
As Abby and Remo exited the hospital room, the corridor buzzed with activity. Nurses hurried by, doctors conferred in hushed tones, and patients were wheeled in and out of rooms. Dr. Mason emerged from his office, a sense of urgency evident in his weary eyes.

"Abby, Remo, the referral to the research center is finalized," Dr. Mason announced, his voice cutting through the chaos. "They're expecting Mr. Falcone."

Abby felt a surge of relief wash over her as she nodded, grateful for Dr. Mason's efficiency and dedication. Together, they made their way to the waiting ambulance, where Mr. Falcone lay on a stretcher, surrounded by paramedics.

As Mr. Falcone was gently transferred into the ambulance, Abby leaned in close, whispering words of reassurance and love.

"We will come soon dad, don't worry everything will be fine." She planted a kiss on her father's forehead before the paramedics closed the door.