
John looked at Donna. She was exhaling heavily like she's stressed. She was acting more like a snake.

Adam and Maria felt scared. They have seen her acting crazy before but this time it was intense. Adam saw John and he felt John faintly glowing.

Adam asked,

-"John. Please… can you help us? I beg you. We have no more hope. The missionaries won't help us "

Maria also asked John for help.

John said,

-"Just don't worry. I have come here to take care of everything."

John's words itself gave them enough courage to stand there. They felt he's going to end their suffering and give them back their beautiful life.

John looked at Natasha. Her face was showing the seriousness of the situation. He opened the backpack and took out the holy water and the holy book.

The ghost inside Donna started talking in a multi voice. It was horrifying. She said,

-"You fool. You think you can hurt me with things like that? You are nothing but an insignificant boy. We know you. We have set our eyes on you for a long time now. You have never seen anyone as strong as me till now. You will learn to respect the other siders in your afterlife. And I'll make sure to end your game today."

John didn't say anything back. He looked at Adam and Maria. He said,

-"Just stay behind me. And listen carefully.

No matter what ever happens, do not interfere. The exorcism I'm about to perform might be dangerous, according to the strength of the ghost possessing her."

They agreed to John.

John told Natasha to stand in front of them. Natasha may be weak compared to the other ghosts but she can delay the ghost if it tries to possess or attack them. And also Natasha has experience in handling exorcized ghosts.

He started reading the holy Book. He splashed some of the holy water on Donna. He continued his reading. But possessed Donna was laughing at his exorcism.

Adam took a step forward but he felt something was stopping him from moving forward. He realized it was Natasha. She was standing there to protect them as much as she could.

John moved on to the next page and started reading louder. But how much effort he may have done, nothing seemed like it affected Donna. Maria was praying to god to help them.

The ghost inside Donna was getting angry. It started feeling in the air. Everything became so heavy. The doors and windows started opening and closing on their own. Things inside the room started floating. It was like a hurricane.

John realized that this ghost is stronger than any other he ever encountered.

Natasha said,

-"It's time to get serious June"

John was planning to go with all he had. He stood his stand and continued reading. Which made the ghost more frustrated. It started trying to unbind itself. In that struggle the bed started moving. It was shaking like an electric current passing through it and her body. Within seconds the bed started going up. It was floating and rotating like a ceiling fan.

Adam once again tried to move forward to try and capture the bed to save Donna. But Natasha's energy stopped him again.

John lost his patience. That made him lose control. His body started glowing like it was back with the woman in the church. But this time it was brighter.

His eyes glowed in two different colors. One was green and the other was blue. Just like he had heterochromia.

At that time he saw the cat on the tree branch glowing in a green aura.

The ghost started screaming. Finally it started feeling the power of the exorcist it faces right now. It underestimated John's abilities and now it's screaming like a helpless girl.

The bed suddenly came down and fell with a loud noise. Its legs were broken and her hands and feet were released. The ghost took this opportunity to attack John. Possessed Donna ran towards John to attack him.

But before she could reach him. He closed his eyes then opened it. He said,

-"By the name of God, I cast you out…!"

Those words hit her like a truck. A bright light came out of his hands and it enveloped around her. She stopped and exhaled heavily.

Suddenly she opened her mouth and a purple smoke came out of her mouth. It was visible even to Adam and Maria. It started circling around on top of the room. When it fully came out of her body, Donna fell down. The smoke was rotating like it was searching for something.

Adam and Maria were desperate to check Donna if she's okay. John took a small bottle from his backpack and opened it. There was some kind of powder in it. He put it on her forehead.

John looked at Natasha. Then he came in front of them. Natasha understood it's her turn to deal with it. She changed her form into the same smoke as the ghost but her color was pure green.

John said,

-"Sir it's not over yet so please stay here. Donna is fine I promise."

Adam was too desperate but he understood that it's for the best.

Natasha was about to get in the fight but the ghost was too weak to fight back. It started to flee. John told Natasha to stop it before it tried to escape.

But the ghost said,

-"I don't know how you become this much stronger. But you just wait till the day the people who you think of as alleys turn enemies. Beware of the ones around you."

After saying that the smoke exploded. John didn't take anything seriously that the ghost said. He knew all the ghosts would try to deceive you. Ghosts are liars.

The glow that appeared on John had already vanished. Even his eye color changed back to normal.

John let Adam go and check on Donna. Donna woke up like she was asleep. She seemed more energetic but she was so hungry.

Maria was crying. She was happy because they got back their girl after they thought they lost her forever. Hearing that Donna said that she's hungry Maria said,

-"Thank god you are all okay. I'll cook something special for you right away. And John, you really are an angel. We don't have enough words to thank you. Please join us for dinner."

John smiled at her. Maria was excited enough to forget everything that happened there. She was only thinking about giving Donna something to eat. She quickly ran downstairs. John walked towards Donna and asked her,

-"Are you okay friend?"

Donna said,

-"I'm perfectly alright. But I'm feeling unusually hungry and thirsty. But it doesn't matter.

Thank you for helping me. Please say my thanks to your friend too."

Natasha was standing behind John and hearing that she smiled.

Donna continued,

-"Tell her that she looks so cute. I believe she's hearing me right now. So listen to ghost girl, you are so cute."

Adam become curious and asked,

-"How did you see the ghost with John?"


-"I was able to see her when evil possessed me. But after it left I could not. When I was possessed I was able to see everything that the ghost saw. It was like a nightmare in which you had no control over."

Adam petted her head and hugged her.

John looked at them.

Natasha came in front and said,

-" June tells her that the ghost girl has a name."

John laughed. He said,

-"Donna, the ghost girl said she has a name. Her name is Natasha. I call her Nat."

Donna smiled and said,

-"I'm sorry Natasha. It's a nice name. I would like to be your friend too. It's better having a friend like you rather than getting possessed by an evil one. But I can't see you."

While they were talking they heard screaming. It was Maria. John ran towards her. On the stairs he saw Maria laying down scared.

He looked at the bottom. But Jude was nowhere to be found. She kept saying something.

"They took him..."