Chapter 2: New Start

In Samuel's quarters on the following day, a barrage of intense light invaded his slumbering face, accompanied by a small pool of saliva escaping from the corner of his mouth. His blankets were haphazardly covering only his midsection, and his feet had claimed the space meant for pillows. As consciousness slowly returned, he mumbled appreciatively, "Hmm, this is nice, really nice... maybe too nice... wait a minute." A sudden shiver ran down his spine, prompting him to wake up abruptly as if his life depended on it.

Scanning his room with a mix of confusion and urgency, Samuel's gaze fell on the calendar by the window, where the digital clock revealed the time. Squinting, he cursed almost instinctively, "Darn! I overslept! It felt way too good to be true. Why didn't the alarm wake me up?" Battling his frustration, he glanced at his night desk, where his broken clock lay. Accepting the consequences, Samuel sent a quick message via his bracelet communicator on his right arm, notifying his therapist that he had overslept and would be there within 15 minutes.

Sitting on his bed, grabbing his prosthetic leg, he glanced at a picture on his bracelet that brought a slow smile to his face. It captured the previous day, where he, Reina, and Adam shared drinks, laughter and even engaged in Sloric games, creating a memorable night. Clicking on the picture, it transformed into a hologram, revealing Adam's buzz-cut blond hair, sharp jawline, and captivating brown eyes, enhanced by sporadic sprouts that added a touch of uniqueness. On the other side, Reina had ditched her usual ponytail, letting her hazel eyes flow freely, radiating health and depth. Her petite face, surprising for someone of her height, accentuated her graceful stature, standing as tall as Adam at 6 feet.

Running behind schedule, Samuel quickly prepared himself and left his room, striding through the barracks. Along the way, he passed various facilities—the training room filled with groups running laps, engaging in sparring sessions, and lifting weights. The bustling cafeteria drew his attention, where colleagues were enjoying their breakfast. The barracks housed numerous facilities, each occupying its designated area.

Navigating through this organized chaos, Samuel finally reached a door labeled "Dr. Vice." Checking his appearance one last time, he took a deep breath before knocking twice on his prosthetic leg and entered the room.

Upon entering, a glance around revealed a large bookshelf filled with diverse titles on the left, a treatment chair on the right, and, towards the back, a desk with three chairs—two in front and one behind. Behind the desk sat Dr. Vice, a man in his late fifties, bald spot with greying short hair, sporting glasses, and a well-trimmed, long red beard. Engrossed in a digital newspaper recounting the previous day's events, especially Julian Verde's announcement of a new age for humans on planet Sol, Dr. Vice looked up with a frown as Samuel made a discreet cough to gain his attention. Swiftly swiping his hand over the digital newspaper, Dr. Vice corrected his glasses and greeted Samuel with a small smile, gesturing for him to take a seat. "Samuel, I'm glad you decided to schedule an appointment."

Seating himself, Samuel adjusted his chair for comfort before addressing Kendrick. "Thank you for having me, Kendrick, and I apologize for being late. That was unprofessional of me."

Kendrick, appearing indifferent, responded, "It's part of my job, Samuel. I'm here for you, not the other way around. I'm glad you made it, even if it's an hour late. But there's something I'm curious about. Opening a panel on his desk, Kendrick projected data, referencing Samuel's documents. He continued, "December 1st was the last time we spoke. You left abruptly in the middle of our conversation. What made you decide to return?"

Samuel sighed and looked down momentarily before making eye contact with Kendrick. "I want to change, sir. You probably already know my motive, but that isn't the biggest reason for me to change. So, yesterday..." Samuel recounted his activities from the previous day, explaining the events that led him to seek an appointment in the middle of the night.

Kendrick listened attentively, and Samuel continued, "We got invited to play some Sloric games. Normally, I would decline because I'm not good at it, and, you know, I dislike losing. But at that time, I just went with it. After we approached the table with five Sloric slimes covering dice, Adam told me if I lost, I should return to my therapist for a heart-to-heart. If I won, he wouldn't advise against me taking the recruitment test anymore."

Kendrick nodded lightly, and Samuel clarified, "Sir, with all due respect, I don't belong with the police. I need to be back with the expedition team—my team, the Green Ferrets. I understand I have many shortcomings that need to be addressed, but I am willing to return to where I belong, and I need your help to get there, sir."

Kendrick sighed and put his glasses down, rubbing his face. After a moment of silence, he looked at Samuel.

"So, to my understanding, you still can't move as you used to. You have traumas that need treatment, and you expect me to give you clearance to be sent back to your unit, where you lost many people in your previous expedition. You skipped countless appointments in the last six months and suddenly want to change?"

Samuel gulped, and Kendrick, putting his glasses back on, leaned back in his chair. "You're lucky to still live in the barracks, to begin with. I need more than convincing words, Samuel. Show me! Then we'll see if this isn't some excuse."

Standing up, Samuel saluted Kendrick. "Sir, not only will I show you, but I will make it so that you can't deny me, sir!"

Kendrick sighed. "Since we don't have much time to discuss. The next appointment will be held on the fourth of January at nine sharp. No more excuses. You are dismissed."

Exiting Kendrick's office with a sense of relief, Samuel muttered, "That went surprisingly better than I thought it would," and headed back towards his quarters.

In Kendrick's office, he contemplated, "This kid is just way too weird to begin with. But oh well, it's your son, so that does make some sense." He gazed at a picture on the wall showcasing a dark-skinned woman with locks reaching her hips, wearing a lab coat, and shaking hands with Kendrick.

As Samuel walked back, hunger struck him, prompting a detour to the cafeteria. The lively scene echoed with chatter and clinking utensils as army personnel enjoyed their meals. Soldiers from various squads filled the space, discussing both lighthearted and serious matters. Notably, the expedition teams stood out, each squad identified by its distinctive color.

Spotting the Black Ravens, led by Boyd Hutterson, Samuel noticed Boyd's imposing figure, black wavy hair tied in a manbun, and a robust and clean-shaven presence. A few tables away, the Blue Whales, under Jack Snyder's leadership, exhibited a leaner physique, standard brown slicked-back hair, and a sharp look with a stubble beard.

Turning his attention, Samuel finally saw Reina in her Green Ferret uniform at the back of the cafeteria. Walking towards her, he heard murmurs about his rumored transfer and the questions surrounding his absence. Even the squad leaders observed him with surprise but said nothing.

Reina, seated with two unfamiliar faces in the same uniform, sighed as Samuel approached. Not a single expression crossed her face as she moved aside on the bench, making room for him. Samuel smiled, took his place, and introduced himself to the two newcomers. "Hi, I'm Private Valkan. Nice to meet you guys."

One of the twins, Jed Coulson, quickly recovered from the initial confusion and enthusiastically introduced himself. "It's an honor to meet you, sir! I've heard all about it. My name is Jed Coulson, and this is my twin, Fin Coulson. Why are you here? Are you returning? Wait, don't tell me, surprise me... no, that sounds stupid. Do tell me."

Excitement radiated from Jed while Fin remained silent, casually sipping his drink. Samuel's eye twitched at the barrage of questions during the introduction. Glancing at his left, he noticed Reina, unperturbed, continuing to eat in silence. Samuel mustered a response amid the questions, "New start, huh."