Chapter 1: The Awakening

On the eve of December 31, 3099, within the vast expanse of space, a colossal mothership hung suspended, seemingly tranquil against the cosmic canvas. Yet, within its metallic confines, an undercurrent of bustling activity unfolded as people prepared for a New Year festival, eager to usher in the coming year. Amidst this anticipation, there was one individual who cared little for the festivities and simply yearned for the solace of sleep.

The intrusive buzz of an alarm clock disrupted the tranquility of a room, where a young man, locks of disheveled hair partially concealing his face, begrudgingly stirred. With a tired gaze, he glanced at the clock's display and flung it against the wall in frustration. "What a splendid day," he muttered sardonically. The young man reached for a prosthetic leg beside his bed, securing it onto his left limb with a decisive click. A sigh escaped him, and his attention turned to a digital calendar displaying a portrait – a portrait celebrating his twenty-second birthday. Shivering, he bit his lower lip, took a deep breath, and made his way to the shower.

The quarter itself was expansive, equipped with a bed, desk, and an ample bathroom featuring a shower. Within this space, the young man, revealed as Samuel, gazed at his reflection before stepping into the cold water. Caramel skin and green eyes met his scrutiny, adorned with a physique that was both trained and lean, etched with the stories of numerous scars. His ritualistic knock on the prosthetic leg echoed in the room before the cold water enveloped him. Emerging from the shower, he heard a knock on his door.

"Coming! Just let me throw on a shirt," Samuel called out. A familiar voice on the other side teased, "Samuel, you're taking your sweet time! Late by thirty minutes already. Waiting for a special lady, perhaps?" Samuel, flustered, hushed him, "Adem, cut it out. Lieutenant Karlenki is around. I'm not in the mood for counseling. And no, there's no special someone. Nobody wants to be with a private, let alone a cripple." Adem snickered. "of course not. I mean, with that attitude, I wouldn't either ." Samuel just clicked his tong in response, and together, they hastened toward their destination.

"I reckon it's time to delve into the intricacies of who I am. Names are trivial, but I go by Samuel Valkan, a soldier navigating life within the colossal mothership called Verde. After two years in the military and not even a full year into training, I was thrust into my first exploration endeavor. The outcome wasn't favorable; I lost a lot during that mission. Yet, here I stand, living and breathing—enough dwelling on sorrows. Let's focus on the basics, starting with the illustrious Mothership Verde. There are about eight key points worth noting.

Mothership "Verde" Blueprint and Lifestyle Overview:

Structure and Size:

Overall Design: Verde, a colossal cylindrical marvel, marries functionality with aesthetics, its outer shell adorned with solar panels and protective shields.

Dimensions: This behemoth spans kilometers, housing layers upon layers within its vast structure.

Population Quarters:

Residential Zones: Modular living units sprawl within Verde, offering personalized spaces, communal areas, and recreational facilities.

Community Hubs: Gathering spaces within residential zones foster unity and shared experiences.

Agricultural and Synthetic Food Production:

Agricultural Sectors: Controlled environments dedicated to agriculture yield fresh produce, while advanced labs produce synthetic food for a balanced diet.

Commercial and Market Spaces:

Market Districts: Strategically placed markets offer a vibrant economic center with a variety of shops and stalls.

Military Quarters and Command Centers:

Barracks: Military personnel find dedicated quarters with training facilities, fostering camaraderie.

Command Centers: Strategically positioned hubs coordinate defense and security measures.

Environmental Sustainability:

Eco-Friendly Systems: Verde incorporates advanced systems to minimize its ecological footprint.

Green Spaces: Designated areas offer access to nature, promoting mental well-being.

Educational and Research Facilities:

Educational Zones: Schools and universities within Verde foster continuous learning.

Research Labs: Cutting-edge labs drive scientific advancements and innovations.

Integration of Civilian and Military Life:

Collaborative Initiatives: Civilian and military life intertwine through joint projects, fostering unity.

Dual-Function Spaces: Certain areas adapt to civilian needs during peace and transition seamlessly during threats.

In essence, Verde is a self-sustaining ecosystem, seamlessly integrating civilian life, commerce, and military operations, fostering harmony and collaboration.

Now, with the mundane information out of the way, let's delve into my equally mundane, yet somehow eventful, crippled life."

