Chapter 26. My Life Will Go On Like That!

After 30 minutes later,

Maya squirmed around but couldn't sleep. She asked "Hey, did you sleep already?"

"No, what happened?" Parshant was still awake and he was groping Helen breasts. As for Helen she was trying hard to control her moaning but she didn't stopped his hands.

That's why he gets more and more unruly and even put his hand under her cotton clothes.

His hand's were not cold but they weren't hot either.

But when his hands touched her bare breasts. They were so hot and soft that he didn't wanted to took back his hand.

So he just placed his hand while sometime squeezing her breasts.

Helen had placed her hand on her mouth and she was trying hard not to moan. She didn't know that getting her breasts squeezed by him would feel so comfortable.

But her heart beat speed up when she heard Maya.

She tried her best not to moan lest she hear and thought her future husband is a pervert.

"Hmm, I can't sleep!"

Parshant was speechless when he heard Maya. What can he do if she can't sleep?

In fact the situation should be opposite. It should be him who can't sleep because of new environment.

"Then what can I do?"

"Hmm, is Helen sleeping?"

Helen didn't talk.

"She seems to be sleep. Hey, Parshant let's talk!"


"What is your bland reaction? I am girl you know. You should be happy when I ask you to talk to me."

"Girl, do you watch many films?"

"Of course I do! What happened?"

"So that's why you have this misunderstanding."

"What are you murmuring?"


"Ohh" Maya said and continued "Can I ask you something?"


"So how did you and Helen meet?"

"We meet in a shop."

"Ohh so I mean what kind of work you do?"

"I opened a adult shop."

"What!?" Maya was shocked.

Parshant squeezed Helen breasts and said " Hey calm down, otherwise Helen would wake up."

He moved his body towards Helen. He kissed her on the cheeks while squeezing her soft breasts.

They were hot and in this cold enviornment he only need her breasts.

"So you guy's meet on a adult shop?"


"Tsk tsk tsk I didn't thought that Helen would go to a adult shop."

When she said this Parshant feels a pinch on his hand.

He knows that it Helen who was asking him that why did he said that.

Parshant of course won't lie to her.

"So how many book did she bought?"

"At least 31 she will buy new book everyday."

"Heh really? You aren't lying to me are you?"

"Why would I lie!"

"Hahahaha I don't know Helen was this lusty!"

"Hey hey stop otherwise Helen would wake up."

"Yes I really do need to stop hahaha." She laughed then stopped. After thinking for a moment she asked "Hey, can I ask you a question?"

"Again question? Why not! You are her best friend."

"You won't leave Helen right? But even if you leave her I will find and bury you in the soil. I tell you that my mom and dad even though live overseas but just by their one call they can find you."

"Calm down, Maya. Why would I leave such a cute and lovely girl as Helen?" Parshant said and squeezed her breasts. Her breasts were really big.

At the same time hot and soft.

He licked his lips thinking that when he would Impregnate her he would have plenty of milk to drink everyday. Such a good girl why would he even think to leave her.

He laughed inwardly then continued "Also you don't need to threaten me. I had decided that I would marry Helen after she completes her studies."

"Hey, really aren't you lying? Won't most of the boys won't marry their girlfriends?"

"Yes yes but I am different. I really love Helen and already told her that I will marry her."

"Ohh thank God then."

But Parshant of course won't let her go like that. How dare she threaten himself.

"Also your threats are useless because my connections in overseas are much as there are sand in desert."


"Hehehehe you should check this out." He wanted to show her money in his mobile. He isn't like protagonists where he would get a pretending chance. Just show her the money and slap her on the face.

He opened his mobile and after opening the bank application he was about to show her the money when the system prompt sounded.

[Ding, detected the host needs!]

[Congratulations to host for getting 1 billion rupees.]

Then the amount refreshed in his bank and immediately became so much.

Of course his money is not in a bank but in his system.

He can show money in any bank using system. He also didn't lied about having many connections overseas. After all he has system and he can change a country currency value if he wants to.

Then he showed her the money.

"Here look"

In the dark only the light of phone lit up.

Helen had closed her eyes tightly while her hands were holding his hand on the top of her breasts.

"So much money!!! Are you a drug dealer?"

"Maya, even though I am a kind person if you would say that to me..."

"But how can you have this much money."

Parshant thought and immediately made a story in his head.

Anyways as a writer writing such a small plot is nothing.

He said "Sigh where should I continue? Let's start from my birth. I was a orphan and didn't have money to eat three times food."

"Then I set a goal to make money. How can we make money? By studying! I studied and get a scholarship. Then get visa and went to overseas to complete my studies. While I was at this I earned money by investing in different countries. Luck was with me and I earned more then a billion."

"After that I come back to my nation and opened adult shop. After all I earned more then I could spend. I just want to relax as much as I could. As for why a adult shop? It's because many people's won't come there. Then I meet Helen and started dating her and will eventually marry and my life would spend like that."


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