You should see your face

“Then how did you know I was a drug dealer?" John said aggressively

" Wait!! What?!"

Abe dropped the plate he was washing into the sink and he turned back to face his uncle.

He couldn't quite register what he just heard, or he didn't want to.

"You're a what?" he exclaimed

"You heard me the first time." John replied, his voice was now getting aggressive

"That's bullshit right?" Abe's said, his voice quivering

" That's bullshit?" John suddenly threw his head back and laughed.

He laughed like he just heard the funniest joke ever, while Abe just stood there wondering what could have been funny about what he said.

After finally calming down from his laughter, John stood up from the chair, kicking the chair back aggressively.

" That's bullshit you say. So now you want to play ignorance." he said as he walked over to Abe slowly

" I seriously don't know what you're talking about." Abe rushed to explain.