The whisper

As I woke up from the white frame bed and was about to get dressed. I wore a black skirt with orange and black t-shirt. It wasn't much, but I wasn't worried about that.

I walked out of my room and go through the hall. I was about to go the through the doors, but my mom called me.

"Hey, you didn't eat any breakfast, you should eat some food before you leave", Said Mom.

Oh, I forgot, I don't usually eat much these days. I went back to the kitchen and grabbed the plate she cooked me. She cooked some scrambled eggs, bacons, and some sliced apples.

It was one of the my favorite food as a human before food started to taste dull. When you have lived for so long, food and everything else starts to seem wearisome over time.

I kissed her cheeks and said, "Thanks. It smells amazing."

She smiled at me, "It's nothing, little doll. I know you haven't had anything yesterday, so you better eat something. I'll be going to the store and get some groceries. Don't miss the bus, or you'll be late."

I went to sit on the chair and ate. The food taste good, but still a little dull. Regardless, it's nice to be cared for.

I put the plate to the kitchen sink and grabbed my grey jacket from the chair.

I pushed open the door and walked outside. I continued walking across the street and about to turn left. I heard a soft whisper, but thought I imagined it. Thus I contined walking, then I heard another whisper before it got louder.

"Help me, help me" It said.

I stopped and looked around the people who contined on their daily life. A child around the age of 6 or 7 had black hair was crossing the street with his mother. I saw a running woman in a bluish and black outfit with a dog on the leash. I knew I was only one who heard it since no body didn't seem to act any different, but I couldn't find the source of the whispering.

I walked to the source where's the whispering got louder. I walked past the two lights and turned towards the left. I walked past the two black cars and saw a injured black crow with a right bloody wings. It was chirping painfully.

I stared at it and wondered why I understand it. I walked near it, then the crow looked up at me and started flapping its wings harder. It was obviously the crow was startled.

I was trying to figure how I could understand the crow's whispers. Regardless, I walked towards the crows slowly because it was such a strange situation I found myself in. The crow's wings slowed down since it was so injured and exhausted. The crow knew its fate was in my hands.

I looked around me and saw no one and security cameras. I slowly knelt down near the crow and stared at it.

"Hello, I heard a voice calling for help. Was it you, little crow? Do you want my help?"

The crow was startled, but calmed down. It wondered how a young human understand its language.

The girl placed its hand softly on the crow's wings, which got blood on her hands. The crow witnesses the young human's eyes slowly became red as scarlet and the pain slowly reduced.

The girl removed her hands and her eyes returned to normal. The crow realized there was no lingering pain in its wings. The crow was speechless and awed at the human's ability.