Questions and Missing Memories

I looked down at Iravan who was trying to crawl into my neck as he tried to look for a comfortable position.

I pushed his neck, despite touching his soaked black hair to get into the position he was seeking. I shook my head as I found it a little childlike.

As he quit squirming since he found a comfortable position, Jonathan and I were able to get out of the woods.

There was a black expensive-looking car on the other side of the road.

As I follow Jonathan to this car.

He stopped and looked at Iravan before looking at me, "Do you think we should tie him up? What if he wakes up and panics when I'm driving?"

I looked at him in the eyes and wondered if he was an idiot.

I said, "Even if you tied Iravan up, he will be able to break through the ropes since he has an unnatural strength. I don't even know how strong the sirens are. You will just have to hurry to get to the school. Lastly, I need to get home before my mom finds me not in my bed."

He shook his head and opened the back door.

I grabbed Iravan and pushed him into the back seat as gently as I could. It took a while since he's not a small guy.

I look at his young face. He looks around 15-16 years old, close to my age. I put his arm close to his sides and kept his body flat in the seat.

I wondered what's he doing so far from home.

I looked at him and wondered if he had a family.

I shut the door quietly and went into the front seat.

I saw the two crows fly toward Jonathan and I used my supernatural to listen to their conversation.

Jonathan says, "I will be meeting you two at the school. I want you to tell Lucas that I want to use the nurse's office for special guests and have the other nurses move their stuff into the other office."

Raven then said, "Alright, we'll do as you said. We'll meet you guys at the school. The whole school is going to be surprised to hear about a dhampir and a siren as well. I'm excited about what's going to happen in the next few days."

Jonathan shook his head as he smiled when he heard that as he watched the crows fly away at rapid speed.

Jonathan then headed to the car and opened the front door.

He asked me if I was ready and I nodded my head as I looked back at the sleeping Iravan.

I turned my head forward as Jonathan turned on the engines.

Jonathan then asked, "Hey, Dawn. We don't know anything about each other. Do you want to ask each other questions, so we can get to know each other more as I drive? If one of the questions is too personal, we don't have to answer."

I thought about it and I nodded my head.

Then I asked, "What's the name of the boarding school?"

Then he said, "Good question. The boarding school is called, 'The Boarding School for the Elites'."

I raised my eyebrows as I heard the name of the school. I heard about the school before. I heard that the school picks any students with high IQ and signs them up, so they can have an opportunity to get the best education.

I said, "Really, that popular school is for the supernatural. I thought it was only for smart people."

He smiled and said, "You see, that's just a cover for the public. It's a school for the supernatural."

Then Jonathan asked a question, "What were you doing coming to the woods in the middle of the night? Shouldn't you be in bed by now?"

I looked at him and said, "I was woken up by a scream. That's when I followed the source of the screaming, which led me to the woods. That's how I found Iravan. I think that when he transformed into a human."

He looked at me before turning his attention to the streets since he was driving.

He asked, "How did you hear the screams? Is that one of your dhampir's abilities? According to history, dhampirs can gain all abilities when they start drinking blood."

I nodded my head and said, "Yes, that's correct. Interestingly, I had gained some abilities, despite not drinking blood. To be honest, I'm not sure why I could hear the siren when he was at a far-away location and I was sleeping."

He looked at me in interest. Then I asked, "What were you and the crows doing in the woods?"

Jonathan turned serious and looked at Iravan before turning forward and said, "I had a call from a friend who's a cop who told me about a school bus incident. The bus driver was attacked by frenzy birds, so I decided to check out the area. I wanted to see what happened and what could spook a group of frenzy birds that hit the bus and died on impact. I wanted to be certain it wasn't because of the supernatural involvement, hoping it was nature thing, but I was wrong."

I nodded my head as I looked back at the sleeping Iravan and looked forward again.

Jonathan then asked, "Does your mother about what you are?"

I shook my head and said, "No, she doesn't know what I am"

He looked at me in surprise and asked again, "She doesn't know what you are. It makes sense, your abilities don't develop until you're in your teen years. Hey, how old are you?"

I looked at him and replied, "I'm 16 years old"

Although I'm 16 years old in this body, my mental age is far older since I had some memories of my past life.

I thought about it and thought it was strange. Some of my memories feel so far as there was a lingering fog surrounding in the back of my head. The more I tried to remember, the more I can't remember. I can remember some things in my childhood and teen years, but I can't remember what happened in my youth and adulthood, including how I died.

I rub my forehead since I get a headache the more I try to remember.

It was concerning I can't remember. I don't like the feeling of being left in the dark as if I'm missing something important and crucial.