He Woke Up

I woke up to the sound of the door opening. I looked toward Jonathan as he walked into the room and he looked at me before looking at Iravan.

He asked, "You shouldn't be sleeping in front of the siren, what would've happened if he woke up while you were asleep?"

I shrugged, "well, nothing had happened."

He shook his head as he stood by the bed.

I looked at him more closely and could tell he was exhausted by the dark circles under his eyes as his suit looked a little crinkled as well.

I asked, "What happens now?"

He shook his head as he said, "I'm not sure yet. Regardless I brought another sedative, just in case we need to use it again. Although I'm more concerned about what to do with both of you."

We turned toward Iravan as we heard movement from our side.

I saw Iravan groggy slowly opening his eyes as he looked around in confusion.

He didn't know where he was, so I could tell he was about to do something.

I was about to say something, so he could calm down.

Although I don't anyone could've calmed down if they were technically kidnapped as well been taken in an unfamiliar environment.

Regardless I had to do something, "Hey, Iravan. How do you feel?"

As he gets up to his feet, although he almost stumbled. Then I saw his blackish nails extend about the size of a wolf and he looked wary toward us.

I could tell he wasn't yet used to standing and he was still a little soaked.

Everyone could tell that he wasn't normal since he had the eyes of a wolf, like staring into the deepest abyss.

I could tell Jonathan stood very still as he watched our interaction once again.

Iravan looked around with curiosity, although he kept his distance once again.

I don't blame him, but I kept talking again, "Hey, Iravan. What are you looking at?"

I saw Iravan walk toward several trays of instruments and medical-looking equipment.

He grabbed one of its knives and he sniffed it, as one of its animals sniffed something they didn't understand.

I heard Jonathan step forward, "Hey, you shouldn't keep the knife. Give it to me before you do something dangerous."

Iravan softly snarled as he heard his footsteps, and then Jonathan stopped moving.

I knew I needed to get the knife before he hurt himself or someone else, even though there's no one else with us right now.

Iravan turned toward me at the sound of my moment.

He watches me as I cautiously raise my hand towards as he doesn't make any movement toward me.

"Hey, you can't have the knife. Why don't you pick something else?" I said before touching his frigid, smooth hands.

He softly snarled, but didn't do anything as I took the knife away from his hands when he saw there were no ill intentions.

Jonathan exhaled in sigh of relief when he saw nothing had happened.

I put the knife back on the medical tray, where Iravan flinched at the sound of the mechanical noise.