We found him

Kitty's lips twitch a couple of times. She tried to hide the tremor within her voice with a cheerful smile. "I—I got this. I'm not afraid. Let's do this."

She walks closer to the door that leads into the shadow. Before she could walk past Dawn and head forward.

Dawn reaches out to grab her elbow. Dawn had a shadow of a smile on the corner of her lips. "Are you sure you want to do this? You have done a lot for me. I won't hold this against you for this."

Kitty raised her hand on top of Dawn's hand, a flash of determination visible in her eyes. "It's true that I'm nervous. But I won't forgive myself if something happens to you. I don't abandon my friends no matter what."

Dawn and Kitty looked at each other, and a new understanding formed in each other's hearts. Although they don't understand, a fragile bond of friendship is formed.

Dawn released her hold on Kitty's elbow. She slowly walks further into the shadow with Kittybehind her. Each step was as quiet as a mouse, but the solid ground beneath their feet vibrated under their weight like a silent thunder.

As they get closer, the room becomes darker and darker where light was unseen. They were startled, letting out a light gasp at the sound of the door shut behind them. As the door was closed, a flicker of lightbulbs turned on in the dark like a star in the abyss.

Dawn was relieved that she could breathe. She was slightly worried that she had to go to the same place to open the window to let the air breathe in the room, so they wouldn't be deprived of oxygen.

Kitty let out a soft gasp, amazement within her eyes. "Wow. I—I didn't expect this. Are these chains and c-cells?"

She looks around the room. She could see a row of prison cells on the left side that led to the other side of the room. Each cell has a wooden bed with thin white sheets and a pillow.

Dawn looked around; she was hoping to see Iravan. She wasn't certain of what to find. She was hoping he would be down here somewhere. Maybe one of these cells?

A flicker of desperation fills her heart. Where is he? Where is he?

A mantra repeats in her heart like a prayer.

These thoughts continued to plague her, and she was startled by a sound. At first, it sounded like a cracking noise behind the walls.

Dawn walks closer to the sound. It was that same room where the ancient coffin was.

Dawn looked back at Kitty, who was watching with cautious curiosity. Dawn turned back and headed toward the door. As soon as she got closer, the sounds of the cracking got closer.

She reached out her hand to open the door, and a slow hinge of the door made a loud creaking sound.

In the room is where the coffin lies in the center of the room. But what captures her attention is the limp form lying against the wall with the manacles hanging from the wall.

Two arms are held high in the air, layers of peeled skin on his skin. It looks as if he is so hydrated that his head hangs against his chest.

It was Iravan.

Dawn was stunned by the sight. Her eyes widened with immediate concern. She walks closer to him. "Hey. Iravan?"

She asks in silence, but there is nothing in response. Each step is akin to the beating in her heart.

She slowly kneels on the hard floor, where she can see hundreds of lash marks that are slowly bleeding. It was such a contrast with his pale skin.

She reaches out to touch his pale cheeks. Before she could touch him, Iravan's head tilted up and let out a loud snarl akin to a cornered beast.

Iravan sniffed at the smell that was close to his cheeks. He recognized the fragrant scent.

Dawn watches him slowly struggling, opening his eyes. His eyes were weary, but it didn't make the savageness any less.

He swallowed hard and spoke in a raw voice. "D-Dawn."

Dawn released a soft smile, lips trembling. "It's me."

Iravan released a soft, bitter smile as well, "Dawn. You came for me."

Dawn nods in agreement. She tried to touch the manacle around his wrist like a lethal snake coiled around its victim.

The manacle was solid and hard like iron. She realized she couldn't pull it off of her. Iravan would let out a grunt, each word a harsh hiss every time she pulled the manacle.

Dawn calls out for Kitty. "Kitty. Come and help me."

Kitty walks into the room. She kneels next to them, her clothes fluttering during the movement. Her eyes widened with horror at the sight of Iravan. "What have they done to you?"

"Kitty. Can you use your magic to break this?"

Dawn asked with a scrunched nose. "I need to get him out of here."

Kitty shakes her head hard to get out of the stupor she was in. 

"Yes. Of course."

She replied when she raised her hands toward the manacles. A flicker of white light, like Christmas lights, came out of her palm and flew over to the manacles.

The manacles were filled with brilliant lights, where Iravan looked at it with marveling black eyes. It was like a large, white, shining bracelet against the chafing, blistering skin.

As the lights dimmed like a mist, the manacles slowly shattered like thousands of pieces of glass. The shattered pieces fell to the hard ground with a loud thud.

As soon as it touched the ground, sounds like sirens blared out across the room. It was so loud that everyone, Kitty, Dawn, and Iravan, clapped their ears due to the ringing in their heads.


Dawn, Kitty, and Iravan widen their eyes at each other, alarmed and dismayed. Each of them had the same alarming thought.
