
Iravan then moved away from the tray and glanced in Jonathan's direction briefly, giving me optimism that he was at least partially understanding what I was saying. Since he hadn't touched the tray again, he decided to move in a different direction once again.

Jonathan answered his phone while strolling a little distance away from us. I wanted to listen to his conversation, but Iravan was disturbing me so much that I couldn't keep my eyes away. Iravan walked toward the shelf with an inquisitive demeanor. I walked closer to him since I was curious about what had drawn his attention. Although Iravan's body tensed up at the sounds of the approaching footsteps.

I attempt an conversation, "What are you looking at?" That was when I saw a tiny statue on the top shelf at the end of the right, and Iravan tried to reach the statue with his left webbed hand as he stepped on his toes. After grabbing the statue, he looked at it before walking closer to me.

I was confused by his actions as he stopped next to me. My nose could smell a faint scent, the smell of the water from the ocean. Although we live in Hawaii in the North Pacific Ocean near the shore, He raised the statue towards me as if he was trying to tell me something. It's hard to communicate with someone who doesn't speak at all.

Through his eyes, I could see he was trying to communicate with me through visual gestures, so I took the statue from him and I looked at it. It was the appearance of two children, whom I'm guessing are brother and sister, since they were holding each hand and looked around the same age.

I looked toward Iravan as he pointed at the boy before pointing at himself a couple of times. I raised my eyebrows in enlightenment, the boy must represent Iravan.

Although I know the statue represents Iravan, I asked to be sure as I pointed at the statue, "This statue represents you. This statue is supposed to be you."

Then that's when Iravan spoke for the second time.


I calmly nodded my head, although my heart was a little bit giddy since I was able to hear Iravan speak again. I think it shows we're making good progress. I could tell Jonathan was watching out for interactions while he was talking on the phone with someone. I could feel the stares at the back of my head, which I disliked immensely, but I pressed down my urge to look behind me.

When I'm alone, I'm going to examine the meaning behind his careful scrutinizing. I find the whole matter strange when he just watches us as if he knows something. 

Iravan was pointing at the girl before pointing at himself again. I was at a loss again, I didn't what he was trying to say.

That's when I had an understanding after a while, Iravan always seemed to be glancing around, as if he was looking for something.

In the woods, Iravan just kept walking around all over the place. After walking for about an hour, he stopped and almost ate the turtle since he was hungry.

What if he wasn't looking around in curiosity, but looking for someone?

I looked at the statue in my hand before looking at Iravan as I thought it would make a little bit of sense. Although sirens are different in their way of thinking, they are highly intelligent. 

Siren are highly intelligent, meaning they should be aware of how dangerous to walk on the land, where they are weak in their newly transformed bodies. Whereas being in the water in their natural form is where they're at the strongest peak.

Jonathan got off the phone before walking towards us. He saw the statue in my hand as I said, "I think Iravan is looking for someone. Do you remember in the woods when we kept walking in circles? Iravan was walking all over the place, did he seem he was looking for something? What if he wasn't looking for food, but for someone?"

Jonathan remained silent for a while until he said, "How do you know that? Had he said anything?"

I shook my head as I looked at Iravan's face, "No, but he used this statue to try to communicate with me. He kept pointing at the statue before pointing at himself. The boy represents Iravan, but Iravan seems to be looking for someone since he kept pointing at the girl."


Jonathan nodded his head at my explanation before looking at Iravan, "I see. It would make sense. Sirens always had stayed away from the lands for centuries, it doesn't make sense when Iravan appeared in the woods for no reason."

Jonathan asked, "Iravan, who are you looking for?"

We stood tensely since Iravan hadn't said anything, yet there was a sharp gleam in his eyes that sent a shiver down my spine.

My eyes narrowed for a single moment as I witnessed the fleeting change in his expression.

Iravan was considering his words carefully as he said in the eerily silence,
