Empty can

As they arrived home, the weight of the night's events hung heavy in the air, casting a pall over the once-familiar surroundings. Abby's heart felt like a leaden weight in her chest, her grief and anger threatening to consume her from within.

Without a word, she brushed past Remo, her steps purposeful as she made her way into the house. Remo followed silently, his own emotions swirling in turmoil, but Abby's cold demeanor left him feeling helpless and adrift.

As they entered the dimly lit foyer, Abby turned to face Remo, her eyes hardened with resolve. "I need some time alone," she said, her voice distant and detached.

Remo's heart sank at her words, the sting of rejection cutting deep. He had hoped to offer her comfort and support, but now he found himself shut out, a bystander to her pain.

Nodding slowly, Remo masked his hurt behind a facade of stoicism. "Of course," he replied quietly, his voice tinged with sadness. "I'll be here if you need anything."