Welcome to hero city.

Jolting awake, Abe felt the vibration of his phone which was in his hand.

He had forgotten to put it back in his pocket after texting his sister.

He had only planned to take a short nap to rest his tired body, but he felt so tired from being woken up so early in the morning.

Not long after he rested his head on the back of his seat, he fell into the peaceful embrace of sleepiness. Or in this case, a sinister nightmare.

Looking at the screen of his phone, he saw it was his uncle calling him

"Hello?" he said answering his phone

"Hey! Abe, are you okay? Why weren't you picking your calls?" his uncle bombarded him with questions immediately he picked up the phone.

He pulled the phone a little bit further away from his ears as his uncle's voice was very loud.

When he was sure his uncle was done, he put the phone back to his ears. "I'm sorry uncle, I fell asleep," he said.

"gods! I was worried. I got off work and I was calling to inform you that I will be waiting for you at the stop, so you don't have to call me when you get off" he said

"Okay thanks, I'm not really sure where we at or how many hours we have left but I'm sure it's soon" Abe said

"Yeah? okay no problem, just answer your phone when I call the next time okay? Don't scare me like that"

"Thanks uncle, I'll see you at the stop.” He said hanging up

“I really slept off uhn?" He sighed

He didn't even bother thinking about that weird dream, he's been having them since he was little. 5 years old maybe?

He couldn't remember.

He looked at his side, staring out the window, it was already getting dark.

He got into the bus at 12:35pm and he had been staring out the window for 3 hours till he fell asleep.

It was 4:05pm the last time he checked the time, now that he checked it, it was 7:00pm which meant that he had slept for almost 3 hours.

He turned to the woman beside him, he tapped her and said "Sorry for disturbing you ma'am, I want to ask if you're a traveller?" he asked

She looked at him weirdly and answered "Yes, I think. I travel a lot, why are you asking?"

"Do you by any chance know how many more hours it'll take to reach 'Hero city'?" He asked

"2 more hours, I think. Is that all you want to ask?" she said

"Yes thank you" Abe replied

"Okay" she said, plugging the earpods back into her ears

Abe turned his gaze back to the window, looking at the fleeting images of the trees and the sun that was falling in the horizon which kept chasing after the bus as it sped on the street.

He felt calm for a very good reason.

He wasn't going to see Mr Fredrick's face for a while.

A rare smile crept on his face.


2 hours later, the bus pulled into 'Hero city's' bus terminal coming to a stop.

Then everyone alighted in a uniformed manner into the busy terminal.

As Abe got out of the bus he couldn't help but frown, he really hated crowded places.

He manoeuvred his way through the crowd with a deep frown, while clutching his bag tightly.

As he walked, he noticed a stain on his pants and he bent down a little to dust it off.

Just as he was dusting it off, he felt his right shoulder collide with someone's and he looked up to apologise.

"Hey man! Watch where you going fam" the person said

" I'm sorry." he apologised and tried to walk away, but he felt a hand holding his arm.

He stopped and looked sideways.

" Where the fuck do you think you're going?" the person said

"I already apologised man, is that not enough? Okay I'm sorry, see I've said it again. Can you please let go off me now, I don't want any trouble" Abe tried to reason

"Trouble? Are you really trying to talk to me about trouble?" the person laughed.

"Or are you trying to say I'm trouble?

You're n from here, are you?" The person said

"I'm not really in for this conversation, and I don't think I need to explain to you about where I came from. I already apologised for hitting you, now just let it go man" Abe said visibly annoyed.

He was not a person to back down from a fight, and he knew this was definitely going to lead to a fight, but he was just too tired to argue or fight with this scrawny ass dude.

He was already thinking in his mind that if this can't be resolved amicably, then he'll just let his fist talk then.

"Do you know who I am?" the person asked raising an eyebrow

"Just leave him alone brother" a female voice came from the man's back.

"But you don't know what he did" the man complained

"Well I heard him apologise, what else do you want?" the woman said with her arms crossed on her chest

"Whose side are you supposed to be on" the man said

"You know you were supposed to come pick me up like 5 minutes ago and you're here picking a fight with a stranger?" The woman said with a raised eyebrow.

The man turned to face Abe, his hand still gripping his arm.

He stared angrily at Abe and said, " You see what you've caused uhn? You turned my sister against me" he said as he gripped tightly at Abe's arm

" Get your ass out of here before I beat it." he said suddenly releasing his grip

" You are lucky my sister's here"

Abe stared back at him for a while contemplating if he should just let his fist talk and be done with it, but at the last moment he turned back.

Not tonight.

He wasn't going to start the new story of his life with an ugly chapter, so he walked away.

" Welcome to hero city pretty boy, I'll be seeing you around" the man's voice came from his back as he walked away.

1. Communication is the key, please drop your thoughts in the comments section.

2. *Game alert* I dare you to beat ‘TeLLer_taLes’ fan value, let's see who has the most fan value by the end of this month.

3. Please review the book.