he remembered what it felt like in class when his classmates would stare over his shoulder with disgust. 

Lian became nervous as she gazed up at him while pressing her fingers against her chest, afraid he might have seen something she wasn't supposed to. She felt her heart race uncontrollably as her face grew hot and sweat began to form on her brow. She suddenly needed a distraction.

As she turned back around dashing back towards class, she bumped straight into an older student who had also been heading in the same direction

"Watch it! Watch where you are going!" she yelled.

"I am sorry… I am really sorry!" she apologized

Her apology seemed to placate her anger a little bit.

The boy was embarrassed as he watched the girl like it was an anime or television drama as she practically ran away. The only problem was that he couldn't help but wonder if she would ever speak to him again.

Gawking down at the paper he was to give for his classes if he was to attend, he sighed.

8:00 AM - 8:55 AM: First Period (Math)

9:00 AM - 9:55 AM: Second Period (English)

10:00 AM - 10:55 AM: Third Period (Science)

11:00 AM - 11:55 AM: Fourth Period (History/Social Studies)

12:00 PM - 12:55 PM: Lunch

1:00 PM - 1:55 PM: Fifth Period (French)

2:00 PM - 2:55 PM: Sixth Period (Elective)

3:00 PM - 3:55 PM: Seventh Period (Physical Education/Health)

"I hate studying" he muttered to himself as he folded the paper and put it in his pocket.

After walking around the corner in the empty corridor. 

"9:00 AM," Lian whispered. 

Noticing how empty the halls were at that very second, unwelcome when you are new 

 to a place.

'This is so awkward. What are we waiting for?' he thought.

He watched from afar as the boy leaned against his locker, seeming bored and frustrated with everything. He wondered why he decided to wait here, and then he noticed red dripped from his palm onto the floor below.

'Blood' his mind whispered to him.

The blood that stained the floor caught his attention. As he moved closer to inspect it, the blood seemed to swirl around in circles on the floor until it eventually formed a small circle. The boy quickly acknowledged that Lian could see the ripples on the tiles below. Him as he glanced over. He watched as the particles of blood flew around him and made him slightly dizzy.

'That guy has to be crazy' the boy thought, feeling uneasy. Before the boy knew what had happened, the ripples stopped and the bloody particles disappeared completely.

Lian snapped out of his trance before he decided to dash without another word, hoping he wouldn't get lost in this strange school. Once he reached the classroom, he slid into his seat as the teacher entered the room.

The lesson itself consisted of learning English and reading books, however Lian found himself focusing more and more on the events of earlier and his encounter with the boy He tried to push such thoughts to the side, however they would occasionally pop up In class, which lasted for several hours. 

Getting out of class and preparing to go to science, he ran back to the locker room, where he saw the kid before he perceived how heavy the air was in the room. The scent of blood clung to the air, as his stomach churned at the thought of everyone acted normal. 

It was odd because even though there was blood staining the floor, the smell was still present

As the bell rang, it was almost as if everything had stopped as people went to their next class

Lian felt an overwhelming pressure on the top of his head, as if a large weight was bearing down upon him. He closed his eyes for a moment and took a few deep breaths before opening his eyes.

"Something wrong?"

The girl with black hair again right in front of his face, looking a little more confident this time. Her violet eyes seemed to glow with curiosity, as if she had never seen someone in her life before.

She wore a plain light gray sweater dress and white sneakers and seemed rather friendly. Lian couldn't shake off a creepy feeling as he stared into her piercing violet eyes, Lian shook his head.

"Why are you following me?" Lian yelled. 

She turned her head before looking around nervously for a minute as if she was searching for someone.

She said nothing. 

Furthermore, she was silent.

Then she turned back to look at him as if she expected him to say something

She opened her mouth. Nothing came out. Lian frowned deeply.

"Look…" she sighed, "

"Well! Spit it out already!" He argued. 

"Now I don't want to…" She muttered. 

The atmosphere suddenly turned cold. She started to take a step away.

"Hey!" Lian called out, stopping her in her tracks.

"Go to class unless you are one of those bad boys who go in the bathroom to smoke," She smiled. 

Lian felt angry that she was talking to him in such a rude manner. It felt like he should hit her.

Yet she didn't look scared, instead she looked excited. She seemed happy to see someone like him, and he didn't understand why. Why would she be happy to see me?

"What is the benefit of even smoking?" Lian thought. 

"More than you think…" She responded. 

He quickly took note of the cigarettes falling out of her handbag, She quickly shoved them back in her purse and stuffed it into her bag before rushing out of the room.

"You should probably go before you're late for your class" she called over her shoulder.

Without waiting for a reply, she left the classroom, leaving Lian alone.