Attending here

Jonathan stopped before a massive black gates and pulled up next to a post where there was a man who looked like a guard.

The guard saw Jonathan and looked at me and looked into the back seat where he saw a sleeping Iravan and asked, "Hello, is everything okay?"

Jonathan nodded his head and the guard pressed a button on his computer.

I saw the gates make a loud noise before they opened up and went in different directions.

We went past the gates and I saw a large and massive building.

Everything looked peaceful and quiet since it was dark and I'm assuming everyone is asleep.

As I opened the door and got out of the car and went into the back seat.

I lifted Iravan into my arms and walked next to Jonathan.

Jonathan grabbed his black keys out of the pockets of his pants before unlocking the doors.

We went in and I saw everything.

I saw a large hall and there were large stairs that went up in circles.

There were large crystal chandeliers on the ceiling.

On the left side of the building, there is an extra room.

It looks like a library since it has plenty of books, rocking chair with black cushion in the corner, and more.

I followed Jonathan into the halls as he showed me the nurse's office. As I went into the nurse, there was equipment on the tray on the table next to the bed.

I walk to the bed before putting Iravan down gently.

Then I asked, "Jonathan, do you have some clothes for him?"

Jonathan nodded his head and went out for a few minutes till he came back with folded clothes in his hands.

I went out as I waited for Jonathan to finish dressing up Iravan.

Jonathan came, so we went out as Jonathan told me he wanted to go see Lucas.

I asked, "Who's he?"

Then he said, "He's a vice president. He helps me take business inside and outside of school. He will have plenty of questions and I trust him."

I wasn't sure about the guy since I never met him, but I didn't argue since I wanted to meet Lucas.

I followed him into another hall and went to open the door, which was three doors later.

I'm guessing this is his office and there was a serious man in a suit.

He looked at us. He asked, "Jonathan, who's this girl?"

Jonathan looked at me before saying, "This is Dawn who saved Crown's life. There's something I need to tell you, which is very important."

Lucas looked at me in interest and went to sit down in one of the chairs by the wall.

He asked, "What is it?"

Jonathan then said, "This girl is a dhampir and we have a siren in the nurse's office who's sleeping since we gave him a sedative."

He looked shocked as he said, "Wait, she's a dhampir. How's that possible.? Also, we have a siren in the nurse's room?"

Jonathan explained everything to him as he sat in the chair.

I waited for him to finish, then I went to sit in the chair.

Both of them stared at me as I asked, "What?"

Jonathan approached me and asked, "Do you want to attend the school here?"

I looked at him and thought about it for a while.

I said, "I'm interested in coming to the school, but I'm trying to figure out how to explain it to my mom."

Jonathan sat in the chair next to me and said, "Do you know the school picks students with the highest grades in different schools to come here, it's usually because because they have some association with the supernatural. The witches can fake the grades on test results and more, which helps the children to attend here since the school have the best education and future opportunities."

I nodded my head at their explanation. I asked, "Are you going to speak with my mother?"

Jonathan smiled because he was happy I understand his explaination and nodded.

I thought it was a good idea. I was intrigued by this school as well.