Chapter 50: Someone like me.

Hardy's Pov

For the rest of practice, Roma stared at me like a hawk.

Every movement I made, every single time I made contact with his sister, every time I didn't make contact with his sister too…he just watched.

I could feel his gaze on me. It was distracting to say the least.

"Oops!" Xiomara screamed and covered her eyes as soon as her stick made contact with my face, drawing blood.

I felt it drip down my cheek. Roma stood up from where he sat, best guess was to come to his sister's aid if I happen to go berserk on Xio.

"Why didn't you duck?!" She came closer to inspect it like it was a gunshot wound not a cut.

"I didn't see you coming. Is It gonna scarr?" I asked, amused at her worried face. Roma was closer now.

"Dude…personal space. Any closer and you would be in my ass" I told him.

Xiomara tried to suppress a snicker. "Why are you hovering?" She asked her brother.