A New Dawn at Academia Veritas

Frigia's initial day at the esteemed Veritas Academy, embarking on her journey as a management student, was filled with a mix of nervousness and determination to redefine her life. Resolute to sever ties and expectations, she decided to solely focus on her studies, setting her apart from most girls who preferred "homely" subjects to maintain a feminine facade.

Standing before the grand main building, Frigia contemplated the promising subjects awaiting her while silently praying for two years of tranquility. Her presence had often been a source of discomfort for others, yet her hard work had led her to this moment.

Entering the building, Frigia's ethereal beauty captivated her peers. With a slender frame, pale skin, blue eyes, luscious pink lips, and curly brown hair, she resembled a doll in a white frilled top and a blue skirt. Her entrance stirred whispers of admiration and envy.

Seating herself, Frigia became the center of attention. Male classmates were mesmerized, while female peers glared in envy. Murmurs about her identity spread, with one girl tauntingly declaring her as the infamous Frigia. Recognizing the name, others referred to her as the "villainess" with unexpected beauty.

Rebecca, known as the "flower of the Nobel society," confronted Frigia with a venomous tone. The supposed past friendship between them was shattered, as Rebecca accused Frigia of having a beautiful exterior but a garbage personality. Unfazed, Frigia ignored the provocations, accustomed to such treatment.

Rebecca, feigning a friendly gesture, proposed a renewed friendship. Unwilling to create unnecessary conflicts, Frigia reluctantly agreed, seeking solace in a peaceful college life. However, the underlying tension lingered beneath the surface.

As the atmosphere simmered, the sudden entrance of Cayden Sterling, the charming and accomplished heir of the Sterling dukedom, the only dukedom of Ravenspire empire stole the spotlight. Despite being the sole hire Cayden was more than just his looks and title. He was the best swordsman in the empire. Despite being of the young age of 19. He joined and led the Krox war which lasted a year soon after coming of age ceremony and brought victory to his kingdom and pride to his family. He was also blessed with the title "Ravenspire's golden knight" after his victory. Cayden's presence ignited excitement among the female students, including Rebecca.

Rebecca, desperate for Cayden's attention, invited him to sit next to her. Uninterested in the attention, Cayden chose a seat behind Frigia, unknowingly becoming part of the unfolding dynamics. Frigia, caught between awe and frustration, stole a glance at Cayden, her expression misconstrued as displeasure.

Cayden, perplexed by Frigia's seemingly negative reaction, greeted her with a small smile. Unsettled, Frigia turned away, leaving Cayden puzzled. Meanwhile, Rebecca, observing the situation from a distance, nursed feelings of humiliation and anger.

As the professor entered the class, the first day at the academy unfolded with Frigia at the center of an intricate web of relationships and expectations, hinting at a journey marked by challenges, alliances, and unexpected connections.