The crow named Crown

The crow stared at me and started to flap its wings. It chirped joyfully and raised its wings in the air.

The crow watched me get up from the ground and stared at me for awhile.

I knew the crow wasn't normal since I could see some intelligence in its eyes.

I smiled gently at the crow and was about to move away.

That's when I heard the whisper again. That's when I was certain it was the crow's voice. I turned and looked at the crow again. The crow recognized that I wasn't human since no human is capable of doing this.

The crow's voice spoke in my head, "Dhampir, thank you for healing my wings. What is your name?"

"You can call me Dawn. How is it that I can hear your voice in my head?"

"Crows and dhampir have been associated for centuries, so the mind is linked in some ways."

I nodded my head at the crow. I asked what is the crow's name.

"My name is Crown. I was captured by the humans hunters who have discovered me and I was held in the cage for days. They tried to do human experiments on me, so they can understand how I was able to speak. One of the humans, who had red coat, black large glasses, and white pale skin had gotten really drunk one night. The human opened its cage and was malicely poking at me again. That's when I took the opportunity to escape by attacking his eyes with my large beak, which caught him off guard. Then I flew out of the cage and went through the windows. One of the traps got caught in my wings when I tried to escape through the windows, which is how I was injured. Here I am. Honestly, I didn't think I would survive. Dhampir, I am your debt."

As I listened to Crown and learned his story, I asked him if he wanted to come with me. The crow said no with a gentle smile because he wanted to see his family again, but told me if I had difficulties in the future. I should call upon his name three times and he would apppear at my side.

I smiled at the crow and nodded my head. I watched the crow flapped its wings as it flew up in the air until I no longer see the crow. I casually walked towards my destination and waited by the pedestrian's stop light and waited for the bus to appear.

The bus appears and the other people beside me walked up the bus. I was the last to get on the bus. I went towards the back seat. That's when I saw the old man who'd I help, but ran away due to fear.

The old man saw me, but looked at me anxiously. I didn't think much of it, so I sat at the end of the row. I closed my eyes and heard a subtle movement towards my right side and looked towards the person.

That's when I saw the old man who was anxious, but gratitude towards me.

"Girl, thank you for helping me. I know I have no excuse for leaving you to those youngsters, like a coward. I'm apologize for my coward action, but I sincerely thank you for getting me out of that situation. I can't thank you enough."said the old man.

"There's no need for thanks. We're got out and that's all matters. I hope you are more careful in the future." I responded and closed my eyes. The old man went back into his seat. I didn't feel any sentiments, although I prefer the company of animals. I don't know why. Sometimes I'm just that indifferent to humans. Whether people who shows gratitude or loath towards me, It doesn't have anything to do with me.