Chapter 25. We Will Sleep Under One Blanket

On the other hand,

Helen was sitting in the bathtub. One bathtub is also inside her room room.

But the bathtub are small and only one person can sit inside it.

She thought about what he said.

Her mood is bad.

"Really how can he tell me that? Can't he say that I only love you?" Helen muttered. She can't understand why did he said true.

Even though she said that she wanted to hear the truth but what she actually wanted to hear was a answer that satisfy her the most.

But he said that he like her best friend too.

'What a scumbag!' Helen thought and snorted.

"But he really love me! That's what he said. Let's see how it turns out." She muttered and stand up from the bathtub.

"If I leave the bath water in the bathtub, will Parshant drink it?" After saying that she immediately felt goosebumps in her body and cleaned everything.

Then she went outside.

On the other hand before Helen come into room.

"So what happened? Why was Helen angry? I won't lie but I haven't seen her angry much. Did you love birds have fight? When I was here you were flirting in front of me!" Maya had combed her hair and was sitting next to him.

She was wearing night cotton clothes.

Parshant shrugged and thought 'Isn't that because of you?'

But he won't say that outright.

He replied "It's nothing. We are having a sweet time and want to increase our love through fighting."

He said in that kind of manner as if he was telling her the truth.

Maya grinned and looked at him she thought 'Does he think that I am a fool?'

She shook her head then the door of bathroom opened and Helen come out from the bathroom.

"You can take a bath." Helen said to Parshant. She had already figured it out that even though he like Maya but like what he said.

He will be loyal to her and she believes him. So he had no reason to fight with him!

Parshant gestured her.

'Am I right or what?'

Maya was flagstabbered.

'No, is it really true? Aren't single and couple life the same!?' She muttered somehow blushing.

Helen mood became bad again when she saw them gesturing each other with eyes.

She snorted coldly and Parshant looked at her.

He hurriedly stand up from he bed and pecked on her lips lightly.

He didn't wanted her to make angry.

"I am going to take a bath. Until you can take out blanket for me! Ohh yes where is the towel?"

"You can use mine. It's inside."

Parshant nodded at Helen and went into bathroom.

Outside Helen looked at Maya silently.

Maya was puzzled and asked" Looking what? So you have a crush on me? I am straight."

She back down a little on the bed as if afraid of Helen.

Helen rolled her eyes and saw "I am straight too. But I really don't know whether you are straight or lesbian. You give me a home I think you have bad intentions for me."

"Of course such a pretty girl. How can I let her go!" Maya laughed like a pervert and come to her to touch her breasts only to get hurt in the hand.

Helen snapped her hands away from her breasts.

"They are only for Parshant." She though said them confidently but God knows how embarassed she is inside her heart.

"Oops I am so jealous of him. He can grope them however he wants." Just when she wanted to continue she saw Helen face becomes 'cold'.

"Ha ha ha j-joking joking with you. Goodbye." She went outside to get some safety only to remember that it was her room.

"Ahem that. I" Her face was hit by a pillow.

"Great" She made a sound there was a silence in the room until Parshant come out from the bathroom.

"What happened?" He saw there was a silence between them.

"Nothing, let's sleep." Helen said.

He nodded and took off his clothes. Now he was in his underwear.

"W-what are you doing? I-I will call the police." Maya stammers when saying.

Helen also blushed and was looking at him questionly.

He coughed and asked "What dirty things are you thinking girl?"

He continued "I am going to sleep and can't sleep in clothes."

"Ohh b-but h-how can you. It's totally... don't you know that there are also us who will sleep with you?" Even though Maya was 'relieved' but how can he sleep with a girl in his underwear who is not his girlfriend.

If Parshant will know what is she thinking he will only say. What are thinking girl you were the one who invited me to sleep with you.

"I don't sleep in clothes." After saying that he continued "And where is my blanket? It's cold you know."

His body started to shake because of cold.

"Hmph it's there" Maya snorted and pointed there.

He saw she was pointing at the bed. There was only one blanket.

"W-what about you guys?" The corner of his mouth twitched and he asked. Even though he seems to think something but he wanted to confirm it.

"We will sleep in one blanket."

"What how can that be!" Helen said she really didn't understand her friend mind.

Parshant was also speechless but feeling the coldness he immediately went into the bed and covered himself with the blanket.

"Turn off the lights" He can't sleep when the lights are on.

Helen felt her blood was pumping and it was about to burst out from her chest... umm from her body.

"Hurry up." He urged them.

Helen was silent but somehow still satisfied herself thinking 'It didn't matter. I will sleep in the middle."

"Yes turn off the light." She urged Maya who was left standing and took her spot in the middle.

Maya looked at them feeling speechless.

She shrugged her shoulders and after turning off the lights she hop on the bed taking her spot next to Helen.


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