Black eyes

I don't know where I'm going; all I know is I'm walking somewhere. I see the sky is as black as pitch with the faded clouds all over the place. What is so magificant is the yellow moon, which seems so beautiful in the eerie night, where everything in sight is silent. 

I can tell that I'm alone with no one in sight, including the wild animals, which don't appear here. The trees surround me with the wind blowing across my pink hair. 

Her hair is blowing against her cheeks, like it's kissing her softly.

She continues walking forward with no destination or purpose. Everything around is eerie, peaceful, and quiet.

The grass and the leaves are blowing softly toward the right. Then Dawn heard a soft crow chirping sorrowfully. 

She was curious why the crow was chirping mournfully.

She followed the sounds, then saw a beautiful ocean that was raging in the night. She saw many crows flying around in a circle above something. Across the distance, she saw something in the night. She can't tell what it is. She walks closer where she hears feral snarls, like a beast is cornered. 

She saw a black silhouette that was moving on the ground while being surrounded by multitudes. She saw that it looks similar to humans who are holding torches, daggers, swords, and more holding towards the silhouette; that looks like a strange creature. You can see the aggression and fear they hold toward the creature in all of the screaming and shouting.

The creature is thrashing fiercely in the net and screeching vehemently, trying to attack its assailants.The creature has the blackest charcoal tail with a red fin at the end and royal blue hair. The tail is so dark, yet you can see across the tail is filled with lustrous silvery. One of the humans had used one of its daggers and stabbed the tail fiercely.

That's when Dawn realized what the creature is—a siren. Dawn heard of sirens but never thought she would meet one. 

Dawn heard of sirens in the supernatural world. Sirens have an unnatural beauty and twisted yet beautiful melody that can beckon humans to enter the water willingly, just to hear their voices. Sirens have the ability to lure men and women to dance to their tune. They can make you sink deeper and deeper into the waters and devour your flesh.

The creature shrieked so loudly that you can hear it that it makes your eardrums ring continuously. 

It's a sound that I will never forget. I walked closer with growing fury in my chest. The humans saw something in the near distance. They saw glowing red eyes in the dark. They were on edge since they couldn't see who else was in the dark while trying to deal with one of the sirens.

Dawn and the siren met each other's eyes. 

Dawn could see the feral and wilderness in its blackest eyes. The eyes were so dead yet alive. Although Dawn was cautious and wary about the siren, she had such a strange urge to help the creature. 

She doesn't know why she wants to help the wild siren. One of the humans grabbed a spear and tried to stab her. Dawn dunked and grabbed the human's neck with her arms.

She compelled the humans, "Stop! Every one of you, stop immediately and drop your weapons!" 

The humans were petrified and wanted to grab and hold down the siren. All of a sudden, their body is obeying the glowing red eyes. It's like the mind wanted to refuse, but the body obeyed, like a puppeteer controlling a bunch of puppets. They were terrified and didn't understand what was happening. 

All of them immediately stopped and dropped their weapons. 

Dawn knew the humans are afraid of what they don't understand. It's human nature to fear something they don't understand and resort to retaliation.

It's one of the dhampir's ability to compell people. That is why dhampirs are so feared because they have the ability to control the minds of men. They can feed on blood and human food, which is why human food becomes so dull over time. They lose interest in life as well. They have seen what the world can offer, yet they never can be satisfied.

Dawn compelled them to forget what they saw and leave the area with its weapons on the ground. 

She let go of the human's neck and watched coldly as the humans left, like in a trance. 

Dawn turned her head towards the siren. The siren watched her wary, with its claws out towards her.

Then the siren bowed its head in genuine gratitude, despite having an injured tail. 

Both of them stared at each other with no words in exchange. Two of the world's dangerous predators whose fates are intertwined forever. 

Dawn watched the siren bowed its head, then slowly walked towards. The siren was caught off guard by her unexpected steps. As the siren saw the red eyes approach with its hand in the air. The siren lashed out.

Dawn moved backward in a blur, with her scratched hand in her chest. 

They watched each other wary and kept their distance from each other. The injured siren crawled towards the raging sea backwards slowly while a blood smear appeared on the sand. 

Dawn watched the feral siren leave and went into its deepest depth. 

Dawn woke up on the bus and gasped out loud. People looked at her strangely; thus, they thought she had a nightmare. One of the people comforted her and said, "It's alright. It's just a dream."

Dawn smiled at them, and everyone went back on phones as usual. Dawn lay her head on the window and closed her eyes, thinking about the strange dream she had. 

She wondered why she dreamt that and felt pain in her hand. She looked down and saw scratches on her hand. She got up and realized the dream had really happened. 

Dawn's mind went blink. She didn't know what to feel about it. She looked toward the window and smiled. 

In the window, Dawn's bright eyes had such strange enthusiasm. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt this exhilarating sentiment in a long time.