Nurse’s office

As my mom finished telling the story. I looked at her and asked, "What happened to the two brothers?"

She yawned, "According to my father, they were institutionalized because it was believed they had eaten Jimsonweed during the war or something.

I looked confused as I asked, "What's Jimsonweed?"

"It's a plant where the leaves and seeds contain potent alkaloids (hyoscamine and hyoscine) that cause hallucinations."

"I see. Where did the gemstone come from? You never mentioned that."

She looked at the gemstone on my neck as she replied, "When Keith was in the institution, he said that the mermaid who saved him gave him the gemstone as a way to show remorse when all of the other mermaids attacked the other people."

I was shocked at the revelation, I didn't think the mermaid could distinguish right from wrong.

My mom told me she had to leave before she was late for work.

I watched her get up as she grabbed her purse before she left through the door.

I got up, unfolded the bags, and decided to hang up the clothes now before I got lazy later on.

Afterward, I changed my clothes into something more causally before leaving the room. I had to go downstairs before walking into the halls.

I looked around me with curiosity as I saw a few people walking past me while others were going in other directions.

As I walked into the cafeteria, that's when I saw a crow flying towards me as he chirped, "Dawn. it's me, it's me."

I watched him fly towards one of the chairs as he stared at me excitedly.

"Dawn, it's good to see you. How are you liking the school so far?"

I smiled, "The school looks amazing so far. How about you? You're still looking in good shape."

"Yea. After you healed me, I'm not in much pain."

I nodded my head as I asked what happened with Iravan since I'd been gone.

"Iravan is still in the nurse's room, so. I haven't seen him. Principal Ross has been watching over him. I don't think Iravan has woken up yet."

I nodded my head as I asked, "I see. I want to see him, can you take me to him?"

The crow chirped as he flew up above me and he told me to follow him.

As I followed him into the left hall where's nurse office was, I saw a painting on the walls of a strange man who looked very stern, but you could see some sort of deep sadness in his eyes if you looked closer.

I looked away and continued to follow the crow before we stopped at the door.

I pushed the door as we went in. I saw Iravan lying on one of the beds.

His whole body looked frail and small, but I knew it was only an illusion.

I walked closer as I looked at his face more carefully. His face looked so pale, that must be the result of living in the water and he had long darkest blue hair.

I wondered if that was a characteristic trait of the sirens.

Who knows? I looked around the room as I studied the nurse's office.

It was silent and the whole room was white. I saw different equipment on the table, a weight scale, blood pressure monitor, thermometer, and more.

I was getting tired, so I sat down in the chair next to Iravan.

I closed my eyes as I thought about how my body seemed to be weak since my abilities lie dormant and haven't done any exercise.

I would do some exercise when I get the chance. I hated the fact that my body was weak, which would allow the others to get the chance to defeat me.

I thought about my mom's story.

How my ancestors had an encounter with the sirens.

I believe there's some truth in the story, even though everyone believed them to be crazy.

Although I learned that some sirens can distinguish between right and wrong.

In their natural state under the waters, they see you as prey. It's their natural instinct to kill.

That's why everyone views them as monsters. Humans can't understand that.

They are solitary predators in the waters.

Then I drove into temporary sleep.