Shocking Turn of Events

They waited in expectation; the air filled with silence and a heavy atmosphere, waiting for him to talk. 

Mr. Lewis breathed deeply before sighing. "The person who I was speaking to was Mr. Director. He's the one who paid for my daughter's intuition. In exchange, I work for him."

Dawn and Kitty locked eyes with each other, then Dawn looked at the kneeling man on the hardened floor. 

It was a comical sight. A gigantic form with wolf's ears is kneeling on the ground before two teenagers. 

Dawn asked, "Who is he? Give me a name."

It was silence. The man's eyes showed a little reluctantness, resistance, and unyielding. Dawn shook the gun, the fingers lightly pressing the trigger. 

With a harsh grin, "If you don't tell me, I can't guarantee I won't accidentally pull the trigger."

The man's eyes widened, shaking his head. "A-Alright.. Chill out! I'll tell you!!"

"His name is —-"

Looking at him, his chest heaving, the sweat sliding on the side of his face, like a small drop of tears, bursting through beneath the skin, except it's not tears.

Cough! Cough! Cough!

A red mist seemed to burst in the bottom of the white part called the sclera, so reddish that it looked like it was emitting blood.

Dawn stepped back, apprehension all over her face, wariness flickering through her eyes. 

What's wrong with him?

Bumping into Kitty, she turned around after hearing a surprised gasp. She looks at her to see her expression shift to horror and shock.

She whispered, trembling through each word. "It's dark magic." It's an illegal contract where the employee dies if they break the contract."

Both of them stepped backwards; the cough seemed ceaseless, then a burst of blood, like canned, splattered tomatoes, came out. 

The man kneeled on the ground, his body uncontrollably shaking, like he was convulsing. 

Something else happens.

Dawn and Kitty look at each other with alarm in their expression.

His body is s—shrinking. 

It was like an unseen hand was using a scraper to carve out the flesh, making the skin become saggy and baggy.

Holding her nose from the terrible smell, she kneeled on the ground and reached to touch his saggy, thin neck to see if he was still breathing, although she wasn't aware of the trembling in her hands. 

He's dead. 

Lost in deep thought, the entire scene rattled her. There weren't any words—everything was like from a horror movie. 

What's just happened?

"Get up. We need to leave."

Getting up with determination, despite her face being pale and ashen. She looks at Kitty before hurrying and walking behind the desk. 

Kitty asked with a confused expression, but the tone was harsh. "What are you doing?! We need to leave. NOW!"

With trembling hands, she went through all the desk drawers, although her heart started to feel despair, like the drop of coin in the sewer. 

At the bottom of the drawer, there was a small, tiny key under the tons of paperwork, grabbing it like a lifeline.

A smirk appeared on her face. "I found it!"

Turning around, they walked closer to the door, with the intention to leave, leaving the dead body behind.

As they opened the door, they saw an unfamiliar man who looked at them with raised brows. 

"Who are you?"

His nose crinkled, as if he smelled something awful. "What's that?"

He looked down and stepped back in fright, his face becoming as white as a sheet. He could see a pool of blood surrounding a still figure lying on the floor. 

He could tell—someone's dead!

He looked at the girls with horror, then Dawn raised her hands in a nervous tone. "Hey, we didn't kill him."

The man looked at them in comical sight, then pointed at the dead body. Suspicious bleeds through clenched teeth. "Y—You didn't k—kill him."

Silence falls in the room, like a drop of a bomb. Dawn and Kitty knew there were no words to prove their innocence. Dawn remembers the weapon in her hand. That man can see it.

It's really bad! What should I do?!

Without thinking, without hesitation, she grips the man's neck so tightly that he is choking, like the sound of drowning.

Not getting enough air, the man scratches her arms, making her scrunch her face from pain, faint blood popping out on the skin, like a burst of blood vessels. 

The man's body no longer trembles, becoming still like a statue, although anyone can see he's still alive by the chest, which is still pumping up and down. 

Letting down the unconscious body on the ground. Dawn can feel her arms strained and exhaustion starting to take effect.

Wiping her brows, she said with a raspy voice. "Let's go."

As they stepped into the hall, Kitty frowned. "What are you going to do? How are we going to explain when we get caught?"

Dawn chuckles grimly. "I don't have a clue."

"Do you know where you are going? Do you know where Iravan is?"

"I have a feeling."

With an evil grin, "I hope you're right."

Arriving in the library, stopping before at the door at the end of the library. 

Turning her expression to Kitty, she explained. "There are hundreds of cells behind that door. If you can unlock it before, we can get in."

"Seriously, how do you know this?!"

"I've been here before."

Shaking her head exaggeratedly, she raised her hand. A burst of brilliant light, like the color of a lightbulb flickering in the dark room, flows across the locks on one of the doors, then the other three locks.

The three locks become dust, then floated on the ground. Resemblance to ashes, an unpleasant smell that made both of the girls cough. 

The door creaks open. In the room, there was no light, like a black pitch of night without stars. 

Dawn walks in. There was no hesitation, since she's been here before.

Then she realized it was too silent. There were no footsteps behind her; she turned around to ask what was taking so long.

Kitty, who has frozen. Her face flickers with uncertainty and unsureness, which Dawn found surprising. Kitty always rubs off as someone who's confident and confident.