Whispers of the Past

Within the grand halls of Academia Veritas, where knowledge echoed through the air like a timeless melody, Frigia Everhart found herself immersed in the complexities of her first week. The sun's gentle rays painted a golden portrait of resilience as she navigated the whispers and stares that clung to her every step. Unyielding in her pursuit of knowledge, she faced the challenges head-on, determined to carve her place in the hallowed halls of academia.

Despite the continued glares and disparaging comments, Frigia was growing accustomed to the hostile environment. Each judgment, like a relentless storm, failed to deter her focus on her studies. She became a solitary figure, moving through the academy with a quiet strength that intrigued her professors.

In the male-dominated management department, where the faculty consisted solely of men, Frigia's exceptional performance became a beacon of academic prowess. However, the toxic undercurrents of false rumors tainted her achievements. Disgusting whispers of her supposedly engaging in inappropriate relationships with professors circulated, tarnishing her reputation and casting a shadow over her accomplishments.

The other students, influenced by these baseless rumors, regarded Frigia with disdain, despite her exemplary academic record. The dichotomy between her intellect and the unfounded allegations painted a stark contrast, leaving Frigia to navigate a treacherous path where her intelligence was overshadowed by malicious gossip.

Her heart ached at the hurtful words and sidelong glances, but she resolved to stay strong. Frigia knew the source of these rumors, aware that any attempt to refute them would only fan the flames. The whispers reached a crescendo, swirling around her like a tempest, threatening to expose the fragile facade she had built.

As the daughter of a poor count, Frigia had fought tirelessly to secure her place in the academy. Her parents, burdened with the weight of financial struggles, had reluctantly allowed her to pursue her education. Fueled by a desire to alleviate their hardships, Frigia took on multiple writing jobs in disguise, funding her own education and bearing the weight of her ambitions alone.

She couldn't afford to be a burden. If her parents discovered the turmoil she faced, all her efforts would crumble, and she would be forcibly returned to the county, destined for a marriage with an affluent but likely unsavory suitor.

Rebecca, the orchestrator of Frigia's torment, continued her deceptive charade. In public, she maintained a facade of friendship, all the while stabbing Frigia with every opportunity. For some inexplicable reason, those around them failed to see through Rebecca's duplicity, making Frigia question the authenticity of her connections.

The cruel irony was not lost on Frigia. There was a time when she and Rebecca had been close friends, back when Everhart County was prosperous. Frigia's father, Victor Everhart, the county's sole heir, had once been a wealthy man with thriving investments. However, his reckless decisions and indulgence in mistresses and brothels had squandered the family's wealth.

Rebecca's father, once a mere merchant, stumbled upon a gold mine and used the newfound wealth to secure a noble title. As the Everhart family faced financial ruin, the dynamics between the two childhood friends shifted. Rebecca, once an ally, became a subtle antagonist, driven by the changing fortunes of their respective families.

Frigia reminisced about the days when their friendship was untainted by the shadows of deceit. The gatherings in the affluent homes of noble families were replaced by a stark reality—loneliness within the crowded corridors of societal expectations.

Rebecca's manipulation began subtly. She sought Frigia's introduction to her friends, claiming boredom during Frigia's study sessions. Naive and trusting, Frigia introduced Rebecca to the noble's tea party, hoping to alleviate her friend's perceived loneliness. However, the camaraderie quickly dissolved as everyone distanced themselves from Frigia, leaving her isolated within the social circles that once embraced her.

Rebecca's discomfort at a gathering led to a narrative shift. In her pursuit of self-preservation, she turned on Frigia, painting her as an arrogant and disdainful figure. The perception of Frigia transformed—from a friend to an outcast, her resting bitch face reimagined as an expression of hate and superiority.

Subtle comments became venomous arrows aimed at Frigia's every action. Rebecca took credit for embroidery work that Frigia had gifted her, a gesture twisted into an act of deception. The once-ignorable whispers evolved into a cacophony of lies, poisoning the minds of those who had once regarded Frigia as a friend.

The breaking point came during a gathering where Frigia, tired of the insidious remarks, retaliated. She defended her preferences and actions, challenging the narrative that had been woven around her. However, the room, blinded by the manipulated truth, condemned her as rude and insensitive, further isolating her within the cruel confines of societal judgment.

That night marked the end of Frigia's participation in social gatherings. Rebecca distanced herself, and so did the others who had once called themselves Frigia's friends. The relentless rumors persisted, but Frigia chose to ignore them, finding solace in the sanctuary of her books.

And now, within the echoing corridors of Academia Veritas, as false whispers continued to haunt her, Frigia drew strength from the scars of her past. She had weathered storms of deceit before, and she would weather them again. In the pursuit of knowledge, she found a sanctuary that shielded her from the judgments of those who failed to see beyond the shadows of lies.