The Cat

John was standing there and looked at the way Maria was talking. He realized that she's so scared of something.

Adam came down running and asked,


What just happened?

Where did that guy go?"

Maria said,

-"He escaped. Some guy came in and untied him. That guy took Jude with him."

Donna also came there slowly and stood beside John. Watching Maria on the floor Donna also ran towards her.

Adam said,

-"it's okay you just calm down. We will call the police and report it. They will handle the rest."

John looked at Natasha. She understood the meaning of his look and she flew away to search for Jude.

John walked down and came towards Maria. He said,

-"One problem after another.

What is going on around here?

Ma'am did you see that guy? Can you tell me what he looked like?"

Maria was shivering. Adam gave her some water to drink. He didn't forget to give some water to Donna and John. After drinking it Maria said,

-"Yes, I remember his face. It was like a cold face with sharp eyes. Long white hair and long red dress. He's taller. He looked so angry but I don't know why… I think…

Or maybe I just imagined it."

John became more curious. He asked,

-"Tell me whatever it is."

Maria looked at John's face and said,

-"That guy smiled at me. And it looked like he was taking that fake exorcist. It didn't seem like saving him."

John started thinking and then he said,

-"I felt that too. Because look at this. Jude's belongings are still here. If that guy was saving him, he should have taken this with him because he doesn't want us to have any evidence of Jude coming here. If these are left here which means that guy was taking Jude for some other reason."

Adam came from the other room and said,

-"Whatever it is, I just called the cops. They will be here any minute now. Let them handle this. We have enough problems to deal with."

That time Natasha came back and told John that she couldn't find Jude or anyone who's suspicious around there.

Maria got up and she went into the kitchen. Donna followed her.

Adam came near John and asked,

-"John, are you sure that my daughter is okay?"

John looked at Adam and asked,

-"Why are you asking that sir, what happened?"

Adam looked at the kitchen and said,

-"You see, after she's been possessed we went to a lot of places to do the exorcism. I have seen people doing an exorcism. The possessed ones are supposed to fall down unconscious and lose all their energy after that evil leaves their body. But Donna seems like she's more energetic than before. And I have never seen her ask for food. She was a child who never showed any signs of hunger."

John smiled,

-"Oh, don't worry about that. It's all fine. My exorcism is a little different from others. Have you ever seen anyone glowing when they do an exorcism?"


-"No. This is the first time."


-"Exactly. My teacher said it's something inside me. It's a mystical aura that gives me power to do the exorcism. That power converts the evil spirit's energy into the host's energy and forces the evil spirit to leave its vessel.

That way the evil spirit loses its energy and the host gains it. Your daughter is fine. She will seem more energetic for some days and then she will be back to normal. That is one of the positive sides of my work. The host's safety is absolute."

John smiled at Adam. Adam felt relieved. They chatted for sometime and then went to eat dinner.

Natasha was outside. She was wandering around. She saw the black and white fur cat and started flying around him. The cat was acting normal. He was busy cleaning its face and biting his hands. She started trying to scare the cat. She wanted to find out if it saw her.

Natasha started calling the cat and making noises to get its attention. She even tried to touch it. But the cat didn't seem like it saw her.

She clapped her hands very loudly and suddenly the cat looked at her and started staring. She was amazed by that. She thought that maybe animals could see her. She never thought about it or tried to find that out so she doesn't know.

She started making scary faces. She even tried the face she used to scare John and failed. Nothing seemed to have an effect on him. The cat started scratching again. That time she realized that the cat wasn't looking at her but it was just an imagination.

She came to the conclusion that the cat can't see her. She tried the same thing on the dog in the neighborhood. She got the same result.

Within some time John came out of the house. Adam, Maria and Donna were right behind him. John saw how happy their family was. He started feeling sad for not having to know any of his parents.


-"I still can't believe this. The last three months were like a nightmare. It all went back to normal by a single night. We just can't thank you enough John."


-"Don't mention it, it's all part of my daily job. Please try to pray sometimes. Keep your beliefs in god. He will send you someone like me whenever you need.

And try not to forget, putting the thing I gave you under her bed."


-"It's already in place, don't worry. We will take care of it. We don't want to see our precious girl in that situation again."


-"Oh that's good. Donna, come forward."

Donna came to the front and stood there. John put his hand on her head and started praying. Donna closed her eyes.

After the prayer John said,

-"Okay you will be alright from now on. So I may take my leave now. It's already late."


-"Thanks again John. And don't be a stranger, come visit us sometimes."


-"Yes, anytime you can come here. Think of this as your own home. We are in debt for what you have done today.

Oh I almost forgot. Take this."

Adam gave a packet to John. John didn't take it, he just looked at it. He understood it's a bundle of cash. John smiled and said,

-"You said this is like my home and now you are giving me money like some stranger. If you think of me as at least a friend, why are you giving me money?"

Adams' face changed. He said,

-"I thought this was a bad idea. But I should do something for you in return. You gave us back our life."

John smiled and put his hand on Adam's shoulder. John said,

-"Just don't worry. You are good people. Just stay as you are right now. That's enough.

I am leaving, I just have some things to do out here before I go. So you guys can go inside and take a rest."

They said their goodbyes and walked in. John looked at them again. He was deeply in sadness because he didn't have a family. He was happy too because he was able to help them. A drop of tear shaded out of his eyes.

He wiped the tears and looked at the tree. He wanted to see what the cat was looking for. He felt something was special about the cat.

Natasha came near him. He said,

-"Nat. Did you see that cat?

(Natasha looked at it)

I feel something special about it. When I was doing the exorcism something else happened. I saw the cat was watching everything from the top of that tree and it had a green glowing light on him."

Natasha looked at the cat and laughed. She said,

-"There is nothing special about it. I already checked him. He's just a house cat."


-"How can you be so sure?"


-"Because I saw the cat earlier. It can't even see me. Even if I kick it's ass it will start wondering what happened to it.

How can you expect it to be special?."

While she said that the cat looked at her.

John noticed that and said,

-"Yeah you are right. Just look, it's staring at you."

Natasha looked at the cat and saw it staring at her. She moved to John's left, the cat looked at that side. And when she moved to the right the cat followed her with its stare.

Natasha became amazed and a little scared. She said,

-"It's not possible. I'll prove it to you."

She flew towards the cat and started making weird faces. The cat didn't seem scared but she understood it could see her. She became scared. Natasha screamed out loud. She said,

-"Oh god this is bad, is it an evil spirit? Or a monster? Is it targeting me? Why me? I'm too cute yet to die so soon. Is my life finished? What am I gonna do?

(She looked at the cat and it was still staring at her.)

Oh god it's true, it's looking right at me. He's gonna kill me. It's all over.

Okay no more crying I'll accept my fate. Take me monster, I'm ready."

She flew towards the cat and said that.

John walked towards it. He was watching it carefully. He said,

-"It's not an evil spirit or a monster. It's just being able to see you, that's all. And besides you can't die anymore. You have died years ago. Remember?"

Suddenly Natasha remembered that John was right. She started laughing like a fool. She became embarrassed.

John looked at the cat and asked,

-"Still, why is he able to see you?"