Deadly riddles

In a damp dimly lit room, a person was tied to a chair. The only source of light was a flickering lightbulb fixed to the ceiling, which was barely lighting up the room.

Looking closer, one would find out that this person was none other than Abe, who was currently sweating buckets.

When he woke up and found out that he was in this strange room, he'd been trying to find a way out ever since , but strangely he couldn't move any part of his body.

He felt stiff, like he had lost control of his body, he couldn't even move his eyelids.

He has been staring at a particular spot since he woke up and his eyes were hurting like hell, if he could just close his eyes for a minute.

Just for a.....

"Ohhhh you're finally awake" a voice sounded from his back scaring him.

He tried turning to the source of the voice but he failed.

From the way the voice sounded he could tell that the person was a male.

'Why can't I just fucking move!!?' he asked himself for the 50th time

" I'm very sorry I kept you waiting" the voice said with a giggle

" I've been busy with the others.

Ahh! I'm sorry, you can't hear them.

Their screams, the agony, oooh such melody to my ears"

The last part was high pitched.

Intentional or not, it did its job, striking fear in Abe's heart.

" But now they're gone, I feel so sad and bored.

Oh I know what can cheer me up. “ The voice said giggling.

" Would you like to play a game with me? To cheer me up.”

"Uhmm, no? No answer? Why won't you speak?" the voice asked

'Why won't I speak? Are you f-----g kidding me? Why don't you come sit down here and have the wonderful feeling of not being able to move your body' Abe thought to himself

" Ohh I am really sorry!! I forgot you can't speak. Let me help you with that" the voice said.

Abe suddenly felt light, like a heavy burden had been lifted off him....

"Where am I? Who are you? Are you a kidnaper? let me tell you now, nobody will pay for…" Abe suddenly froze, not because the stiffness returned, he froze because he suddenly felt a sharp object on his throat.

" Tsk tsk tsk tsk!!! It's so troublesome having you guys speak. Where is this! where is that!

You guys don't know that the first rule of a question is answering it" the voice said, whispering dangerously into Abe's ear.

" Ah" the sharp object grazed his skin lightly, making a cut.

" I will ask you one more time. Would you like to play a game with me?" the voice asked making another cut on Abe's neck

"Ahhh!! Y..yes, I'll play your game okay.

J..just! just don't kill me please" Abe pleaded

He had always believed that he wasn't afraid of death, but right now he was scared shitless

"Ye!!!!! That's wonderful, the name of the game is ‘Guess what I am’.

It’s quite simple really, you have only three fail chances, for the first fail, I'll make a light cut from one end of your neck to the other end. For the second fail, I'll cut the skin on your neck from one end to the other don't worry I won't cut your throat. The third fail..well I'll just cut your head off" the voice said with a giggle

" Let's begin!!! ooh we're going to have so much fun"

"I am always hungry, I must always be fed. The finger I touch will soon turn red. What.... am..... I?"

‘It's a riddle? It's a fucking riddle!!! Okay ummm what is always hu----’ Abe racked his brain.

" 10" the voice shouted bringing him out of his thoughts

"Wait, is there a timer? You didn't mention a timer" Abe said

" Ohh there is no fun waiting for you for so long, is there?" the voice said with a laugh that sounded like a joker's laugh

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‘Ummm o-ok-okay, always hungry the finger I touch will soon turn red. Ummm hot water? No!! you don't feed hot water. fire? fire nee—’

"4" the voice shouted, interrupting Abe's thoughts yet again.

The timer was fast, the voice was obviously cheating but who was Abe going to complain to?

‘Fire needs to be fed constantly to keep burning, and if it burns you it turns red. Should I say fire? But what if it's not fire?’

"2! Oh where getting close, the fun part is near" the voice said laughing

"No wait, Fire!! it is fire" Abe shouted nervously

" Ohh you're smart, why are you smart?

Luckily you were slow, the timer was almost up.

I should cut you a little bit, just a little bit please!!!" The voice pleaded.

"No!! please, I got it right" Abe said with tears in his eyes.

He was scared shitless...he's just a seconds away from pissing his pants.

"Ohhh calm down, I am a thing of my word" the voice said

"Now let's try again shall we? This one will definitely get you"

“I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?"

" Oh I'm having so much fun, are you having fun Abe?" the voice said, suddenly mentioning his name, which shocked him.

“ No worries, you don't have to answer. Just you know-- oh I almost forgot 7!"

"7? But you started from 10 the last time"

Abe didn't want to speak, but he just couldn't keep quiet and listen as the voice cheated him.

It was like the voice desperately wanted him to lose, just so it could cut him.

"Oh I know, but I don't want to. 6!!" the voice said

‘F–k!! I pray I survive this game, maybe I can get out here’ Abe thought

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"4"the voice shouted

‘S–t! s–t!! s–t!!!. Uhmm speaks without a mouth, a shadow?

No no shadows can't speak, uhmm hear without ears?

Sound, sound maybe? But it has no body and is alive? God?’ Abe's brain worked as fast as he could.

"2" the voice shouted.

The voice of the thing resounded in the room.

" Resounded? Speak without a mouth, hear without an ear and have no body but come alive with the wind. It's an echo’

" An echo!!!" Abe shouted

"oooo you smart boy, you got it right again" the voice said with a laugh

"So uhm can we play the next one?" Abe asked, he really wanted to be done with this foolish game. He thought maybe if he played the voice's game, maybe it would let him go at the end.

"ooh sorry!! There's no next one, I have to cut off your head now, you've made me bored" the voice said, moving the sharp object closer to Abe's neck drawing blood.

Abe was about to scream, when he felt a vibration in his right hand, he looked at it and saw that it was his phone vibrating.

He squinted his eyes trying as hard as he could, but he couldn't see the name of the caller as much as he tried.

Then suddenly he looked up and saw a huge knife coming for his head.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he screamed.

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