Mystery Man


- 2 days ago-

A man walked closer to the black doors where students could be seen.

He walks past the doors where the office can be seen, the woman at the desk who's sitting behind the desk, writing something down on the paper, where you can hear the ink making a soft noise in the quiet room.

The man with the unknown name walks closer to the desk, where the woman looks upon the stranger who'd walked into the room, where the footstep can be heard.

The woman smiled, "Hello, how can I help you?"

The man smiled a practiced smile, and the woman was convinced by his gentle facade that is shown.

He asks, "Good afternoon, could you please look into someone's file for me?"

The woman then furrowed her brows at the strange request, "Uhh? Who are you? I can't just give you the files?"

The man smiled again with an artificial smile, although the woman could tell something was a little off with the man's smile, but she kept her thoughts to herself, but her hands under the desk were close to a red button, where she could press it down if there's an emergency.

However, the woman is confused by the unease sensation that faintly crawls upon her back, where the hair is standing on her neck, but she tries to smile brilliantly at the man, although anyone can see the grimace in it.

The man ignored the unease that showed in her expression, thus he said, "Please, my niece is missing, I'm just trying to find her. I just wanted to know if she had been in the classes today"

"I'm sorry, but you need some kind of permission to do that, you should talk to the police first."

The man smiled before taking out a piece of paper, which shows the police are giving permission.

Then the woman grabbed the paper before agreeing to the man's request, despite feeling the wrongness in this whole situation, although she didn't understand, so she pushed the feelings aside because she had a job to finish.

She asked, "Sir, I need a name, so I can look into it."

"Her name is Dawn Johnson. She's in Junior year."

The woman then typed the name into the computer, before a name popped on the screen.

There is a picture of a young, beautiful girl with the darkest pink hair with her name under the picture.

Then the woman turned towards the man with a strange expression, "Something's not right, are you the girl's guardian? She has a mother, who's her real guardian."

The woman felt the wrongness of the situation got stronger because the girl in the photo and the man don't look alike, completely different.

The man smiled again before replying to her question, "It's true, I'm not her guardian. I'm looking for my sister who has a daughter, she has disappeared for a while, so I have been looking for them awhile."

The woman looks convinced by his words, although she's uncertain about what to do. There's a little whisper at the back of her mind, telling her not to give the information to the man.

Regardless, the woman said, "Dawn doesn't attend here anymore, but she goes to another school called, The Boarding School of the Elites.

The man thanked the woman with a smile, although the woman had a feeling the smile wasn't genuine.

After getting the information he wanted, he walked out of the doors which made a soft sound.

As he walked down the halls that is silent, whereas the students were in class.

A ringing noise was heard across the silent hall, thus the man grabbed a black cell phone out of his back pocket.

The mystery man spoke, "Hello, I got the information. I know where's the girl."

Then the voice came through the phone, "Good job, send the information."

Then the man said, "Yes, sir."