Walking through a corridor, Samuel observed Adam striding casually beside him, chewing gum nonchalantly. As they approached a circular gate, a small robot, barely reaching Samuel's knee height, emerged from the wall. A quick scan and the gate opened, unleashing a cacophony of bustling noises as people prepared for the significant day.

Turning to Samuel, Adam saw him sway slightly and queried, "Still struggling with your sensitivity? If it persists, even that leg won't keep you in the field." Samuel shot him a stern look, "Don't bring that up. It's temporary. Just give me some time." Adam regarded him with pity, "You said that last time. The therapist recommended new examinations. But who am I to force you if you're not willing to go? Stop being delusional and face your issues." Samuel halted him with a gesture, "I get it. Don't worry about it. New year, new me, right?" Adam asked Samuel, "Did you break your alarm clock again?" Samuel remained silent, continuing to walk. Adam sighed, "Just trying to be a good friend."

Finally arriving at the grand hall where military, political figures and various others gathered, the podium at the end featured a large projector showcasing space. Music filled the background, and people mingled, enjoying the festivities. Samuel and Adam, guided to their seats by a colleague, felt the sting of the noise assaulting Samuel's head.

"Mumbling while gritting his teeth, Samuel remarked, 'It's so loud.'" Taking a breath, Adam settled into his seat beside him. Another person approached — Private Reina Suki, a fellow team member of Samuel and Adam.

"Private Walker, Private Valkan," she nodded toward them, taking her seat. Reina wasn't one to speak unnecessarily, and Samuel acknowledged her with a small smile. Adam nodded in response. Reina looked at Samuel, "I see... they gave you a new leg. How does it feel?"

Samuel shrugged, "Nothing special. Just had to work on it for the past few months." Before Reina could inquire further, the lights dimmed in the hall, leaving only the podium illuminated. All eyes turned toward the stage as a host stood there.

With the lights focused on the podium, a host walked toward a circle on the floor and stood on it. A disc of light created a hologram, and a deep voice echoed, "Welcome, everyone. It's your one and only Jericho Bombay." The crowd erupted in applause and cheers. The host introduced the President of Verde after he warmed up the crowd with some comedic relief, Julian Verde, who walked on stage to a standing ovation.

Julian, a dapper figure with calming blue eyes, addressed the audience, "It's time for the Awakening of mankind." He spoke about Earth's struggles, searching for a new planet, and making sacrifices. A somber mood settled as he delivered the news that this year would be the last time humans could be picked up from Earth.

"Now that I've delivered the bad news," Julian's smile returned, "fear not! We've found a suitable planet called Sol. This planet will be our new beginning and the start of the evolution of mankind as we immigrate to an actual living planet."

Projections of humans in exoskeleton suits exploring the new planet played in the background. Julian shared exciting ideas, but Samuel and Adam frowned simultaneously. Julian's enthusiasm filled the room, and the audience's murmurs grew louder. Just as Samuel started to doze off, the Countdown began.

"In two weeks, we start with bigger waves of expeditions," Julian announced. Samuel instantly became wide awake and baffled, wondering if he was still dreaming.

Still confused, he looked at Adam, clenching his fist. "Adam, I will show you that I can have it under control before recruitment starts." Reina looked at them with confusion as well but for different reasons. "What do you mean under control? And why are you still trying to get back on the field? Didn't you get transferred to the tactical operation unit?"

Those bombs just got dropped, and Samuel looked at her, unsure of which question to answer first. Luckily, Adam bailed him out. "I am not telling you what you can and cannot do. But I still advise against joining the expedition. Even if you did, I don't think you will pass. Not to be rude, I am just being real with you right now." Adam took a sip from his drink, glanced back at Samuel, and said, "You said 'new year, new me.' Show it then!" As he raised his gaze, the other two followed. Samuel nodded in acknowledgment as the timer counted down: 3...2...1.... They toasted to a happy new year.

After the small interaction, Reina said, "Happy birthday, dickhead." Adam took something from his pocket and said, "This is something from the two of us." Samuel looked flabbergasted and scratched the back of his head, "You guys shouldn't have..." Adam took the present back playfully, "We can just return it then," with a smirk on his face. Samuel laughed it off, and soon, the other two joined in as the laughter became contagious.