A Hard Placed Feeling

Staring out the window of his third class of the day, he couldn't focus on anything. His head was pounding and everything was a blur, He sighed loudly before resting his chin atop his crossed arms. It was so quiet in the room. All the kids sat there quietly listening to the teacher read the lecture on chemical compounds. His mind drifted off and the words of the professor faded from his memory as soon as he saw the image that flashed through his mind.

It felt as though he could feel blood drifted under his heels, the sensation was so vivid, he looked at it again, just to make sure that it wasn't a figment of his imagination. No. Blood was flowing As he walked, he felt something soft under his feet. It was so real that he had to double-check.

 It wasn't his imagination - it was blood to him, like he was stepping on water. He closed his eyes tight and shook his head to dispel the image, but it was there, the image wouldn't fade away. He knew that the blood was real. In fact, he could hear the rustling of paper coming from outside his classroom.

Lian stood up, interrupting the teacher's lecture for the first time since he'd been sitting, "Sorry sir, I need to use the bathroom." The rest of the students mumbled 'Yes sir', and got up, walking towards the door. He made his way down the hall and turned left when he reached the toilets.

He couldn't figure out where the feelings of bloodshed were coming from, since the time he felt it in the locker room with that kid and that black haired girl has shown up a few times already. 

"Fuck! I am so stupid!" Lian shouted. 

The inky haired boy turned before he ran the other way down before bumping into the teacher of the class he was ditching for.

 "Oops. Sorry, Mr. Jones, can you give me a sec?" The teacher said.

 'Shit, shit shitshitshitshit. Not now! Fuck' Lian screamed internally. 

 His heart began to race as panic began to set in, he turned around and ran back to class.

He didn't even notice when the blood stopped until he tripped over one of the chairs in front of the classroom and tumbled down onto the ground, knocking the breath right out of him. Lian quickly picked himself up.

The whole class laughed as Lian made a fool of herself, 'What do I do what do I do what do I do?" he thought to himself as she stumbled her way across the room to grab his bag.

"See me after class you skipper!" His teacher mumbled. 

Piercing his vision, the swirling of crimson glory spilled into his nose, as if he were watching the color swirl through the glass of his eye sockets. Blood. So much blood. So much blood. So much blood. The scene seemed to play itself out before his very eyes. The screams, the cries, the blood... The blood everywhere. Blood everywhere.

Being stuck in this classroom scared him as he knew where his duties lead as a reaper, He could not let them down. They needed him. A part of him wondered how he ever became a reaper. He knew it was his duty, but that did not stop the feeling from creeping up and consuming all rational thoughts from his mind.

Not being allowed to leave and having to sit through these brain numbing classes was only making him more agitated. The blood seemed to be getting worse each time he closed his eyes, as well, and he knew that it was only going to get worse if he continued to ignore it for too long.

He glared at the teacher as he continued his lessons without looking up. He tried his hardest to pretend that he was ignoring his surroundings. Even though he failed miserably. As the bell rang, everyone packed up their stuff and made their ways out the door. Except for Lian, who was staring straight at him. He gave him a small smile.

Lian tried to sneak away from the teacher up to her. He grabbed hold of her wrist and pulled her behind him while the rest of the classmates exited. Lian stared at her hand which was in his grip and noticed the blood still there. Lian felt his stomach turn. This was not good. He had not expected his day at work to include a reaper.

"I have to go!" Lian demanded. 

"What is so important you have to go right now?" His teacher.

The inky haired boy gave a miserable expression before turning around to look in the direction of the exit, "I have a job I need to finish" he said. The teacher watched as the boy ran out the door. 

Quickly he summoned dread harvest, his scythe as he ran down the halls of the school as students passed him by. He ignored the strange looks and the whispers that came from people.

His thoughts kept returning to the blood dripping in his nostrils As he made it to the entrance hall, he stopped suddenly, catching his breath. He leaned against the wall and tried to collect himself as he listened to voices echoing in his ears.

"Where is that girl?" He whispered.

He could tell the smell was strong here. The scent reminded him of the blood he'd seen before. The only difference was that this time instead of flowing in a river, the red liquid pooled on the floor like tar and slowly oozed along the walls. Stains appeared on the ceiling above, and he could hear the faint sound of someone running away. 

Crowds of students shouted into the hallway. People started to run in panic towards the exit, but before they could reach the doors, the blood burst forth and engulfed everyone in its path. Everyone screamed in terror, and then silence filled the hallways. The only noise was the steady drip of blood from the ceiling and his breathing.


Bodies lay on the school's floors, wiped out from the sudden flood of blood, but it wasn't just the bodies on the ground that had stopped moving. The red fluid also covered every surface of the school. It dripped from the chandeliers, the tables, the floor and even his boots. His clothing, his tie, his shoes, he was coated in it.

The tension was in the air, the atmosphere was thick with fear. But this was nothing new. Fear permeated his senses every day. The blood was not the only problem he had to worry about, but this incident seemed to be a special case. The red liquid was covering the entire campus

and he wasn't certain if it was intentional or not.

A sound of stomping boots could be heard through the hallway before footsteps approached him from around the corner. His teacher, the old man he was assigned to help teach in this class, stepped out of the fallen crowd followed by two other men dressed in black suits. Their faces were hidden by the masks they wore, but their body language spoke volumes as they stood at attention and saluted his teacher.

"Were you going somewhere, Lian?"