lovable animal turned monster.

Sera and Peter lived a happy life together for forty years. They had no regrets. They raised two beautiful girls who became accomplished women in their own lives.

After retirement Peter and Sera decided to buy a small farm house and live there alone and quiet for the life they had left. Their daughters and family came to visit them once or twice a year. So they lived a happy life.

But one day suddenly everything changed.

One time in a gathering of families at their farm house. Both of these girls started fighting each other for small reasons which ended in a big fight between them.

They started hating each other and they decided not to come to the farm house to see their mother and father. So they don't have to face each other again.

After that Peter and Sera become so sad and it puts them both in depression. They stopped eating food properly and lost interest in living.

One day Peter and Sera fought each other without any reason. They didn't eat anything and because of their age they became so weak.

They became so weak they both fainted one after another. They would have died if he hadn't shown up.

A cute little street dog. It came into their house and started licking on Sera's face. Within sometime Sera woke up and saw the dog sitting beside her.

She felt like she got some energy and walked into the kitchen. She brought some water and splashed it on Peter's face. He was so weak he still got up. Sera gave him some water to drink.

After drinking the water Peter slowly got up. Peter and Sera looked at each other. They started crying and they hugged each other.

After some minutes Peter noticed the dog sitting inside their house. Sera explained that the dog helped them. Ever since they took him in. They named him Mark. Mark was like a son to them both.

Once a burglar broke into their house. He threatened to kill them if they didn't give him everything they had. But Mark saved them from him without even thinking about his own life.

John was riding his fancy bike so fast. Natasha was right beside him. She looked at John, his face was looking so worried.

She remembered.

Just about a week ago, this Sera was possessed by a strong spirit and John exorcized it. And now their pet dog has gone mad.

The dog's name is Mark. He was very loyal. Not only that, Mark was so intelligent.

When Sera was possessed, she attacked everyone in sight. But Mark risked his own life to protect others. By doing that he even got injured. Still he didn't give up on her.

Now they are saying Mark tried to kill them.

Something really is wrong. Is it possible for a dog to get possessed? She thought.

They reached the nearby town. Suddenly John stopped his vehicle. He looked around. It was a disaster area. It looked like a meteor struck there. Natasha was looking around for any casualties. She said,

-"This looks like someone destroyed the town. What kind of monster is capable of doing this?"

John noticed some people standing on the sides of an alleyway. He didn't reply to Natasha's question because he didn't want anyone to feel weird. The fact that only John can see or hear Natasha, makes it look like he's talking to himself if he answers her.

He walked towards them. They were looking scared. John asked,

-"What happened here?"

The man came forward and said,

-"It was some kind of monster. Huge, sharp teeths and claws. It was larger than a bus yet looked like a wolf."

John and Natasha listened to everything that guy said. While they were talking Nathasha noticed something. There was someone in a black clothes, waiting for them in the shadows. Watching them closely. She thought it's just someone from the town.

After talking with them John called an ambulance and emergency services to the area.

John got on to the vehicle and moved. The shadow figure followed him. On the way John saw the whole place was destroyed to the ground.

It was too hard to move forward but John's vehicle was a special one. Instead of rolling wheels it was floating like a jet.

John reached Peter's house. He was parking his vehicle in a safe area while Natasha flew away to check if Sera or Peter was injured.

Luckily they were okay. But she saw Mark laying down on the ground and Sera and Peter were too afraid to go close to him. They were in the backyard. The house was almost completely destroyed.

John walked towards the house and that time Natasha came near him and told him to go to the backyard.

They both came near Peter and Sera. John saw their sad faces and he felt bad for them.

He asked,

-"What happened uncle? How was the house destroyed? I saw the town was also destroyed by some kind of wolf monster. Did it attack your house too? What happened to mark? Is he also injured by the monster?"

John asked a lot of questions in one breath. Peter looked at him but he didn't say anything.

His old face reflected the pain in his heart.

His eyes were wet. A drop of tear shaded out of his eyes.

They seemed like they were afraid. Both of them were shivering like in winter.

John continued asking,

-"Say something uncle, aunty. When you called me. I thought I heard you say, Mark tried to kill you. Now I understand that you said something that tried to kill Mark, right? Why are you guys waiting here? Don't you think we must take him to the vet?"

Sera looked at John. She tried to say something but couldn't express it due to her hesitation. Peter put his hands over her shoulder to comfort her. After that he looked at John and said,

-"You didn't hear her wrong, John. Mark tried to kill us, that is what happened. The wolf monster you just said right now was no one else. It was Mark."

John became shocked. How can a little dog like Mark be the wolf monster the size of a bus as the guy in the town explained. He became totally confused. He didn't know how to help them.

Why is this all happening to this poor family? They were just recovering from the last problem they had. After their daughters fight each other Sera becomes possessed by a ghost and John barely manages to exercise it. Now it's their dog who helped them in a lot of ways. They are very good people, they see Mark as a son. Why them? John asked himself.

Natasha saw the black and white fur cat was sitting under the tree in the backyard. She was amazed to see it a long way away from Donna's house. Natasha showed the cat to John but he was too emotionally attached to the situation of Peter and Sera so he didn't mind a simple cat sitting under a tree.

While they were talking. The guy in the black dress was keeping an eye on them. But he wasn't the only one that was following them…