Meet again

She was in deep thought, about the discovery she learned. Then she was startled by the sound of someone's voice, that was calling her name.

Then she turned her neck around, where she just saw Crown fly out through the door a few minutes ago. There was Crown, a couple of females in a medical form, and a gurney.

They were standing by the doorway, as they were looking at me, trying to figure out who I was, since they had never seen me before. Crown gets their attention, and he points them toward Jonathan's body that lies on the cold, hard floor.

Jonathan's body was very still, although anyone who looked closely could see his chest heaving as if he was trying to grasp air in his lungs.

The nurses came forward before kneeling with a soft and quiet thud, while two other nurses continued, the two nurses grabbed both of his arms, whereas the other two nurses grabbed his legs, and they grabbed his body with ease. They weren't challenged by the heavyweight of Jonathan's body, then I realized these people weren't humans.

Crown flew to sit on the desk, where Jonathan was just sitting before he collapsed, he looked at me, at my hands and pants, where a little bit of blood could be seen.

There was a dark stain on my pants, dark blood that had dried, whereas the dried blood on my hands was crusty.

Then his voice was heard in her mind, "Hey, how are you?"

Dawn looked at him with an exhausted look, then she shrugged her shoulders before standing up. Then she spoke with a grim look, "I found some white substance in the bottom of the cup, I think someone tried to kill him."

Crown looked aghast at the information, "Are you certain? I'll need to take a look at the cup."

I nodded grimly before we turned to look at Jonathan's body on the gurney and a breathing mask on his face, where the air could be seen behind the mask, like a fog that appears and disappears with each breath he inhales.

Then the two nurses on each side of the gurney pushed the gurney and went out through the door.

Crown clapped his wings before flying on my shoulders, where I could feel the weight of his body. Then I started to follow them.

I walked out of the room, where the sound of the door shuts with a bang.

There were a couple of students in the hall, where the rest of the students must be in the classes.

The sounds of our footsteps are heard in the distance. We continued walking as all of us remained silent, and then we made a few turns.

Then we stopped at a door, where I'd have been before.

One of the two nurses pushed the door on both sides, which makes a grinding noise, and everyone else pushed the gurney in.

As we walked in, I saw Iravan sitting on the bed, sitting stiffly, where everyone gave him strange glances.

He was dressed in white clothes, whereas his hair remained tangled and lay down near his face.

His head tilted in a manner when he saw us approaching. I walked closer to him, as he looks at Crown on my shoulders.

I smiled at him, although he remains nonchalant in his expression, just a curious look.

Then he raises his head before reaching out his hands. I knew what he was about to do, touch the end of strand of my hair.

I could feel the strange glances behind me, as if they're trying to figure what's going on.

Regardless they ignored him before stopping at the bed next to Iravan's bed.

Two nurses grabbed Jonathan's arm while the other two grabbed his legs, as they lifted him to put him on the bed.

Iravan watches them with an intense, casual look, although there's a little bit of wariness in his eyes.

He saw Jonathan on the bed, where he's wearing the breathing mask. The fog in the mask could be seen, as if in rhythm with Jonathan's each breath, like a continuous dancing shadows behind the mask.

Iravan looks at me with a look in his eyes, although I couldn't understand the meaning behind his magnetic, alluring eyes.