Buried Memory

Three days later, Ryker and Raquel were making their way to Westerwyn. They had been traveling for two days and Raquel was sick of carriages. It would have been much faster if they traveled by horse but that would have been improper for her.

As if she was a proper noblewoman to begin with.

Raquel sighed as she gazed out the carriage window. At least, they would be arriving at the Westerwyn Duchy today. Then she could rest and they could get their plan back on track.

And deal with the fact that the king’s youngest son was a dark witch. That was what Ryker suspected anyway.

They didn’t have proof about his magic, Ryker not able to sense it, but they couldn’t just ignore it. A chance that there was an active coven outside Westerwyn was a dangerous notion.

It wasn’t that there weren’t any but Westerwyn knew about them and had active ties with them. The other reason for concern was a hidden coven of dark witches almost always meant trouble.